12 Interesting Pufferfish Facts - Fact Animal (2024)

Pufferfish Profile

Despite their slow movement and decidedly awkward appearance, pufferfish are defensive fortresses that present a unique and daunting challenge to pretty much any predator foolish enough to attempt to eat them.

These rotund little fish can inflate to twice their size in seconds, are covered with fearsome spines, and to top it all off they contain some of the most lethal toxins found in the animal kingdom.

12 Interesting Pufferfish Facts - Fact Animal (1)

Pufferfish Facts Overview

Habitat:Species occur in marine, brackish and freshwater habitats
Location:Worldwide, but mostly confined to tropical and warmer temperate waters
Lifespan:The fahaka puffer, the type species of this family, lives at least 10 years
Size:The largest pufferfish species can reach 67 centimetres long. The smallest only grows to around 3.5 centimetres
Weight:Weights range from the huge Mbu puffer (Tetraodon mbu), which can exceed 5kg, to the dwarf puffer (Carinotetraodon travancoricus), which only weighs a few grams
Color:Highly variable between species. Some, particularly the freshwater species, are drab and camouflaged, while others exhibit flamboyant warning coloration
Diet:Invertebrates (particularly molluscs) and plant matter
Predators:Sharks, lizardfish and other large predatory fish
Top Speed:5 kph (3 mph)
No. of Species:
Conservation Status:
The majority of species are listed as Least Concern by the IUCN, but the Chinese puffer (Takifugu chinensis) is Critically Endangered. At least seven other pufferfish species are Endangered, and many species are reported to be declining.

Pufferfish is the common name given to 193 species that make up the family Tetraodontidae, a large group which shares the order Tetraodontiformes with an array of equally wacky-looking species including triggerfish (Balistidae), boxfish (Ostraciidae) and the ocean sunfish (Molidae).

Pufferfish occur throughout the tropical regions of the world, and species can be found in marine, estuarine and freshwater habitats. They are completely absent from colder waters.

Pufferfish are small to medium in size, although a few species can reach up to 50 cm (20 inches) in length.

While they are well adapted to feed on hard-shelled molluscs, pufferfish are voracious ambush predators of a wide range of smaller invertebrates, though bizarrely many species can subsist purely on plant matter if no prey is available.

Interesting Pufferfish Facts

1. Pufferfish have no teeth, but they still have a fearsome bite

Instead of teeth, pufferfish have two fused plates in each jaw that meet to form a powerful beak.

This unique adaptation allows them to crush the hard shells of snails, clams and other molluscs which form a major portion of their diet.

12 Interesting Pufferfish Facts - Fact Animal (2)

2. They have excellent eyesight

Pufferfish are ambush predators which detect their prey using pin-sharp vision.

Their eyes can move independently like those of a chameleon, allowing them to scan for predators and prey at the same time.

3. Manoeuvrability is their speciality

Pufferfish swim by undulating their dorsal, anal and pectoral fins, allowing them to move in any direction through the water with precision- they can even swim backwards!

Their tails mainly function as rudders, but they can be used for a burst of speed when launching an attack or evading a predator.

12 Interesting Pufferfish Facts - Fact Animal (3)

4. When danger threatens, pufferfish turn into spiky balloons within seconds

Pufferfish pull off their iconic defence by gulping water into their highly elastic stomachs.

Most species also have spines that are hidden when they are relaxed but stand on end when they inflate, making them extremely difficult for predators to swallow or even causing them to choke.

12 Interesting Pufferfish Facts - Fact Animal (4)

5. Puffing up can be a risky strategy

Once inflated, pufferfish completely lose their ability to swim, drifting helplessly until they expel the water from their stomachs.

Inflated pufferfish are often lifted above the surface by curious humans, but their remarkable defence mechanism has not evolved to cope with this and they can die if they swallow air instead of water.

12 Interesting Pufferfish Facts - Fact Animal (5)

6. Pufferfish are armed with some seriously powerful toxins

Most species of pufferfish are poisonous and contain tetrodotoxin, also known as TTX- a potent neurotoxin that blocks sodium channels within the nervous system.

While pufferfish are well known for their use of TTX, it is widespread in nature and has also been found in certain species of cephalopods, starfish, crabs, toads and newts, among others. 1

7. Certain pufferfish species rank among the most toxic vertebrates in the world

Some pufferfish species contain absurdly large amounts of TTX. The most famous and most toxic of these are species belonging to the genus Fugu, which somewhat paradoxically are also considered a delicacy in Japan.

