History for WhatCouldHaveBeen/LiveActionTV - TV Tropes (2024)

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* Jeffrey Sinclair was originally supposed to be the CO of Babylon 5 for the series' entire run, and didn't end up transforming into the legendary Minbari figure Valen -- midway through production of the first season Straczynski came up with the idea of concluding the series with Sinclair's transformation and realized that he had been unintentionally foreshadowing it in dialogue. Later, Sinclair was dropped as a main character and replaced by John Sheridan from the second season onwards -- Straczynski admitted that he had "written himself into a corner", and could find no more room to develop Sinclair -- so Sinclair's transformation was written into the series in a third-season two-parter.


* Jeffrey Sinclair was originally supposed to be the CO of Babylon 5 for the series' entire run, and didn't end up transforming into the legendary Minbari figure Valen -- midway through production of the first season Straczynski came up with the idea of concluding the series with Sinclair's transformation and realized that he had been unintentionally foreshadowing it in dialogue. Later, Sinclair was dropped as a main character and replaced by John Sheridan from the second season onwards -- Straczynski admitted that he had "written himself into a corner", and could find no more room to develop Sinclair -- so Sinclair's transformation was written into the series in a third-season two-parter.

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* That "original five-year document" dates back to 1993, having been written ''between'' the PilotMovie and the first season. The actual original scribblings of JMS from when he first came up with the concept of Series/BabylonFive back in 1986 have been released on the internet [[http://www.cafepress.com/b5books/6587738 here]], and are actually closer to the finished TV show in a lot of ways than the "original outline" is. For one thing, the original intention was that there be just one TV show lasting five years -- no more, no less. Comparing the two documents, one gets the impression that the 1993 "original outline" was significantly watered-down to appease the network, pushing all the most expensive stuff into a hypothetical sequel series in order to sell them on the first one. And as it turned out, Series/BabylonFive's success allowed JMS to do the entire Shadow War & Earth Civil War stories in the one series.


* That "original five-year document" dates back to 1993, having been written ''between'' the PilotMovie and the first season. The actual original scribblings of JMS from when he first came up with the concept of Series/BabylonFive back in 1986 have been released on the internet [[http://www.cafepress.com/b5books/6587738 here]], and are actually closer to the finished TV show in a lot of ways than the "original outline" is. For one thing, the original intention was that there be just one TV show lasting five years -- no more, no less. Comparing the two documents, one gets the impression that the 1993 "original outline" was significantly watered-down to appease the network, pushing all the most expensive stuff into a hypothetical sequel series in order to sell them on the first one. And as it turned out, Series/BabylonFive's success allowed JMS to do the entire Shadow War & Earth Civil War stories in the one series.

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* "To The Ends Of The Earth", by JMS, [[spoiler:would have kicked off the series' '''real''' story arc by having Captain Gideon getting a lead from the Apocalypse Box on the mysterious vessel that destroyed his former ship, the ''Cerberus''. After taking the ''Excalibur'' on a [[MobyDick Captain Ahab mission]] and alienating the rest of the crew, he destroys it, and the audience learns the ship had some connection to [=EarthForce=].]]


* "To The Ends Of The Earth", by JMS, [[spoiler:would have kicked off the series' '''real''' story arc by having Captain Gideon getting a lead from the Apocalypse Box on the mysterious vessel that destroyed his former ship, the ''Cerberus''. After taking the ''Excalibur'' on a [[MobyDick Captain Ahab mission]] and alienating the rest of the crew, he destroys it, and the audience learns the ship had some connection to [=EarthForce=].]]

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* Jon Cryer of ''TwoAndAHalfMen'' fame not only auditioned for the role of Gaius Baltar, he actively campaigned to get it.


* Jon Cryer of ''TwoAndAHalfMen'' fame not only auditioned for the role of Gaius Baltar, he actively campaigned to get it.

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* Despite some popular belief, Tara was not necessarily introduced just as a LoveInterest / ClosetKey for Willow (though the timing is impeccable) - she was created because Willow was getting too powerful as a witch and outgrowing her initial "cuteness", so the writers realised that using her to make the villains sinister (and get captured/kidnapped) was no longer plausible. Thus, Tara was created to replace her in this role as TheWoobie, as well as to explore Willow's "addiction storyline" that led to Dark Willow in Season 6 - Tara became Willow's LoveInterest because Alyson Hannigan and Amber Benson had wonderful on-screen chemistry and the writers seized the opportunity presented to them. This leads into another WCHB - if Oz hadn't been written out of the show, would Willow and Tara have been written as lovers (before or after Oz's death led to the Dark Willow arc), or would they have been straight and Xander turned out gay/bi? Some combination of the aforementioned? Who can say for certain?


* Despite some popular belief, Tara was not necessarily introduced just as a LoveInterest / ClosetKey for Willow (though the timing is impeccable) - she was created because Willow was getting too powerful as a witch and outgrowing her initial "cuteness", so the writers realised that using her to make the villains sinister (and get captured/kidnapped) was no longer plausible. Thus, Tara was created to replace her in this role as TheWoobie, as well as to explore Willow's "addiction storyline" that led to Dark Willow in Season 6 - Tara became Willow's LoveInterest because Alyson Hannigan and Amber Benson had wonderful on-screen chemistry and the writers seized the opportunity presented to them. This leads into another WCHB - if Oz hadn't been written out of the show, would Willow and Tara have been written as lovers (before or after Oz's death led to the Dark Willow arc), or would they have been straight and Xander turned out gay/bi? Some combination of the aforementioned? Who can say for certain?

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* There have also been repeated but never-elaborated fan rumors and hints in interviews about a possible "Faith and ghostly Spike WalkingTheEarth" spin-off that was abandoned when Eliza Dushku signed up for ''TruCalling'', after which Spike was added to the ''Series/{{Angel}}'' regular cast. Ironically, a "Faith and ''Angel'' WalkingTheEarth" comic spin-off eventually came out.


* There have also been repeated but never-elaborated fan rumors and hints in interviews about a possible "Faith and ghostly Spike WalkingTheEarth" spin-off that was abandoned when Eliza Dushku signed up for ''TruCalling'', after which Spike was added to the ''Series/{{Angel}}'' regular cast. Ironically, a "Faith and ''Angel'' WalkingTheEarth" comic spin-off eventually came out.

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* Both Gil Grissom and Mac Taylor from ''{{CSI NY}}'' had different names originally, but both actors changed them-William Petersen dubbed his character 'Grissom' after astronaut Gus Grissom because he was a fan of the US space program. Gary Sinise used his son's nickname, Mac (short for [=McCanna=]) and 'Taylor' after his ''Film/ForrestGump'' character. (leading to, unsurprisingly, a few EpilepticTrees as a result).


* Both Gil Grissom and Mac Taylor from ''{{CSI NY}}'' had different names originally, but both actors changed them-William Petersen dubbed his character 'Grissom' after astronaut Gus Grissom because he was a fan of the US space program. Gary Sinise used his son's nickname, Mac (short for [=McCanna=]) and 'Taylor' after his ''Film/ForrestGump'' character. (leading to, unsurprisingly, a few EpilepticTrees as a result).

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* David Mitchell, along with his comedic co-star Robert Webb, did end up lending their voices to the hijacker/scavenger's robotic henchmen in ''"Dinosaurs On A Spaceship"'', so it wasn't a total loss.


* David Mitchell, along with his comedic co-star Robert Webb, did end up lending their voices to the hijacker/scavenger's robotic henchmen in ''"Dinosaurs On A Spaceship"'', so it wasn't a total loss.

Changed line(s) 119,121 (click to see context) from:

** Jenny from ''[[Recap/DoctorWhoS2E2TheDalekInvasionOfEarth The Dalek Invasion of Earth]]'' was considered as a replacement for Susan, which would have changed the tone of the series considerably. They decided to replace Susan with a SuspiciouslySimilarSubstitute.
** Samantha Briggs from ''[[Recap/DoctorWhoS4E8TheFacelessOnes The Faceless Ones]]'' was intended to be a full companion, but her actress turned down the offer to become a regular.
** Ray: A WrenchWench who appeared in ''[[Recap/DoctorWhoS24E3DeltaAndTheBannermen Delta and the Bannermen]]''; the production team instead chose Ace, who joined in the next serial.


** Jenny from ''[[Recap/DoctorWhoS2E2TheDalekInvasionOfEarth The Dalek Invasion of Earth]]'' was considered as a replacement for Susan, which would have changed the tone of the series considerably. They decided to replace Susan with a SuspiciouslySimilarSubstitute.
** Samantha Briggs from ''[[Recap/DoctorWhoS4E8TheFacelessOnes The Faceless Ones]]'' was intended to be a full companion, but her actress turned down the offer to become a regular.
** Ray: A WrenchWench who appeared in ''[[Recap/DoctorWhoS24E3DeltaAndTheBannermen Delta and the Bannermen]]''; the production team instead chose Ace, who joined in the next serial.

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* Creator/JKRowling was offered to write an episode back when Davies was planning Series 1. Of course, she was writing [[Literature/HarryPotterAndTheHalfBloodPrince some book]] at the time and couldn't accept the offer, but just think. The writer of one of the most successful books in recent time giving a spin on one of Britain's most well-known series. Davies wanted Rowling to ''star'' in an episode, too, where she fell into the Franchise/HarryPotter universe thanks to a minion of [[Series/TheSarahJaneAdventures the Trickster]]. The idea was, they'd had Charles Dickens and Shakespeare on, why not bring on another famous British author? In the end David Tennant, fearing a JumpTheShark moment, convinced Davies to drop the idea.


