
510(k)|DeNovo||Adverse Events|Recalls|PMA|HDE|Classification|Standards
CFR Title 21|Radiation-Emitting Products|X-Ray Assembler|Medsun Reports|CLIA|TPLC

Model Number 9750TFX26A
Device ProblemsFluid/Blood Leak (1250); Fracture (1260); Perivalvular Leak (1457)
Patient ProblemsDyspnea (1816); Hemolytic Anemia (2279)
Event Date01/31/2024
Event TypeInjury
Manufacturer Narrative

Investigation is still ongoing.

Event Description

As reported by the field clinical specialist, approximately 3 months, 12 days post transfemoral tavr procedure with a 26mm sapien 3 ultra valve, the patient is currently being evaluated for a valve in valve procedure.Per the physician notes received by the valve clinical coordinator, the patient developed hemolytic anemia, and there was concern about the valve and whether there was significant paravalvular leak or a smaller leak but at high velocity chewing up blood cells.The patient was having ongoing complaints of fatigue, shortness of breath, decreased appetite, and weight loss.Tee 2 months post tavr revealed central leak, and repeat tavr ct revealed questionable mild separation of the struts along the noncoronary sinus of valsalva.Per medical records received, the patient was called to discuss options regarding treatment for the paravalvular leakage leading to hemolysis.The recommended treatment options were bav or a vascular plug.However, the patient would like to seek a second opinion from the facility that performed the tmvr.

Manufacturer Narrative

A device history record (dhr) review did not reveal any manufacturing nonconformance issues that would have contributed to the event.The instructions for use/training manuals were reviewed for guidance/instruction involving the devices.Based on the review of the ifu/training manuals, no deficiencies were identified.A review of edwards lifesciences risk management documentation was performed for this case.The reported event is an anticipated risk of the transcatheter heart valve procedure, additional assessment of the failure mode is not required at this time.The complaints for valve strut fracture and central regurgitation were unable to be confirmed due to unavailable of relevant medical record and imagery.During manufacturing, the device undergoes multiple 100% inspections.In addition, the work order underwent functional product verification testing on a sampling basis as a requirement for lot release.These inspections and tests during the manufacturing process support that it is unlikely that a non conformance contributed to the reported complaint.Per the instructions for use (ifu), central regurgitation is a potential adverse event associated with bioprosthetic heart valves and the transcatheter aortic valve replacement (tavr) procedure.There are multiple patient and procedural factors that alone or in combination can cause or contribute to central regurgitation including malposition of the valve, impingement of a leaflet due to the guide wire, over inflation of the deployment balloon, post dilation of the implanted valve, and slow recovery of adequate ventricular flow post valve deployment and rapid pacing.All of these factors have the potential to contribute to suboptimal coaptation of the sapien valve leaflets and cause central aortic insufficiency.Occasionally there are cases where the root cause of the regurgitation cannot be determined.As reported, 'there was significant paravalvular leak or a smaller leak', and 'tee 2 months post tavr revealed central leak'.In this case, the presence of a paravalvular leak could affect the hemodynamic of the blood flow, resulting in central regurgitation.It was because paravalvular leak could decrease the blood back flow pressure, which were required for proper valve leaflets coaptation.So, if the valve leaflets were unable to be fully closed, it could result in central regurgitation, as reported.As such, available information suggests that patient factors (paravalvular leak) may have contributed to the reported event.As reported, 'tavr ct revealed questionable mild separation of the struts along the noncoronary sov.' in this case, no further clarification was received from the site, so 'mild separation of struts' was unable to determine.It was unlikely to refer as frame strut, because frame strut could not have mild separation.Due to limited information, and unavailable of relevant imagery, a definite root cause was unable to be determined at this time.Per the instructions for use (ifu), paravalvular leak (pvl) is a known potential adverse event associated with bioprosthetic heart valves.Paravalvular leak refers to blood flowing through a channel between the structure of the implanted valve and the cardiac tissue, as a result of a lack of appropriate sealing of the valve to the target site.Some pvl is not uncommon post deployment.Many cases are mild to moderate, and either resolve over time or do not cause symptoms.Others may be more clinically significant and require intervention.The mechanism behind worsening or late pvl is not well understood but may be related to cardiac remodeling.Per the instructions for use (ifu), hemolysis is a known potential adverse event associated with the thv procedure and the use of the edwards thv devices.Hemolysis is the destruction of red blood cells.There are multiple extrinsic and intrinsic factors including use of extracorporeal circulation, transfusion, infection, tumors, autoimmune disorders, medication side effects, a metabolic abnormality, and red blood cell membrane instability.Normal red blood cells (erythrocytes) have a lifespan of about 120 days.After the lifespan is over the red blood cells break down and are removed from the circulation by the spleen.In some medical conditions, or because of taking certain medications, this breakdown of red blood cells is increased.Medications that have been associated with hemolysis include acetaminophen, penicillin, and other pain medications.Red cells may be destroyed due to defects in the cells themselves.Another cause of hemolytic anemia is break down due to mechanical damage, such as from heart lung bypass or a result of turbulent blood flow pattern and erythrocyte destruction caused by pvl or central regurgitation.Mild, compensated hemolysis associated with prosthetic heart valves is not uncommon.It is usually associated with either structural deterioration or paravalvular leak.Severe hemolysis is rare, however, and usually reflects paravalvular leak.In this case, there was no allegation or indication a product malfunction contributed to this adverse event.Investigation results suggest/indicate patient and/or procedural factors caused or contributed to this event.A review of edwards lifesciences risk management documentation was performed for this case.The reported event is an anticipated risk of the transcatheter heart valve procedure, additional assessment of this adverse event is not required at this time.Complaint histories for all reported events are reviewed against trending control limits on a monthly basis, and any excursions above the control limits are assessed and documented as part of this monthly review.Since no edwards product defects or labeling deficiencies were identified, no corrective or preventative action is required.