Interestingly, because pufferfish acquire their toxins from their diet, it is possible to raise non-toxic fugu in captivity by preventing them from eating certain foods. 2

8. Tetrodotoxin found in pufferfish fugu is measured at being 1,200 times more deadly than cyanide

That’s enough toxin to kill 40 adult humans, and there is no known antidote. Poisoning can occur if puffer soup, fugu chiri or sashimi fugu are prepared and served incorrectly.

Chefs that prepare and serve fugu sushi need to be licensed and are trained for over 3 years in how to prepare pufferfish safely for consumption. There are specific parts of a pufferfish that must be removed to ensure they are not deadly, such as the liver, ovaries, eyes and skin.

Despite the above, there were between 20 and 44 fugu poisoning incidents between 1996 and 2006 in Japan, with approx. 6 deaths each year. Little is known about more recent statistics, but they are thought to be even less.

Of these deaths, only one took place in a restaurant, all others involved non-professionals catching and eating the fish.

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9. Even baby pufferfish are armed with toxins

Newly hatched larval pufferfish contain small amounts of TTX in their skin, which causes potential predators to quickly spit them out.

Baby pufferfish acquire these toxins from their mothers before they are laid as eggs; this remarkable adaptation allows them to hatch out already well defended, instead of having to wait to acquire TTX from their diets. 3

10. Some species of pufferfish have evolved an unusual use for TTX

Pufferfish belonging to the genus Takifugu use TTX as a signalling pheromone.

Females release it into the water during spawning, where it serves as an attractant to nearby males.

11. Dolphins are thought to use pufferfish to get high

The toxins produced by pufferfish are thought to have a narcotic effect on dolphins in small doses. Dolphins have been observed passing the hapless fish between them and appear to enter a trance-like state- this behaviour is a very rare example of recreational drug use among animals. 4

12. Pufferfish are popular in the aquarium trade, but very few are captive reared

Raising pufferfish in captivity is extremely difficult.

Of the few species which have been successfully bred by humans, only the dwarf puffer (Carinotetraodon travancoricus) has proven easy enough to supply the pet trade.

The overwhelming majority of pufferfish in aquaria are wild-caught, and this kind of exploitation can have serious impacts on wild populations.

Pufferfish Fact-File Summary

Scientific Classification


Fact Sources & References

  1. Chau, R., Kalaitzis, J.A. and Neilan, B.A. (2011). On the origins and biosynthesis of tetrodotoxin. Aquatic Toxicology, [online] 104(1-2), pp.61–72. doi:10.1016/j.aquatox.2011.04.001.
  2. Noguchi, T., Arakawa, O. and Takatani, T. (2006). Toxicity of pufferfish Takifugu rubripes cultured in netcages at sea or aquaria on land. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part D: Genomics and Proteomics, [online] 1(1), pp.153–157. doi:10.1016/j.cbd.2005.11.003.
  3. Itoi, S., Yoshikawa, S., Asahina, K., Suzuki, M., Ishizuka, K., Takimoto, N., Mitsuoka, R., Yokoyama, N., Detake, A., Takayanagi, C., Eguchi, M., Tatsuno, R., Kawane, M., Kokubo, S., Takanashi, S., Miura, A., Suitoh, K., Takatani, T., Arakawa, O. and Sakakura, Y. (2014). Larval pufferfish protected by maternal tetrodotoxin. Toxicon, [online] 78, pp.35–40. doi:10.1016/j.toxicon.2013.11.003.
  4. Nuwer, R. (2013). “Dolphins Seem to Use Toxic Pufferfish to Get High”. Smithsonian Magazine.
12 Interesting Pufferfish Facts - Fact Animal (2024)


12 Interesting Pufferfish Facts - Fact Animal? ›

The lifespan of a pufferfish can range from three to 20 years, with an average of 10 years. Their lifespan can depend on many things, including the species and their environment. Pufferfish are very sensitive to their environments and can become easily stressed.

How old is a pufferfish? ›

The lifespan of a pufferfish can range from three to 20 years, with an average of 10 years. Their lifespan can depend on many things, including the species and their environment. Pufferfish are very sensitive to their environments and can become easily stressed.