* Creator/JKRowling was offered to write an episode back when Davies was planning Series 1. Of course, she was writing [[Literature/HarryPotterAndTheHalfBloodPrince some book]] at the time and couldn't accept the offer, but just think. The writer of one of the most successful books in recent time giving a spin on one of Britain's most well-known series. Davies wanted Rowling to ''star'' in an episode, too, where she fell into the Franchise/HarryPotter universe thanks to a minion of [[Series/TheSarahJaneAdventures the Trickster]]. The idea was, they'd had Charles Dickens and Shakespeare on, why not bring on another famous British author? In the end David Tennant, fearing a JumpTheShark moment, convinced Davies to drop the idea.

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* The Tenth Doctor's epic send-off in ''The End of Time'' was just one option considered. The other possibility was a much smaller-scale, one-part story about the Doctor befriending a family of aliens on Christmas Eve, and eventually giving his life to save them from a radiation leak.


* The Tenth Doctor's epic send-off in ''The End of Time'' was just one option considered. The other possibility was a much smaller-scale, one-part story about the Doctor befriending a family of aliens on Christmas Eve, and eventually giving his life to save them from a radiation leak.

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** Many, many actors were auditioned for the role of the 8th Doctor in the TV movie. The book "Regeneration" by Phillip Segal and Gary Russell detailing the tortured production of the TV Movie lists at least 30 names in total, including Mark McGann, brother of Paul. The production team's initial frontrunners were Michael Crawford, Liam Cunningham and Robert Lindsay.


** Many, many actors were auditioned for the role of the 8th Doctor in the TV movie. The book "Regeneration" by Phillip Segal and Gary Russell detailing the tortured production of the TV Movie lists at least 30 names in total, including Mark McGann, brother of Paul. The production team's initial frontrunners were Michael Crawford, Liam Cunningham and Robert Lindsay.

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* Charlotte was originally meant to be an American and the role was offered to Kristen Bell, but she rejected it for a role on ''Series/{{Heroes}}''. So it was changed when British actress Rebecca Madder was cast. This has lead to a (implausable) theory held by some that she was meant to be revealed as Annie (given her link to DHARMA), but since Annie was American this was quietly dropped later on. Other ''Lost'' castings that never were include Lance Reddick as Eko (had to drop out due to his role on ''Series/TheWire'') and Creator/JenniferJasonLeigh as Libby (which never got past them asking her).


* Charlotte was originally meant to be an American and the role was offered to Kristen Bell, but she rejected it for a role on ''Series/{{Heroes}}''. So it was changed when British actress Rebecca Madder was cast. This has lead to a (implausable) theory held by some that she was meant to be revealed as Annie (given her link to DHARMA), but since Annie was American this was quietly dropped later on. Other ''Lost'' castings that never were include Lance Reddick as Eko (had to drop out due to his role on ''Series/TheWire'') and Creator/JenniferJasonLeigh as Libby (which never got past them asking her).

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* JohnCleese 's departure after the third season is also interesting to ponder about. Compared to the rest of the group he grew bored with the format very early on. What if he left earlier than the fourth season? Or what if he had stayed, despite his grudges?


* JohnCleese 's departure after the third season is also interesting to ponder about. Compared to the rest of the group he grew bored with the format very early on. What if he left earlier than the fourth season? Or what if he had stayed, despite his grudges?

Changed line(s) 257,260 (click to see context) from:

* Creator/TerryGilliam once told Creator/TreyParkerAndMattStone that the Pythons once played with the idea of making an serious episode without any comedy at all, just to see the audience's reactions. The idea never came about, though Parker and Stone used it as an inspiration for the ''WesternAnimation/SouthPark'' episode "Stanley's Cup".
* Another idea that never came about was having all the members of TheBeatles appear in an episode of Monty Python's Flying Circus. This could have been promoted as their first reunion since their split. Yet, despite the fact that all the Beatles were Python fans only Ringo Starr made a special guest appearance.


* Creator/TerryGilliam once told Creator/TreyParkerAndMattStone that the Pythons once played with the idea of making an serious episode without any comedy at all, just to see the audience's reactions. The idea never came about, though Parker and Stone used it as an inspiration for the ''WesternAnimation/SouthPark'' episode "Stanley's Cup".
* Another idea that never came about was having all the members of TheBeatles appear in an episode of Monty Python's Flying Circus. This could have been promoted as their first reunion since their split. Yet, despite the fact that all the Beatles were Python fans only Ringo Starr made a special guest appearance.

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* Saban (as well as {{Marvel}} beforehand) was trying to sell the ''Franchise/SuperSentai'' series for ''years'' before it finally got picked up - when it was, ''Series/KyoryuSentaiZyuranger'' was used because it was the most recent series. If it had been picked up earlier, another show would have ended up as the first ''Franchise/PowerRangers'' series.


* Saban (as well as {{Marvel}} beforehand) was trying to sell the ''Franchise/SuperSentai'' series for ''years'' before it finally got picked up - when it was, ''Series/KyoryuSentaiZyuranger'' was used because it was the most recent series. If it had been picked up earlier, another show would have ended up as the first ''Franchise/PowerRangers'' series.

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** Daniel Southworth, who eventually played [[SixthRanger Eric]] in ''Series/PowerRangersTimeForce'', originally auditioned for the role that became Adam. This becomes HilariousInHindsight when you consider the relationship between Southworth and JohnnyYongBosch's characters in ''VideoGame/DevilMayCry''.


** Daniel Southworth, who eventually played [[SixthRanger Eric]] in ''Series/PowerRangersTimeForce'', originally auditioned for the role that became Adam. This becomes HilariousInHindsight when you consider the relationship between Southworth and JohnnyYongBosch's characters in ''VideoGame/DevilMayCry''.

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* ''Series/PowerRangersTurbo'': The original planned mid-season finale was called [[http://sirstack.livejournal.com/33969.html "Rangers in Concert"]], which would've involved the current Turbo Rangers fighting a co*ckroach monster named Rockin' Roach, as well as focus much on Carlos (whose surname was orignally "Chavez") and Ashley (who was originally named "Missy"), along with Lt. Stone's niece Jenny Hunter (from "Cars Attacks", and she was originally called "Ashley"), and introduce Tanya's intern at KAGV, Michael (who was basically a prototype of T.J. minus the baseball skills). At the end of the episode, the Blue Senturion would be fixed, and show Tommy, Kat, Adam, and Tanya the full Millennium Message, revealing Michael, Ashley, Carlos, and Missy as the next Power Rangers and the ones who save the world from the united villains. . But Doug Sloan and Ann Austen were both fired by Jonathan Tzachor before the script could be filmed. However, despite the ditching of this script, the second part of "Passing the Torch" does work on the possibility that the retiring Rangers ''did'' see the full Millenium Message.


* ''Series/PowerRangersTurbo'': The original planned mid-season finale was called [[http://sirstack.livejournal.com/33969.html "Rangers in Concert"]], which would've involved the current Turbo Rangers fighting a co*ckroach monster named Rockin' Roach, as well as focus much on Carlos (whose surname was orignally "Chavez") and Ashley (who was originally named "Missy"), along with Lt. Stone's niece Jenny Hunter (from "Cars Attacks", and she was originally called "Ashley"), and introduce Tanya's intern at KAGV, Michael (who was basically a prototype of T.J. minus the baseball skills). At the end of the episode, the Blue Senturion would be fixed, and show Tommy, Kat, Adam, and Tanya the full Millennium Message, revealing Michael, Ashley, Carlos, and Missy as the next Power Rangers and the ones who save the world from the united villains. . But Doug Sloan and Ann Austen were both fired by Jonathan Tzachor before the script could be filmed. However, despite the ditching of this script, the second part of "Passing the Torch" does work on the possibility that the retiring Rangers ''did'' see the full Millenium Message.

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* ''Series/PowerRangersInSpace'': JohnnyYongBosch wanted to kill off Adam [[DoingItForTheArt just for the fun of it]] when he cameoed in both "Always a Chance" (in ''Series/PowerRangersInSpace'') and "Once A Ranger" (in ''Series/PowerRangersOperationOverdrive''). He was shot down both times.


* ''Series/PowerRangersInSpace'': JohnnyYongBosch wanted to kill off Adam [[DoingItForTheArt just for the fun of it]] when he cameoed in both "Always a Chance" (in ''Series/PowerRangersInSpace'') and "Once A Ranger" (in ''Series/PowerRangersOperationOverdrive''). He was shot down both times.

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** SummerGlau auditioned for the role of Alyssa.


** SummerGlau auditioned for the role of Alyssa.

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** Producer Greg Aronowitz planned for the season to have the first full-fledged female Red Ranger in the franchise's (including Sentai's) history, but since this is a series designed to [[MerchandiseDriven sell toys]] to little boys, he was quickly shot down by higher ups from both sides of the Pacific. The idea eventually [[IncrediblyLamePun morphed]] into the A-Squad subplot.


** Producer Greg Aronowitz planned for the season to have the first full-fledged female Red Ranger in the franchise's (including Sentai's) history, but since this is a series designed to [[MerchandiseDriven sell toys]] to little boys, he was quickly shot down by higher ups from both sides of the Pacific. The idea eventually [[IncrediblyLamePun morphed]] into the A-Squad subplot.