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Manufacturer (Section D)
1 edwards way
irvine CA 92614
Manufacturer (Section G)
1 edwards way
irvine CA 92614
Manufacturer Contact
renee van dorne
1 edwards way
irvine, CA92614
MDR Report Key18785414
MDR Text Key336282147
Report Number2015691-2024-01363
Device Sequence Number1
Product CodeNPT
Combination Product (y/n)N
Reporter Country CodeUS
PMA/PMN Number


Number of Events Reported1
Summary Report (Y/N)N
Report SourceManufacturer
Source TypeHealth Professional,User Facility,Company Representative
Reporter OccupationPhysician
Type of ReportInitial,Followup
Report Date04/05/2024
1 Device was Involved in the Event
1 Patient was Involved in the Event
Is this an Adverse Event Report?Yes
Is this a Product Problem Report?Yes
Device OperatorHealth Professional
Device Model Number9750TFX26A
Was Device Available for Evaluation?No
Is the Reporter a Health Professional?Yes
Was the Report Sent to FDA?No
Initial Date Manufacturer Received01/31/2024
Initial Date FDA Received02/26/2024
Supplement Dates Manufacturer Received03/29/2024
Supplement Dates FDA Received04/05/2024
Was Device Evaluated by Manufacturer?Device Not Returned to Manufacturer
Date Device Manufactured02/22/2023
Is the Device Single Use?Yes
Is This a Reprocessed and Reused Single-Use Device?No
Type of Device UsageInitial
Patient Sequence Number1
Patient Outcome(s)Required Intervention;
Patient Age80 YR
Patient SexMale




How long does an Edwards aortic valve last? ›

In a separate Sapien 3 study, the Edwards valve demonstrated “excellent” durability equal to 25 years in accelerated wear testing, according to the researchers, who assessed hydrodynamic and mechanical performance in several sizes of the device.

Is a transcatheter aortic valve MRI safe? ›

If you require an MRI scan, tell the doctor that you have a Medtronic TAVR valve. Not doing so could result in injury or death. Your dentist and all doctors need to know about your Medtronic TAVR valve.