Is the puffer fish the most poisonous animal? ›

They may be extremely cute looking but pufferfish are the second most poisonous vertebrate in the world, after the golden poison frog. Certain internal organs, such as liver and eyes, and sometimes the skin, contain tetrodotoxin, a substance that makes them foul tasting and often lethal to fish.

How many teeth do pufferfish have? ›

They are scaleless fish and usually have rough to spiky skin. All have four teeth that are fused together into a beak-like form.

How fast can a puffer fish swim? ›

Puffer fish swim exclusively with their pectoral fins accompanied by dorsal and anal fin oscillation up to speeds of 3.0 BL s1, at which point they begin to beat their tails as well.

How deep do puffer fish live? ›

The majority of pufferfish species live at an average depth of 30 meters below the surface of the ocean. This places them in the epipelagic zone of the ocean, which extends from the surface of the ocean to 200 meters below the surface.

Do pufferfish have eyes? ›

Pufferfish are the only bony fish that can close their eyes, and now we know how they do it. They sink their eyeballs deep into their sockets and then pucker the skin surrounding the eye together, like a camera's aperture closing.

Do pufferfish lay eggs or give birth? ›

The puffer fish has a unique reproduction method. The females lay eggs at the shore after the males have pushed them to a certain place. These are spherical in shape and usually float on the surface because of their weight. The babies usually hatch within a week.

Why is pufferfish illegal? ›

Not totally banned, but you do need a license to sell or serve puffer fish in the U.S. Called "fugu" and served as a delicacy in Japan, puffer fish (AKA blowfish) can be deadly if not prepared properly. According to the FDA: "[S]ome puffer fish contain the toxins tetrodotoxin and/or saxitoxin.

Can you touch a dead puffer fish? ›

The pufferfish's skin is covered in spines and spikes, which are exceedingly hazardous. Carry a toxin called tetrodotoxin (TTX), which is deadly to other fish and humans. You should avoid touching a pufferfish, especially if it is "puffed out." Your hands could be damaged and you could die.

What happens if a human eats a puffer fish? ›

A person experiencing pufferfish poisoning will totter or stagger when attempting to walk. Before long, sensory paralysis, slurred speech, and difficulty breathing will occur. Blood pressure will also drop. Thereafter, total body motor paralysis will occur and the sufferer will become unable to even move a finger.

What eats pufferfish? ›

Sharks Sharks, specifically tiger sharks, are one of the species that eat pufferfish. They are found in tropical and subtropical waters throughout the world. Tiger sharks--named for the stripes on their backs--are known for their undiscerning palate, meaning they eat anything they come across, even garbage.

What are some cool facts about pufferfish? ›

Pufferfish can inflate into a ball shape to evade predators. Also known as blowfish, these clumsy swimmers fill their elastic stomachs with huge amounts of water (and sometimes air) and blow themselves up to several times their normal size. Some pufferfish species also have spines on their skin to ward off predators.

Which fish has 14000 teeth? ›

This creature has over 14,000 teeth! Snails have a band of thousands of microscopic teeth on their tongue. They do not use these teeth to chew though. Instead, the teeth slice off the food then shred it as it passes through the tongue.

Are pufferfish smart? ›

Inquisitive Intelligence:

Pufferfish exhibit remarkable behaviors that hint at their intelligence. Studies have shown that some species of pufferfish can use tools to create nests by selectively moving shells and debris.

How many times can a puffer fish puff before it dies? ›

They can inflate many times throughout their lives as needed. So, it is not true that they can inflate just twice in a lifetime. If the fish is inflated on the surface, it is likely to ingest air. The air can be difficult to expel and can cause the death of the fish, since the fish floats and can not leave the surface.

Is it safe to touch a puffer fish? ›

The pufferfish's skin is covered in spines and spikes, which are exceedingly hazardous. Carry a toxin called tetrodotoxin (TTX), which is deadly to other fish and humans. You should avoid touching a pufferfish, especially if it is "puffed out." Your hands could be damaged and you could die.

Do pufferfish have sharp teeth? ›

3. Puffer Fish Have Teeth. Puffer fish have two upper teeth and two lower teeth, both sets fused together to form a pointed beak-like structure. But they're no ordinary teeth—puffer fish teeth form an overbite and continuously grow without routine care.


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