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* When Saban bought back the franchise from Disney, they had said that they were going to take it to Creator/TheHub as part of a bluff, instead turning around and going to Creator/{{Nickelodeon}}. What if the bluff was true, though, and Saban ''did'' go to The Hub? Discounting the fact that Bandai would have had a fit over this or if Hub network head Margaret Loesch still had any bad blood with Saban over her ousting during Saban Entertainment's takeover of Fox Family, would the presence of three revived childhood series (alongside ''WesternAnimation/TransformersPrime'' and ''WesternAnimation/MyLittlePonyFriendshipIsMagic'') made a difference, especially with how popular ''[=MLP:FiM=]'' ended up being?


* When Saban bought back the franchise from Disney, they had said that they were going to take it to Creator/TheHub as part of a bluff, instead turning around and going to Creator/{{Nickelodeon}}. What if the bluff was true, though, and Saban ''did'' go to The Hub? Discounting the fact that Bandai would have had a fit over this or if Hub network head Margaret Loesch still had any bad blood with Saban over her ousting during Saban Entertainment's takeover of Fox Family, would the presence of three revived childhood series (alongside ''WesternAnimation/TransformersPrime'' and ''WesternAnimation/MyLittlePonyFriendshipIsMagic'') made a difference, especially with how popular ''[=MLP:FiM=]'' ended up being?

Changed line(s) 346,347 (click to see context) from:

* A lot of now-famous and semi-famous actors and comedians all auditioned to be on ''Saturday Night Live'' and never made it. Those actors/comedians include: Creator/JimCarrey, Creator/JohnGoodman, Creator/JenniferAniston, Creator/LisaKudrow, Creator/SteveCarrell, Creator/KevinHart, Creator/PaulReubens, Creator/GeenaDavis, Creator/DomIrrera, Creator/KumailNanjiani, Creator/DonaldGlover and Creator/JeffRoss. See ''Saturday Night Live'''s trivia list to see more information.


* A lot of now-famous and semi-famous actors and comedians all auditioned to be on ''Saturday Night Live'' and never made it. Those actors/comedians include: Creator/JimCarrey, Creator/JohnGoodman, Creator/JenniferAniston, Creator/LisaKudrow, Creator/SteveCarrell, Creator/KevinHart, Creator/PaulReubens, Creator/GeenaDavis, Creator/DomIrrera, Creator/KumailNanjiani, Creator/DonaldGlover and Creator/JeffRoss. See ''Saturday Night Live'''s trivia list to see more information.

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** Instead of [=McCoy=], history is changed by a random drug-dealing crew member. (GeneRoddenberry would later erroneously claim the script featured Scotty dealing drugs.) Unlike [=McCoy=], this character is a proper villain who murders a RedShirt who tries to report him. At the end of the episode, the drug-dealing crew member escapes into time again, only to be caught in a star the moment it goes supernova. Time replays itself continuously afterwards, forcing him to [[AndIMustScream relive the supernova again and again]] as his eternal punishment.
** Yeoman Rand is the only named character to beam down to the planet with Kirk and Spock. In the final episode, Scotty and Uhura share this role. (Rand had been {{Brother Chuck}}ed by the time the episode was filmed.)


** Instead of [=McCoy=], history is changed by a random drug-dealing crew member. (GeneRoddenberry would later erroneously claim the script featured Scotty dealing drugs.) Unlike [=McCoy=], this character is a proper villain who murders a RedShirt who tries to report him. At the end of the episode, the drug-dealing crew member escapes into time again, only to be caught in a star the moment it goes supernova. Time replays itself continuously afterwards, forcing him to [[AndIMustScream relive the supernova again and again]] as his eternal punishment.
** Yeoman Rand is the only named character to beam down to the planet with Kirk and Spock. In the final episode, Scotty and Uhura share this role. (Rand had been {{Brother Chuck}}ed by the time the episode was filmed.)

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** After Enterprise got into space, the writers envisioned space being viewed as very dangerous and hazardous, as this was humanity's first long term deep space mission, and starting what Kirk, Picard, etc. take for granted in later centuries. The common Trek tech like phasers and transporters, etc. would be gradually introduced throughout the series, making each season a bit safer. The executives felt this also was too risky and less traditional, so the first two seasons largely portrayed the NX-01 mission as safe as the Enterprise-D's mission in The Next Generation, which takes place 200 years later, loaded with more or less the same technology we've seen in the rest of the franchise. This is also ironic given many fans were angry that this prequel series did not portray space as more dangerous and often didn't feel like a prequel due to this and other reasons, but the idea of space being dangerous for the crew was what the writers intented all along, it was executive meddling that stopped it. They did eventually get to explore the idea of making space more dangerous in seasons 3 and 4, due to less executive meddling.


** After Enterprise got into space, the writers envisioned space being viewed as very dangerous and hazardous, as this was humanity's first long term deep space mission, and starting what Kirk, Picard, etc. take for granted in later centuries. The common Trek tech like phasers and transporters, etc. would be gradually introduced throughout the series, making each season a bit safer. The executives felt this also was too risky and less traditional, so the first two seasons largely portrayed the NX-01 mission as safe as the Enterprise-D's mission in The Next Generation, which takes place 200 years later, loaded with more or less the same technology we've seen in the rest of the franchise. This is also ironic given many fans were angry that this prequel series did not portray space as more dangerous and often didn't feel like a prequel due to this and other reasons, but the idea of space being dangerous for the crew was what the writers intented all along, it was executive meddling that stopped it. They did eventually get to explore the idea of making space more dangerous in seasons 3 and 4, due to less executive meddling.

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** The Temporal Cold War subplot was a fully executive decision due to Paramount's desire to make Enterprise both a prequel and a sequel, out of fear that the series being a true prequel would not be popular with fans. Ironically viewers hated the concept and it is a major contributor to the negative reception the show garners among fans to this day. The original writers and producers for the show claim to regret even having to write it, claiming it was "strangulating" to what they really want to do with the show (they never planned to have any time travel stories in fact). Season four lost most of the executive meddling and gained new producers and writers interested in exploring the prequel concept, so that's why the TCW is totally ditched in the beginning of the season without much of a conclusion and the series finally got to be the prequel it was originally supposed to be all along. Brannon Braga later admitted that the approach season four took was what he and the other writers originally had in mind for Enteprise, story arcs that explain the history of the Star Trek universe, the beginnings of Earth's conflict with Romulus and the formation of the Federation. As such, many fans tend to agree that season four is either the best of the series or the only season even worth watching.


** The Temporal Cold War subplot was a fully executive decision due to Paramount's desire to make Enterprise both a prequel and a sequel, out of fear that the series being a true prequel would not be popular with fans. Ironically viewers hated the concept and it is a major contributor to the negative reception the show garners among fans to this day. The original writers and producers for the show claim to regret even having to write it, claiming it was "strangulating" to what they really want to do with the show (they never planned to have any time travel stories in fact). Season four lost most of the executive meddling and gained new producers and writers interested in exploring the prequel concept, so that's why the TCW is totally ditched in the beginning of the season without much of a conclusion and the series finally got to be the prequel it was originally supposed to be all along. Brannon Braga later admitted that the approach season four took was what he and the other writers originally had in mind for Enteprise, story arcs that explain the history of the Star Trek universe, the beginnings of Earth's conflict with Romulus and the formation of the Federation. As such, many fans tend to agree that season four is either the best of the series or the only season even worth watching.

Changed line(s) 385,386 (click to see context) from:

** The very earliest concept for the series seen it as being set more than a century after the original, featuring the NCC-1701-7 (not a typo, they really were going to have a number instead of a letter), and with the ship being crewed by... cadets. When GeneRoddenberry heard about these plans, which were put forward by the studio executives completely independently of him, he rang them up and insisted on taking personal charge of the series.
** [[CreatorsPet Wesley]] was also, originally, going to be a teenage girl, ''Lesley'' Crusher, until Roddenberry decided to cast Wil Weaton in the part, and gave the character his own middle name.


** The very earliest concept for the series seen it as being set more than a century after the original, featuring the NCC-1701-7 (not a typo, they really were going to have a number instead of a letter), and with the ship being crewed by... cadets. When GeneRoddenberry heard about these plans, which were put forward by the studio executives completely independently of him, he rang them up and insisted on taking personal charge of the series.
** [[CreatorsPet Wesley]] was also, originally, going to be a teenage girl, ''Lesley'' Crusher, until Roddenberry decided to cast Wil Weaton in the part, and gave the character his own middle name.

Changed line(s) 391 (click to see context) from:

** Take a look [[http://www.lettersofnote.com/2010/08/star-trekcasting.html at this casting letter]] for a bunch of What Might Have Been. [[ThePretender Patrick Bauchau]] as Picard? Wesley Snipes as Geordi? [[Film/AnAmericanWerewolfInLondon Jenny]] [[Creator/JennyAgutter Agutter]] as Beverly? Rosalind Chao as Tasha? ''Series/FunHouse'' host J.D. Roth as Wesley?


** Take a look [[http://www.lettersofnote.com/2010/08/star-trekcasting.html at this casting letter]] for a bunch of What Might Have Been. [[ThePretender Patrick Bauchau]] as Picard? Wesley Snipes as Geordi? [[Film/AnAmericanWerewolfInLondon Jenny]] [[Creator/JennyAgutter Agutter]] as Beverly? Rosalind Chao as Tasha? ''Series/FunHouse'' host J.D. Roth as Wesley?