What are the risks of transcatheter aortic valve replacement? ›

The most common risks associated with TAVR include:
  • Damage to your blood vessels.
  • Bleeding.
  • Decreased blood supply to your brain, causing a stroke.
  • Heart attack.
  • Kidney failure.
  • Collection of fluid around your heart.
  • Leaking of the replacement valve.
  • Severe heart failure.

How long can you live with aortic valve regurgitation without surgery? ›

However, life expectancy estimates drop to about 2 years if severe aortic valve regurgitation isn't treated and leads to congestive heart failure. According to a 2021 study, the average life expectancy for individuals ages 60 to 64 who undergo surgical aortic valve replacement is 16.2 years .

How long can you live without an aortic valve replacement? ›

Sadly, in around 2% of people, aortic valve replacement surgery complications can be fatal. However, this is lower than the risks of not treating severe aortic valve disease. Over 50% of people with advanced aortic valve disease will likely die within 5 years without treatment.

Are any heart valves MRI unsafe? ›

Even very old stainless steel valves are likewise considered of no danger in MRI. Thus at present, most centers consider all implanted heart valves and annuloplasty rings conditionally safe for MR imaging up to 3.0T, and do not require any waiting period after surgery before they can be scanned.

Are pig valves MRI safe? ›

By following the pertinent MRI labeling information (i.e., presented in the Instructions for Use, Patient Identification Card, etc.), patients with heart valve prostheses and annuloplasty rings have safely undergone MRI examinations, including those performed at 1.5- and 3-Tesla (15, 20, 22).

Are all aortic stents MRI safe? ›

All current stents are MRI safe and MRI can be done anytime.

Can your body reject an artificial heart valve? ›

Can your body “reject” a heart valve? All valve replacements are "biocompatible," which means your new valve will not be rejected by your immune system.

Can artificial heart valves fail? ›

Acute failure of a prosthetic aortic valve usually leads to sudden or near-sudden death. Prompt recognition and treatment of acute prosthetic mitral valve failure can be lifesaving. Prosthetic valve endocarditis (PVE) has an overall mortality of 50%. In early PVE, it is 74%, whereas in late PVE, mortality is 43%.

What is the lifespan of artificial heart valves? ›

The mechanical aortic valve has a finite life span of 15 to 20 years. Hence, these patients sometimes need a second aortic valve replacement, especially if done at a younger age. Patients with malfunctioning mechanical valves may present with dyspnea, chest pain, syncope, or heart block.

Do you feel better after aortic valve replacement? ›

When you are 6 months past your aortic valve replacement, you should be able to resume most, if not all, the activities you enjoyed before your procedure. You may even find that you have more energy and feel better than you did 6 months ago.

Can an aortic valve be replaced without open heart surgery? ›

Aortic valve replacement may be done using open-heart surgery or minimally invasive methods. Transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) is a type of minimally invasive aortic valve replacement.

What is the life expectancy of a tissue aortic valve? ›

Tissue valves, which are made from pig heart valves or cow heart-sac tissue, typically last about 15 years. But they usually don't require the lifelong use of anti-clotting drugs. Older people are more vulnerable to the bleeding side effects of warfarin. They're also less likely to outlive their new valves.

How long does Edwards Inspiris valve last? ›

Overall, our data show that in the absence of thrombosis and calcification, the Inspiris Resilia aortic valve is durable through 25 years.

How do you know if your aortic valve is failing? ›

Aortic valve disease can cause a number of symptoms, including: Shortness of breath (especially with physical activity, or in aortic valve insufficiency, when lying flat and at night) Chest discomfort, tightness, or pain. Fainting, feeling faint, or dizziness.

What is the lifespan of a bicuspid aortic valve? ›

How long can I live with a bicuspid aortic valve? A bicuspid aortic valve typically functions well throughout childhood and early adulthood, and most people born with a bicuspid aortic valve can live a healthy normal life with a normal life expectancy with proper treatment and follow up.


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