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* Joanna [=McCoy=], Dr. [=McCoy's=] daughter, who was in the UniverseBible for the original ''Trek'' series. In the third season, an episode was written which introduced her, but it eventually mutated into the infamous hippie episode "The Way To Eden" with Joanna replaced by Irina Galliulin. Joanna was then set to appear in the fourth season, but the show got cancelled first. She was finally mentioned (but unseen) in ''WesternAnimation/StarTrekTheAnimatedSeries'' and, of course, she has made many appearances in the ''StarTrekExpandedUniverse''. But technically she still does not canonically exist.


* Joanna [=McCoy=], Dr. [=McCoy's=] daughter, who was in the UniverseBible for the original ''Trek'' series. In the third season, an episode was written which introduced her, but it eventually mutated into the infamous hippie episode "The Way To Eden" with Joanna replaced by Irina Galliulin. Joanna was then set to appear in the fourth season, but the show got cancelled first. She was finally mentioned (but unseen) in ''WesternAnimation/StarTrekTheAnimatedSeries'' and, of course, she has made many appearances in the ''StarTrekExpandedUniverse''. But technically she still does not canonically exist.

Changed line(s) 426 (click to see context) from:

* Gordon was going to find out the events of ''Born Under a Bad Sign'' and gather a few hunters to help him kill Sam Winchester/The Anti-Christ but Sterling K. Brown was only available for two episodes in Season Three so that idea had to be scrapped.


* Gordon was going to find out the events of ''Born Under a Bad Sign'' and gather a few hunters to help him kill Sam Winchester/The Anti-Christ but Sterling K. Brown was only available for two episodes in Season Three so that idea had to be scrapped.

Changed line(s) 428,429 (click to see context) from:

* In ''Are You There, God? It's Me, Dean Winchester'', where ghosts blame the boys for their deaths, Sera Gamble tried to get Jessica Moore (Sam's ex-girlfriend) instead of Ronald (Nightshifter) but it fell through. Thank God it did, though, as her angrily blaming Sam for her death would have probably reduced everyone to tears.
* However, in ''Free To Be You and Me'', [[spoiler:Lucifer communicates with Sam in his dreams using Jess' form]].


* In ''Are You There, God? It's Me, Dean Winchester'', where ghosts blame the boys for their deaths, Sera Gamble tried to get Jessica Moore (Sam's ex-girlfriend) instead of Ronald (Nightshifter) but it fell through. Thank God it did, though, as her angrily blaming Sam for her death would have probably reduced everyone to tears.
* However, in ''Free To Be You and Me'', [[spoiler:Lucifer communicates with Sam in his dreams using Jess' form]].

Changed line(s) 456,458 (click to see context) from:

** Before the series started, the plan was to have a revolving cast, with only a few characters from previous seasons returning the next. Strangely, that started to happen later in the series, but only with characters who were introduced after season one. Virtually every main character from season one either survived or is survived by a twin, and of now the main cast is still mostly season one alumni and new introductions. Meanwhile, main characters from other seasons, such as [[spoiler:Adam]], were promptly killed off when their existance wasn't relevant, or like [[spoiler:Monica]], completely forgotten.
* ''CaptainPowerAndTheSoldiersOfTheFuture'': [[http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/6213/articles/cpfeature.html This early article on the series]] has brief mentions of the head writer's plans for S2. And then [[http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/6213/articles/ditillio.html S2 got canceled.]]
* [[Series/MysteryScienceTheater3000 Tom Servo]] was originally envisioned as "Beeper", an [[TheUnintelligible Unintelligible]] SilentPartner to Crow, making the robot pair a lot like [[StarWars R2-D2 and C-3PO]].


** Before the series started, the plan was to have a revolving cast, with only a few characters from previous seasons returning the next. Strangely, that started to happen later in the series, but only with characters who were introduced after season one. Virtually every main character from season one either survived or is survived by a twin, and of now the main cast is still mostly season one alumni and new introductions. Meanwhile, main characters from other seasons, such as [[spoiler:Adam]], were promptly killed off when their existance wasn't relevant, or like [[spoiler:Monica]], completely forgotten.
* ''CaptainPowerAndTheSoldiersOfTheFuture'': [[http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/6213/articles/cpfeature.html This early article on the series]] has brief mentions of the head writer's plans for S2. And then [[http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/6213/articles/ditillio.html S2 got canceled.]]
* [[Series/MysteryScienceTheater3000 Tom Servo]] was originally envisioned as "Beeper", an [[TheUnintelligible Unintelligible]] SilentPartner to Crow, making the robot pair a lot like [[StarWars R2-D2 and C-3PO]].

Changed line(s) 460 (click to see context) from:

** ''[[ThisIslandEarth Mystery Science Theater 3000: The Movie]]'' was originally conceived as an origin movie, revealing how Joel got to space and built the bots. However, the executives funding the movie wanted little to no riffing and it would lead to Joel's departure from the show.


** ''[[ThisIslandEarth Mystery Science Theater 3000: The Movie]]'' was originally conceived as an origin movie, revealing how Joel got to space and built the bots. However, the executives funding the movie wanted little to no riffing and it would lead to Joel's departure from the show.

Changed line(s) 468 (click to see context) from:

* At one point in the 1970s, [[StarWars George Lucas]] approached Gene Roddenberry to ask if the ''Franchise/StarTrek'' franchise was for sale....


* At one point in the 1970s, [[StarWars George Lucas]] approached Gene Roddenberry to ask if the ''Franchise/StarTrek'' franchise was for sale....

Changed line(s) 471 (click to see context) from:

* Apparently NeilPatrickHarris was considered for the role of Simon Tam on ''Series/{{Firefly}}''. That's right, [[WebVideo/DoctorHorriblesSingAlongBlog Neil Patrick Harris]] starring opposite Nathan Fillion, five years earlier.


* Apparently NeilPatrickHarris was considered for the role of Simon Tam on ''Series/{{Firefly}}''. That's right, [[WebVideo/DoctorHorriblesSingAlongBlog Neil Patrick Harris]] starring opposite Nathan Fillion, five years earlier.

Changed line(s) 480,482 (click to see context) from:

* Before getting picked up by {{Netflix}}, ''Series/AKAJessicaJones'' was originally pitched to ABC, which likely would've meant toning down some of the content. MsMarvel was also originally going to appear as a supporting character (as she did in [[Comicbook/{{Alias}} the comic]]), but plans for the upcoming ''Captain Marvel'' movie killed any chance of that. Ms. Marvel was subsequently replaced with Patsy Walker.
* Marvel had plans for a Comicbook/{{Mockingbird}} series that was to air on ABCFamily. The series would have featured Bobbi Morse as a geeky college freshman who ends up recruited by a spy agency, with a tone that was compared to "''Series/{{Alias}}'' [[XMeetsY meets]] ''Series/{{Felicity}}''."
* Cameron getting caught in a jeep explosion at the end of the first season of ''TheSarahConnorChronicles'' was supposedly written in case Summer Glau wanted to leave the role at the end of the series. If she had, the resolution would have been that Cameron had her skin burned off in the fire and regrew a new one for the new actress, either like Cromartie did early in the series or by having similar abilities to the T-X of the third film.


* Before getting picked up by {{Netflix}}, ''Series/AKAJessicaJones'' was originally pitched to ABC, which likely would've meant toning down some of the content. MsMarvel was also originally going to appear as a supporting character (as she did in [[Comicbook/{{Alias}} the comic]]), but plans for the upcoming ''Captain Marvel'' movie killed any chance of that. Ms. Marvel was subsequently replaced with Patsy Walker.
* Marvel had plans for a Comicbook/{{Mockingbird}} series that was to air on ABCFamily. The series would have featured Bobbi Morse as a geeky college freshman who ends up recruited by a spy agency, with a tone that was compared to "''Series/{{Alias}}'' [[XMeetsY meets]] ''Series/{{Felicity}}''."
* Cameron getting caught in a jeep explosion at the end of the first season of ''TheSarahConnorChronicles'' was supposedly written in case Summer Glau wanted to leave the role at the end of the series. If she had, the resolution would have been that Cameron had her skin burned off in the fire and regrew a new one for the new actress, either like Cromartie did early in the series or by having similar abilities to the T-X of the third film.

Changed line(s) 488 (click to see context) from:

* In the beginning, Saban's MaskedRider was supposed to be a very different show. Several big differences included Edenoi exploding, no Ferbus, a different Albee and Molly, different voices for Chopper & Magno, no original villain footage... Yet, Ted Jan Roberts is still Dex. As seen in [[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=djnZUgzZEs0 this pilot]].


* In the beginning, Saban's MaskedRider was supposed to be a very different show. Several big differences included Edenoi exploding, no Ferbus, a different Albee and Molly, different voices for Chopper & Magno, no original villain footage... Yet, Ted Jan Roberts is still Dex. As seen in [[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=djnZUgzZEs0 this pilot]].

Changed line(s) 493 (click to see context) from:

* DesperateHousewives had a weird take on an inversion early on. Throughout season 1, there was subtle build-up to a sub-plot, picked up by many fans, that [[spoiler:Tom Scavo]] is a bigamist. When this eventually went nowhere, creator Marc Cherry went on the record, explaining that they didn't feel it was right for [[spoiler:Tom]]'s character to be a cheater. Season and a half later, once the audience dropped its guard, a version of the plot - that Tom had a daughter by a pre-marital one-night stand - was bombarded into the show, taking everyone by surprise.


* DesperateHousewives had a weird take on an inversion early on. Throughout season 1, there was subtle build-up to a sub-plot, picked up by many fans, that [[spoiler:Tom Scavo]] is a bigamist. When this eventually went nowhere, creator Marc Cherry went on the record, explaining that they didn't feel it was right for [[spoiler:Tom]]'s character to be a cheater. Season and a half later, once the audience dropped its guard, a version of the plot - that Tom had a daughter by a pre-marital one-night stand - was bombarded into the show, taking everyone by surprise.

Changed line(s) 496 (click to see context) from:

* Stargate SG-1 would have went down a very different road if the writers had their way. Originally it was planned to end after the fifth season, and be continued with a theatrical film which in turn would lead to a sequel series, and if that wasn't picked up, another film. Another plan was to have a series of SG-1 theatrical films run alongside the sequel series to allow it to have its own characters and plots. The series was cancelled by Showtime, but the Sci-Fi Channel picked it up and gave it a sixth season. The writers then planned that season to be SG-1's last, but the ratings were so strong, MGM and Sci-Fi decided to give it another season and axed their plans for the film. So their script was then reworked into a grand series finale, which would lead to the sequel series. The seventh season ended up doing even better than the sixth, and the series was renewed yet again. So finally the script had to be reworked into the two part season finale "Lost City" with the same basic plot of the film, but a lot trimmed out and removed. The ideas and plot elements written for the sequel series were used to create Stargate Atlantis.


* Stargate SG-1 would have went down a very different road if the writers had their way. Originally it was planned to end after the fifth season, and be continued with a theatrical film which in turn would lead to a sequel series, and if that wasn't picked up, another film. Another plan was to have a series of SG-1 theatrical films run alongside the sequel series to allow it to have its own characters and plots. The series was cancelled by Showtime, but the Sci-Fi Channel picked it up and gave it a sixth season. The writers then planned that season to be SG-1's last, but the ratings were so strong, MGM and Sci-Fi decided to give it another season and axed their plans for the film. So their script was then reworked into a grand series finale, which would lead to the sequel series. The seventh season ended up doing even better than the sixth, and the series was renewed yet again. So finally the script had to be reworked into the two part season finale "Lost City" with the same basic plot of the film, but a lot trimmed out and removed. The ideas and plot elements written for the sequel series were used to create Stargate Atlantis.

Changed line(s) 508 (click to see context) from:

** Jim Profit, a full 10 years before [[MadMen Don Draper]], would have been revealed to have [[spoiler: pulled a MartinGuerre, and gone back to kill the man whose identity he stole]].


** Jim Profit, a full 10 years before [[MadMen Don Draper]], would have been revealed to have [[spoiler: pulled a MartinGuerre, and gone back to kill the man whose identity he stole]].

Changed line(s) 511 (click to see context) from:

* As much as Coy and Vance Duke were disliked amongst TheDukesOfHazzard fans, the idea of having all FIVE Duke cousins working together would have been pretty cool.


* As much as Coy and Vance Duke were disliked amongst TheDukesOfHazzard fans, the idea of having all FIVE Duke cousins working together would have been pretty cool.

Changed line(s) 519 (click to see context) from:

* In the book ''Batman Begins and the Comics'', released in 2005, Julian Darius talks about a proposed [[http://www.kryptonsite.com/brucewayne/script.htm Bruce Wayne]] spinoff series. The show would have run for five to six seasons, and followed Wayne as he matured from a rambunctious 17-year old kid to a serious young man, and follow his travels from Gotham City to various parts of the world (where he would train). At some point late in the series, he would discover a large cavern under Wayne Manor, and he, Lucius Fox and several ''Polish workers in blacked-out buses'' would construct the Batcave. Wayne would have also met early versions of The Joker, Harleen Quinzel, Jonathan Crane and Edward Nygma, as well as Clark Kent. In the end, the rise of the big-budget superhero film (''X-Men'' came out in 2000) and an aborted plan for a film adaptation of Frank Miller's ''Year One'' script, as well as the reboot of the film franchise in 2005 killed this series stone-dead. Instead, Alfred Gough and his production team chose to create ''{{Smallville}}'' instead. Almost ten years later, a "young Bruce Wayne" series [[Series/{{Gotham}} actually did materialise]].


* In the book ''Batman Begins and the Comics'', released in 2005, Julian Darius talks about a proposed [[http://www.kryptonsite.com/brucewayne/script.htm Bruce Wayne]] spinoff series. The show would have run for five to six seasons, and followed Wayne as he matured from a rambunctious 17-year old kid to a serious young man, and follow his travels from Gotham City to various parts of the world (where he would train). At some point late in the series, he would discover a large cavern under Wayne Manor, and he, Lucius Fox and several ''Polish workers in blacked-out buses'' would construct the Batcave. Wayne would have also met early versions of The Joker, Harleen Quinzel, Jonathan Crane and Edward Nygma, as well as Clark Kent. In the end, the rise of the big-budget superhero film (''X-Men'' came out in 2000) and an aborted plan for a film adaptation of Frank Miller's ''Year One'' script, as well as the reboot of the film franchise in 2005 killed this series stone-dead. Instead, Alfred Gough and his production team chose to create ''{{Smallville}}'' instead. Almost ten years later, a "young Bruce Wayne" series [[Series/{{Gotham}} actually did materialise]].

Changed line(s) 522,524 (click to see context) from:

* ''WizardsOfWaverlyPlace'': Justin was originally meant to be a friend of Alex, and not her brother.
** This isn't mentioning the thousands of Jalex fics, a fandom that supports this incestous pair in a childrens show, a bunch of viewers who obtained unwanted NoYay, and two teenage actors who can't help their {{UST}}.
* ''SonnyWithAChance'' was originally intended to play up a Nico/Sonny/Chad love triangle. For example, the pilot doesn't include Chad, and has Nico kissing Sonny's hand. A few hints of the Nico/Sonny side of the triangle survived into the 1st season scripts, but on the whole the show is only ever going to be Sonny/Chad.


* ''WizardsOfWaverlyPlace'': Justin was originally meant to be a friend of Alex, and not her brother.
** This isn't mentioning the thousands of Jalex fics, a fandom that supports this incestous pair in a childrens show, a bunch of viewers who obtained unwanted NoYay, and two teenage actors who can't help their {{UST}}.
* ''SonnyWithAChance'' was originally intended to play up a Nico/Sonny/Chad love triangle. For example, the pilot doesn't include Chad, and has Nico kissing Sonny's hand. A few hints of the Nico/Sonny side of the triangle survived into the 1st season scripts, but on the whole the show is only ever going to be Sonny/Chad.

Changed line(s) 526,530 (click to see context) from:

** It was also briefly ''Welcome to Holliwood'' with DemiLovato's character being named Holli (yes, it was spelled with an "i") before they settled on the final show title. YMMV on whether or not they chose the best title.
** The episodes that were going to be filmed after the CampRock 2 Tour were going to deal with the damaged Sonny/Chad relationship, [[RealLifeWritesThePlot but then Demi had a breakdown and assaulted a dancer on the tour and ended up going to rehab]] so the episodes were retooled to focus more on the sketches because it's not really Sonny With A Chance without Sonny. Originally, Demi was supposed to go back to work after rehab, but she decided to focus on her personal problems and her music career so the ''entire show'' was retooled into a [[{{Defictionalization}} defictionalized]] version of the ShowWithinAShow, Series/SoRandom. Unfortunately, it seems as though we're never going to get to see Sonny and Chad get back together.
** DanSchneider has implied that he believes that ''SonnyWithAChance'' was based on an idea he created and pitched to the Disney Channel a long time before that show actually aired. Had he ended up doing his version of the show he would probably still be working for Disney, it probably would have stopped him from making DrakeAndJosh, and that would have ended the successor shows ''{{iCarly}}'', ''{{Victorious}}'', ''SamAndCat'' and ''Gibby''. That would have left gaping holes in Nick's schedule, torched the finances (as iCarly was an unexpected mega-smash hit) for at least 5 years and would likely have killed the careers of MirandaCosgrove, VictoriaJustice and JennetteMcCurdy before they ever got off the ground.
** One other potential alternate future would've been Dan making his Sonny With A Chance show, but still doing Drake & Josh, just on Disney. Which would have meant MirandaCosgrove (who was an accomplished singer even back then) becoming a Disney starlet around the same time Disney were trying to figure out what to do with DevelopmentHell project for what eventually became HannahMontana.
* Speaking of ''ICarly'', the title characters name was meant to be Sam, with the sidekick being named Kira. They couldn't get the website address for iSam though. So Sam became Carly and Kira became Sam. With Freddie keeping his name, it has the humorous consequence of swapping around what the PortmanteauCoupleName for the two main couples are. The JustFriends main character/male lead ship would have been called Seddie (instead of Creddie) and the JerkAss sidekick/male lead would have been called Kreddie (instead of Seddie) instead. Funnily enough, the LesYay ship on the show would almost be the exact same name, except it would be Kam (Kira/Sam) instead of Cam (Carly/Sam).


** It was also briefly ''Welcome to Holliwood'' with DemiLovato's character being named Holli (yes, it was spelled with an "i") before they settled on the final show title. YMMV on whether or not they chose the best title.
** The episodes that were going to be filmed after the CampRock 2 Tour were going to deal with the damaged Sonny/Chad relationship, [[RealLifeWritesThePlot but then Demi had a breakdown and assaulted a dancer on the tour and ended up going to rehab]] so the episodes were retooled to focus more on the sketches because it's not really Sonny With A Chance without Sonny. Originally, Demi was supposed to go back to work after rehab, but she decided to focus on her personal problems and her music career so the ''entire show'' was retooled into a [[{{Defictionalization}} defictionalized]] version of the ShowWithinAShow, Series/SoRandom. Unfortunately, it seems as though we're never going to get to see Sonny and Chad get back together.
** DanSchneider has implied that he believes that ''SonnyWithAChance'' was based on an idea he created and pitched to the Disney Channel a long time before that show actually aired. Had he ended up doing his version of the show he would probably still be working for Disney, it probably would have stopped him from making DrakeAndJosh, and that would have ended the successor shows ''{{iCarly}}'', ''{{Victorious}}'', ''SamAndCat'' and ''Gibby''. That would have left gaping holes in Nick's schedule, torched the finances (as iCarly was an unexpected mega-smash hit) for at least 5 years and would likely have killed the careers of MirandaCosgrove, VictoriaJustice and JennetteMcCurdy before they ever got off the ground.
** One other potential alternate future would've been Dan making his Sonny With A Chance show, but still doing Drake & Josh, just on Disney. Which would have meant MirandaCosgrove (who was an accomplished singer even back then) becoming a Disney starlet around the same time Disney were trying to figure out what to do with DevelopmentHell project for what eventually became HannahMontana.
* Speaking of ''ICarly'', the title characters name was meant to be Sam, with the sidekick being named Kira. They couldn't get the website address for iSam though. So Sam became Carly and Kira became Sam. With Freddie keeping his name, it has the humorous consequence of swapping around what the PortmanteauCoupleName for the two main couples are. The JustFriends main character/male lead ship would have been called Seddie (instead of Creddie) and the JerkAss sidekick/male lead would have been called Kreddie (instead of Seddie) instead. Funnily enough, the LesYay ship on the show would almost be the exact same name, except it would be Kam (Kira/Sam) instead of Cam (Carly/Sam).

Changed line(s) 532 (click to see context) from:

* For ''PushingDaisies'', the character of Olive Shnook was originally planned as a lesbian and a former pop-up book maker before becoming a waitress and former horse jockey.


* For ''PushingDaisies'', the character of Olive Shnook was originally planned as a lesbian and a former pop-up book maker before becoming a waitress and former horse jockey.

Changed line(s) 534 (click to see context) from:

* ''OnlyFoolsAndHorses'':


* ''OnlyFoolsAndHorses'':

Changed line(s) 541 (click to see context) from:

** The original pilot script for ''{{Glee}}'' also did not include Sue Sylvester or any analogous character. She was written in because a higher-up suggested that the story needed an antagonist (a rare occasion of ExecutiveMeddling getting something right?) and was not originally intended to be a regular character until another project of Jane Lynch's fell through.


** The original pilot script for ''{{Glee}}'' also did not include Sue Sylvester or any analogous character. She was written in because a higher-up suggested that the story needed an antagonist (a rare occasion of ExecutiveMeddling getting something right?) and was not originally intended to be a regular character until another project of Jane Lynch's fell through.

Changed line(s) 549 (click to see context) from:

* After the finale of ''AshesToAshes'' aired, producer Matthew Graham [[http://www.guardian.co.uk/tv-and-radio/tvandradioblog/2010/may/21/ashes-to-ashes-final-episode gave an interview]] (and you can consider yourself warned for massive spoilers) where he talked about the three possible endings the writers had considered, and one alternate version to the third they almost shot before going with the version they chose:


* After the finale of ''AshesToAshes'' aired, producer Matthew Graham [[http://www.guardian.co.uk/tv-and-radio/tvandradioblog/2010/may/21/ashes-to-ashes-final-episode gave an interview]] (and you can consider yourself warned for massive spoilers) where he talked about the three possible endings the writers had considered, and one alternate version to the third they almost shot before going with the version they chose:

Changed line(s) 564 (click to see context) from:

* Young Jeezy, not Saigon, was the rapper originally slated to be managed by Turtle on ''{{Entourage}}''.


* Young Jeezy, not Saigon, was the rapper originally slated to be managed by Turtle on ''{{Entourage}}''.

Changed line(s) 570 (click to see context) from:

** And in ''BigBrother 8'' US, Jessica had a completely different nemesis who quit and was replaced with Carol. This nemesis was actually a dance rival of hers; rather than Carol who was an ex friend from high school and not as much of a nemesis compared to the other two. (ie, Carol's response was just a shrug when she saw Jessica, and Jessica had to ''think'' of what they had against each other.)


** And in ''BigBrother 8'' US, Jessica had a completely different nemesis who quit and was replaced with Carol. This nemesis was actually a dance rival of hers; rather than Carol who was an ex friend from high school and not as much of a nemesis compared to the other two. (ie, Carol's response was just a shrug when she saw Jessica, and Jessica had to ''think'' of what they had against each other.)

Changed line(s) 573,575 (click to see context) from:

* Several different people could've been the host of ''FamilyFeud''. Geoff Edwards (best known for ''[[TreasureHuntUS Treasure Hunt]]'') confirmed on the newsgroup alt.tv.game-shows that he had been tapped to host the original ''Feud'' in 1976, but he was committed to a pilot at the time, so Richard Dawson got the job. Dawson confirmed in a 2010 interview that Creator/WilliamShatner got a crack, and it is believed that Jack Narz of ''{{Series/Concentration}}'' fame was in the running at one point. Joe Namath auditioned for the 1988 revival, which went to Ray Combs. And DollyParton auditioned for the 1999 revival, for which Louie Anderson got the nod. (Anderson was replaced by Richard Karn, then John O'Hurley, then Steve Harvey.)
* After ''ThePriceIsRight'' announcer Johnny Olson died in 1985, the show held on-air auditions with Gene Wood, Rich Jeffries, Bob Hilton, and Rod Roddy. Bob Hilton was apparently tapped to take the role, but he declined since he was hosting a pilot that ultimately never sold, so Rod Roddy got the job instead. Given that Hilton is only in his early 60s now, he could still be announcing today had he gotten the nod in 1985. (By comparison, Charlie O'Donnell announced ''WheelOfFortune'' until his death at age 77, and Johnny Gilbert still does ''{{Jeopardy}}'' in his upper 80s.)
** Phil Hartman, of all people, also auditioned to be ''Price'' announcer after Olson's death. But unlike the men mentioned above, Hartman never actually got an on-air audition.


* Several different people could've been the host of ''FamilyFeud''. Geoff Edwards (best known for ''[[TreasureHuntUS Treasure Hunt]]'') confirmed on the newsgroup alt.tv.game-shows that he had been tapped to host the original ''Feud'' in 1976, but he was committed to a pilot at the time, so Richard Dawson got the job. Dawson confirmed in a 2010 interview that Creator/WilliamShatner got a crack, and it is believed that Jack Narz of ''{{Series/Concentration}}'' fame was in the running at one point. Joe Namath auditioned for the 1988 revival, which went to Ray Combs. And DollyParton auditioned for the 1999 revival, for which Louie Anderson got the nod. (Anderson was replaced by Richard Karn, then John O'Hurley, then Steve Harvey.)
* After ''ThePriceIsRight'' announcer Johnny Olson died in 1985, the show held on-air auditions with Gene Wood, Rich Jeffries, Bob Hilton, and Rod Roddy. Bob Hilton was apparently tapped to take the role, but he declined since he was hosting a pilot that ultimately never sold, so Rod Roddy got the job instead. Given that Hilton is only in his early 60s now, he could still be announcing today had he gotten the nod in 1985. (By comparison, Charlie O'Donnell announced ''WheelOfFortune'' until his death at age 77, and Johnny Gilbert still does ''{{Jeopardy}}'' in his upper 80s.)
** Phil Hartman, of all people, also auditioned to be ''Price'' announcer after Olson's death. But unlike the men mentioned above, Hartman never actually got an on-air audition.

Changed line(s) 578,581 (click to see context) from:

** The producer's first choice for Barker's replacement? [[SportsCenter Dan Patrick]], who turned the job down.
* Speaking of game shows, one of the first things that comes to mind when one mentions ''WheelOfFortune'' is longtime hostess Vanna White — she was ridiculously popular in the 1980s, and no doubt helped entrench it as one of the longest-running game shows ever. One wonders how things would've panned out if original hostess Susan Stafford hadn't quit. (Interestingly, ''Wheel'' was not originally intended to have a hostess. The board was supposed to be mechanical and self-revealing like the original ''{{Series/Concentration}}'' board, but they didn't have time to finish it before taping of the {{pilot}}s, so they simply brought Susan in to turn the letters.) Furthermore, host Pat Sajak took over from Chuck Woolery about a year prior; one wonders where the show would've ended up today had Chuck stayed.
** From 1981-89, Sajak was hosting the daytime (NBC) and syndicated nighttime versions concurrently. He stepped down from daytime to host a talk show for CBS which didn't go anywhere. MervGriffin had several worthy candidates in mind for daytime host, but went with the completely inexperienced Rolf Benirschke, a former place kicker for the San Diego Chargers who was completely out of his element. After a mere six months, the daytime version hopped over to CBS with new host Bob Goen. While daytime game shows as a whole fell out of favor in the early 1990s, one can't help but wonder what would happen if a more capable name had helmed the last few months of NBC ''Wheel''.
* Had ''{{Titus}}'' not been ScrewedByTheNetwork, the fourth season would've featured Dave and Tommy in their own Neutral Space episodes, as they did with Papa Titus in season 2, and with Erin in season 3.


** The producer's first choice for Barker's replacement? [[SportsCenter Dan Patrick]], who turned the job down.
* Speaking of game shows, one of the first things that comes to mind when one mentions ''WheelOfFortune'' is longtime hostess Vanna White — she was ridiculously popular in the 1980s, and no doubt helped entrench it as one of the longest-running game shows ever. One wonders how things would've panned out if original hostess Susan Stafford hadn't quit. (Interestingly, ''Wheel'' was not originally intended to have a hostess. The board was supposed to be mechanical and self-revealing like the original ''{{Series/Concentration}}'' board, but they didn't have time to finish it before taping of the {{pilot}}s, so they simply brought Susan in to turn the letters.) Furthermore, host Pat Sajak took over from Chuck Woolery about a year prior; one wonders where the show would've ended up today had Chuck stayed.
** From 1981-89, Sajak was hosting the daytime (NBC) and syndicated nighttime versions concurrently. He stepped down from daytime to host a talk show for CBS which didn't go anywhere. MervGriffin had several worthy candidates in mind for daytime host, but went with the completely inexperienced Rolf Benirschke, a former place kicker for the San Diego Chargers who was completely out of his element. After a mere six months, the daytime version hopped over to CBS with new host Bob Goen. While daytime game shows as a whole fell out of favor in the early 1990s, one can't help but wonder what would happen if a more capable name had helmed the last few months of NBC ''Wheel''.
* Had ''{{Titus}}'' not been ScrewedByTheNetwork, the fourth season would've featured Dave and Tommy in their own Neutral Space episodes, as they did with Papa Titus in season 2, and with Erin in season 3.

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** The S11 character concieved as "Noah" was renamed Jake when Justin Kelly was cast in the role [[note]] His character on ''Series/TheLatestBuzz'' had been named Noah[[/note]].


** The S11 character concieved as "Noah" was renamed Jake when Justin Kelly was cast in the role [[note]] His character on ''Series/TheLatestBuzz'' had been named Noah[[/note]].

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** Thanks to owners fiddling around with the Mobirates toy, they had learned that it had already been preprogramed with the cry of "''Series/KamenRiderOOO''!" a year before ''Film/KamenRiderXSuperSentaiSuperHeroTaisen'' was even announced. It is highly possible that they had planned for the Gokaigers and OOO to team up while OOO was still airing, but was scrapped.


** Thanks to owners fiddling around with the Mobirates toy, they had learned that it had already been preprogramed with the cry of "''Series/KamenRiderOOO''!" a year before ''Film/KamenRiderXSuperSentaiSuperHeroTaisen'' was even announced. It is highly possible that they had planned for the Gokaigers and OOO to team up while OOO was still airing, but was scrapped.

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* ''Series/VRTroopers'' was originally titled ''Cybertron''. It would have starred Jason David Frank in the same role Brad Hawkings would play later on. The karate master would have been the one to give Jason's character the Cybertron powers and Jason's character would have been bothered by a Bulk and Skull-type duo. The villain Grimlord would have still been there. However, the popularity of Jason's role as Tommy on ''Series/MightyMorphinPowerRangers'' would lead him to return to the series and Brad Hawkings would take his role. Cybertron's theme song ended up being reworked as the MMPR theme "Go Green Ranger Go" and Cybertron itself would be renamed to the well-known VR Troopers after [[{{Transformers}} Hasbro complained]].


* ''Series/VRTroopers'' was originally titled ''Cybertron''. It would have starred Jason David Frank in the same role Brad Hawkings would play later on. The karate master would have been the one to give Jason's character the Cybertron powers and Jason's character would have been bothered by a Bulk and Skull-type duo. The villain Grimlord would have still been there. However, the popularity of Jason's role as Tommy on ''Series/MightyMorphinPowerRangers'' would lead him to return to the series and Brad Hawkings would take his role. Cybertron's theme song ended up being reworked as the MMPR theme "Go Green Ranger Go" and Cybertron itself would be renamed to the well-known VR Troopers after [[{{Transformers}} Hasbro complained]].

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* The ''LoisAndClark'' episode "Soul Mates" was fun, but the ReincarnationRomance would have made a heck of a lot more sense if John Shea had been available to play Clark's eternal archenemy who wants to marry Lois. The fact Tempus doesn't really fit the role is even {{Lampshaded}}:
-->'''Lois''': I'm not saying I'm buying into any of this stuff yet, but it is kind of bizarre that Tempus, of all people, is behind the curse. I mean, LexLuthor, I could understand, but...


* The ''LoisAndClark'' episode "Soul Mates" was fun, but the ReincarnationRomance would have made a heck of a lot more sense if John Shea had been available to play Clark's eternal archenemy who wants to marry Lois. The fact Tempus doesn't really fit the role is even {{Lampshaded}}:
-->'''Lois''': I'm not saying I'm buying into any of this stuff yet, but it is kind of bizarre that Tempus, of all people, is behind the curse. I mean, LexLuthor, I could understand, but...

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* Prior to starring in ''WizardsOfWaverlyPlace'', SelenaGomez would have been cast in a ''LizzieMcGuire'' spin-off series called ''What's Stevie Thinking?" as the titular Stevie, Miranda Sanchez's sister a pilot episode was filmed, but not picked up.
** She was also cast in a "''[[TheSuiteLifeOfZackAndCody Suite Life Of Zack And Cody]]''" spinoff called ''Arwin'', following the misadventures of the ManChild repairman. Again, a pilot episode was filmed, but the show was not picked up.


* Prior to starring in ''WizardsOfWaverlyPlace'', SelenaGomez would have been cast in a ''LizzieMcGuire'' spin-off series called ''What's Stevie Thinking?" as the titular Stevie, Miranda Sanchez's sister a pilot episode was filmed, but not picked up.
** She was also cast in a "''[[TheSuiteLifeOfZackAndCody Suite Life Of Zack And Cody]]''" spinoff called ''Arwin'', following the misadventures of the ManChild repairman. Again, a pilot episode was filmed, but the show was not picked up.

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* The 1996 TV movie adaptation of ''GenerationX'' was supposed to be a pilot for a proposed TV series, but the movie's negative reception killed this idea in its tracks. Considering the [[AdaptationDecay quality]] of said movie, this is probably a good thing. Still, a live-action TV show based on an ''Comicbook/XMen'' spinoff would have been interesting.
* The ''MalcolmInTheMiddle'' episode in which the family took a vacation to a water park leaving ear-infected Dewey behind with a babysitter (played by Bea Arthur) was originally going to culminate with the sitter dyeing Dewey's hair black and calling him "Pepe" as they head for the Mexican border. The producers found this too dark and disturbing, so they instead had the sitter die of a sudden heart attack during a dance together.
* ''HannahMontana'':


* The 1996 TV movie adaptation of ''GenerationX'' was supposed to be a pilot for a proposed TV series, but the movie's negative reception killed this idea in its tracks. Considering the [[AdaptationDecay quality]] of said movie, this is probably a good thing. Still, a live-action TV show based on an ''Comicbook/XMen'' spinoff would have been interesting.
* The ''MalcolmInTheMiddle'' episode in which the family took a vacation to a water park leaving ear-infected Dewey behind with a babysitter (played by Bea Arthur) was originally going to culminate with the sitter dyeing Dewey's hair black and calling him "Pepe" as they head for the Mexican border. The producers found this too dark and disturbing, so they instead had the sitter die of a sudden heart attack during a dance together.
* ''HannahMontana'':

Changed line(s) 635,636 (click to see context) from:

** In its development stages, the show was to be set in school and involve a movie star, not a pop singer. It was to be called ''Better Days'' and be a star vehicle for AlysonStoner of CampRock fame. [=JoAnna=] "[=JoJo=]" [=LeVesque=], Jordan [=McCoy=] of American Juniors, and Taylor Momsen of GossipGirl were also considered for the role.
** MileyCyrus had originally auditioned for The Lilly Truscott role, which went to Creator/EmilyOsment. And Lilly's last name was to be "Romero".


** In its development stages, the show was to be set in school and involve a movie star, not a pop singer. It was to be called ''Better Days'' and be a star vehicle for AlysonStoner of CampRock fame. [=JoAnna=] "[=JoJo=]" [=LeVesque=], Jordan [=McCoy=] of American Juniors, and Taylor Momsen of GossipGirl were also considered for the role.
** MileyCyrus had originally auditioned for The Lilly Truscott role, which went to Creator/EmilyOsment. And Lilly's last name was to be "Romero".

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** The creators early on believed that it would be hard for then 13-year old Cyrus to remember so many aliases, and changed the protagonist's name from ''Chloe'' to Miley to make it easier. And it was Zoe before that. The name was changed because it was too close to the name of the title character in rival network, Nickelodeon's Zoey101.


** The creators early on believed that it would be hard for then 13-year old Cyrus to remember so many aliases, and changed the protagonist's name from ''Chloe'' to Miley to make it easier. And it was Zoe before that. The name was changed because it was too close to the name of the title character in rival network, Nickelodeon's Zoey101.

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** The ending was originally to have Lacroix saying the last few lines of ''RomeoAndJuliet'' at the very end, but this was nixed because the producers wanted the show just open ended enough to avoid major hurt in syndication.


** The ending was originally to have Lacroix saying the last few lines of ''RomeoAndJuliet'' at the very end, but this was nixed because the producers wanted the show just open ended enough to avoid major hurt in syndication.

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* ''{{Tracker}}'' was originally written with Mel and a younger sister, but the sister was replaced by Jess.
* Fox at one point had plans to turn MyNetworkTV into an over-the-air version of Creator/{{Fox News|Channel}}. Is it no surprise that this didn't happen?
* {{ER}}: Carol Hathaway was supposed to die from her drug overdose--indeed, dialogue in the episode indicates that chances of recovery are slim--but test audiences liked her character and were intrigued by the hints of a romantic past with Doug Ross, and so, she was revived. The character went on to be one of the show's most popular, Doug & Carol one of its (and TV's) best pairings, and her portrayer received an Emmy. This was even lampshaded by Carol's portrayer, Julianna Marguiles, upon accepting her award, who noted, "A year ago at this time, I was dead."


* ''{{Tracker}}'' was originally written with Mel and a younger sister, but the sister was replaced by Jess.
* Fox at one point had plans to turn MyNetworkTV into an over-the-air version of Creator/{{Fox News|Channel}}. Is it no surprise that this didn't happen?
* {{ER}}: Carol Hathaway was supposed to die from her drug overdose--indeed, dialogue in the episode indicates that chances of recovery are slim--but test audiences liked her character and were intrigued by the hints of a romantic past with Doug Ross, and so, she was revived. The character went on to be one of the show's most popular, Doug & Carol one of its (and TV's) best pairings, and her portrayer received an Emmy. This was even lampshaded by Carol's portrayer, Julianna Marguiles, upon accepting her award, who noted, "A year ago at this time, I was dead."

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* [[Series/{{Seinfeld}} Michael Richards]] was offered the starring role in Series/{{Monk}} but he turned it down.


* [[Series/{{Seinfeld}} Michael Richards]] was offered the starring role in Series/{{Monk}} but he turned it down.

Changed line(s) 661 (click to see context) from:

* ''GoodLuckCharlie'' was originally called ''Love, Teddy''


* ''GoodLuckCharlie'' was originally called ''Love, Teddy''

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* Blue of ''BluesClues'' was supposed to be a cat, but they said that there were too many TV shows where the main character was a cat on when the show was produced (''WesternAnimation/GarfieldAndFriends'' and ''WesternAnimation/EekTheCat'', to name two), so she was changed into a dog.


* Blue of ''BluesClues'' was supposed to be a cat, but they said that there were too many TV shows where the main character was a cat on when the show was produced (''WesternAnimation/GarfieldAndFriends'' and ''WesternAnimation/EekTheCat'', to name two), so she was changed into a dog.

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* [[http://www.vanityfair.com/online/oscars/2012/12/paul-feig-season-two-freaks-and-geeks This article]] describes what the creators of ''FreaksAndGeeks'' think they would've done with a second season. Among the plans: Sam having to support his alcoholic drama teacher, Kim getting pregnant (with the father not necessarily being Daniel), and Neal in swing choir (though they acknowledge that [[{{Glee}} another show ended up covering similar ground]]).


* [[http://www.vanityfair.com/online/oscars/2012/12/paul-feig-season-two-freaks-and-geeks This article]] describes what the creators of ''FreaksAndGeeks'' think they would've done with a second season. Among the plans: Sam having to support his alcoholic drama teacher, Kim getting pregnant (with the father not necessarily being Daniel), and Neal in swing choir (though they acknowledge that [[{{Glee}} another show ended up covering similar ground]]).

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* There were originally plans for a second season of ''TheMysticKnightsOfTirNaNog'' called ''Mystic Knights: Battle Thunder'', but Saban cancelled it in favor of putting its budget towards ''Series/PowerRangersLostGalaxy''.


* There were originally plans for a second season of ''TheMysticKnightsOfTirNaNog'' called ''Mystic Knights: Battle Thunder'', but Saban cancelled it in favor of putting its budget towards ''Series/PowerRangersLostGalaxy''.

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* Jim Broadbent was originally slated to play the role of Lord Whiteadder in the ''{{Blackadder}} II'' episode "Beer", but was unable to do so due to scheduling conflicts. This would have had the pleasing symmetry of all Miriam Margoyles's roles (the Spanish Infantia in ''The Black Adder'', Lady Whiteadder in ''Blackadder II'' and Queen Victoria in ''Blackadder's Christmas Carol'') being opposite Broadbent (who played the Infantia's interpreter and Prince Albert).
* There was serious talk of Mike Brady dying if ''TheBradyBunch'' had got a season 6, due to Robert Reed's constant conflicts with the producers and writers.
* Carl Reiner originally wrote ''TheDickVanDykeShow'' as ''Head of the Family'' starring himself. It bombed, but the pilot was retooled with Van Dyke in the lead role and was a hit.
* Betty White and [=Rue McClanahan=] switched roles on ''TheGoldenGirls''. White was offered Blanche due to playing Sue Ann Nivens on ''TheMaryTylerMooreShow'' and Mclanahan had played a ditzy character named Vivian on ''Series/{{Maude}}'' which lead to her being offered Rose. However, there was fear of Blanche being too much like Sue Ann and Rue didn't feel comfortable with Rose and they swapped.


* Jim Broadbent was originally slated to play the role of Lord Whiteadder in the ''{{Blackadder}} II'' episode "Beer", but was unable to do so due to scheduling conflicts. This would have had the pleasing symmetry of all Miriam Margoyles's roles (the Spanish Infantia in ''The Black Adder'', Lady Whiteadder in ''Blackadder II'' and Queen Victoria in ''Blackadder's Christmas Carol'') being opposite Broadbent (who played the Infantia's interpreter and Prince Albert).
* There was serious talk of Mike Brady dying if ''TheBradyBunch'' had got a season 6, due to Robert Reed's constant conflicts with the producers and writers.
* Carl Reiner originally wrote ''TheDickVanDykeShow'' as ''Head of the Family'' starring himself. It bombed, but the pilot was retooled with Van Dyke in the lead role and was a hit.
* Betty White and [=Rue McClanahan=] switched roles on ''TheGoldenGirls''. White was offered Blanche due to playing Sue Ann Nivens on ''TheMaryTylerMooreShow'' and Mclanahan had played a ditzy character named Vivian on ''Series/{{Maude}}'' which lead to her being offered Rose. However, there was fear of Blanche being too much like Sue Ann and Rue didn't feel comfortable with Rose and they swapped.

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* According to actor Dwight Schultz, he read for the role of Dr. Wayne Fiscus on ''St. Elsewhere''. However, before he went in to read, he ran into producer Bruce Paltrow, who had several years earlier gotten into a fight with Schultz because of their disparate politics, and Paltrow told him in no uncertain terms that "there's not gonna be a Reagan asshole on this show." Thankfully producers of ''TheATeam'' didn't care about Schultz's politics.


* According to actor Dwight Schultz, he read for the role of Dr. Wayne Fiscus on ''St. Elsewhere''. However, before he went in to read, he ran into producer Bruce Paltrow, who had several years earlier gotten into a fight with Schultz because of their disparate politics, and Paltrow told him in no uncertain terms that "there's not gonna be a Reagan asshole on this show." Thankfully producers of ''TheATeam'' didn't care about Schultz's politics.

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* About two years before shows like ''LiveAction/TheIncredibleHulk'' and ''LiveAction/WonderWoman'' became front and center, there were actual plans for a series involving ComicBook/BlackWidow and ComicBook/{{Daredevil}}. Angela Bowie, then-wife of Creator/DavidBowie was to be the Widow and Ben Carruthers was to be Daredevil. However, all that came out of that was just photo shoots of the two actors in costume.


* About two years before shows like ''LiveAction/TheIncredibleHulk'' and ''LiveAction/WonderWoman'' became front and center, there were actual plans for a series involving ComicBook/BlackWidow and ComicBook/{{Daredevil}}. Angela Bowie, then-wife of Creator/DavidBowie was to be the Widow and Ben Carruthers was to be Daredevil. However, all that came out of that was just photo shoots of the two actors in costume.

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* ''Beane’s of Boston'', an Americanization of the popular Britcom ''AreYouBeingServed'', was developed by series creators Jeremy Lloyd and David Croft in collaboration with producer GarryMarshall. It never got past the pilot stage, and the pilot has never aired anywhere. The cast included John Hillerman (''Series/MagnumPI'') as Capt. Peaco*ck, Tom Poston (''Newhart'') as Mr. Rumbold, Alan Sues (''Laugh-In'') as Mr. Humphries, Charlotte Rae (''The Facts of Life'') as Mrs. Slocombe and Lorna Patterson (the TV series version of ''Private Benjamin'') as Miss Brahms.


* ''Beane’s of Boston'', an Americanization of the popular Britcom ''AreYouBeingServed'', was developed by series creators Jeremy Lloyd and David Croft in collaboration with producer GarryMarshall. It never got past the pilot stage, and the pilot has never aired anywhere. The cast included John Hillerman (''Series/MagnumPI'') as Capt. Peaco*ck, Tom Poston (''Newhart'') as Mr. Rumbold, Alan Sues (''Laugh-In'') as Mr. Humphries, Charlotte Rae (''The Facts of Life'') as Mrs. Slocombe and Lorna Patterson (the TV series version of ''Private Benjamin'') as Miss Brahms.

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* In a DisneyChannel example, there was originally to be a duet in the first ''HighSchoolMusical'' movie that was basically a song fight between Ms. Drabus and Coach Bolton. Ms. Darbus was played by Alyson Reed, a former Broadway actress, and this cut meant that she didn't get to sing a note in any of the three movies.


* In a DisneyChannel example, there was originally to be a duet in the first ''HighSchoolMusical'' movie that was basically a song fight between Ms. Drabus and Coach Bolton. Ms. Darbus was played by Alyson Reed, a former Broadway actress, and this cut meant that she didn't get to sing a note in any of the three movies.

History for WhatCouldHaveBeen/LiveActionTV - TV Tropes (2024)


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Name: Greg O'Connell

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Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.