Mysteries of the Abyssal Triangle (2024)

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TheGamechanger from Fourth Wall Since: Nov, 2016 Relationship Status: Robosexual

#1: Jun 2nd 2020 at 3:22:02 PM

If you haven't guessed based on the title, this is a RP that takes place in a fictional counterpart of The Bermuda Triangle. Naturally, all the stories and legends surrounding the real life Bermuda Triangle and others like it will be brought Up To Eleven here for prime storytelling. The goal isn't to solve all the mysteries as that could very well be impossible, but to make the triangle safer for everyone. And this probably isn't a thread for everyone as some of the stories and stuff can be scary to see or even think about.

Modern pirates and other sea thugs, ghosts, sea monsters, aliens, eldritch things, conspiracies, freaky weather, and more naturally can be found in this triangle.

Anyways, the main characters will all have an investment in the triangle in some way, either for personal reasons or something else. Anyways, time to introduce our characters. If you're wondering, my character is the owner of the submarine.


A ragtag bunch of people were sitting around a large table that's just been filled with food for supper. The one who invited them, the captain of the vessel, would've joined them but they have to wait as a crew member informed him of something important and he left somewhere on the submarine to take care of it.

The submarine clearly looked like it had seen better days, the notoriously rough seas taking its toll on her. The interior was surprisingly well decorated in spite of the deteriorated condition of the submarine. While the submarine is underwater it still rocked back and forth from the chaotic currents, enough to make someone who isn't used to the sea ill.

The slightly humanoid octopus waiter finished giving the group their food and drink.

I hope you're all comfortable. Admiral Skull shall join you shortly to discuss your interests in the triangle, right now he's busy with something else that's triangle-related. If you need anything just ask. If you're wondering why I can talk, I'm from a species that lives in these waters that looks like octopi, but aren't.

Edited by TheGamechanger on Jun 2nd 2020 at 1:50:40 PM

The League of Heroes

wingedcatgirl I'm helping! from lurking (Holding A Herring) Relationship Status: Oh my word! I'm gay!

I'm helping!

#2: Jun 3rd 2020 at 1:45:31 AM

Amongst the people at the table is a figure in an oversized hoodie.

Like, really oversized. It almost looks like they're wearing it over a backpack.

And the hood is still up even at the dinner table.

This is a person that has something to hide, yet paradoxically doesn't care if you know that.

Trouble Cube continues to be a general-purpose forum for those who desire such a thing.

ArmoredFury VERY fast Apostle boosting at incredible hihg sp from such an ordinary day in June (Experienced, Not Yet Jaded) Relationship Status: Plastic Love

VERY fast Apostle boosting at incredible hihg sp

#3: Jun 3rd 2020 at 6:57:53 PM

The Weapons Officer is a gangly, twitchy man, looking more at home at a deserted island than any seaworthy vessel. In front of him lays a piece of half-crumpled paper filled with scrawled-out notes and diagrams. He warily glances at the submarine and the rest of the crew, jotting down every minute detail he notices.

"More rum, p-please." He says to the waiter without lifting his gaze from the parchment. "Mixed with two parts water. A-a-and some dark-dewed cherry. If you have those."

Pick up your weapon, even if you hesitate, you cannot give up. Hold on to your ideals, even if you struggle, you cannot waver.

TheGamechanger from Fourth Wall Since: Nov, 2016 Relationship Status: Robosexual

#4: Jun 3rd 2020 at 9:23:36 PM

The Submarine

The octopus-like waiter jots down the order.

Rum mixed with two parts water and some dark-dewed cherry, got it.

He slithers over in the direction of the kitchen. The waiter was purple in color, wearing a simple black and white waiter uniform. He was shorter than the average human, between half the height and three-quarters of the height depending on how the octopus-like being decides to situate his supporting tentacles. However that's his height on land, as it's plain to see that the length from the top of his head to the tips of his supporting tentacles that he's longer than a human. Given that he's handling air just fine without a protective suit, it's apparent whatever species he is has evolved to be amphibious. His head is very similar to that of a regular octopus, expect it has more features such as brows that move to show emotion and a somewhat human-like beak. His body consist of an upper torso like a human's, except instead of left and right arms there's two pairs of tentacles, each of those four tentacle ending in a "hand" with three tentacle-like fingers. His lower torso consists of six supporting tentacles serving as legs.

A thunderous roar erupted from outside as the windows outside briefly became illuminated with bright white light. A storm was apparently raging on the surface of the sea and a lightning bolt just hit the water near the sub. Luckily, they don't have to worry about the storm like a sailing ship would as they're safely underwater.

The League of Heroes

TacoBadger Well, it’s a badger, that’s for sure from either behind you or Albuquerque Since: Mar, 2015 Relationship Status: The Skitty to my Wailord

Well, it’s a badger, that’s for sure

#5: Jun 3rd 2020 at 11:00:47 PM

However, Ernie Młynarczyk, a longtime Polish navy man, momentarily let sweat bead from his head, as he quickly scoped out holes to plug. Once he'd realized the lack of danger, his back de-tensed, and he padded a napkin on his forehead.

Pierdol mnie... when do we see this captain character?


AdeptGaderius Otaku from the Anime World Since: Nov, 2018 Relationship Status: Anime is my true love


#6: Jun 4th 2020 at 5:47:53 AM

Amy Nara, an Asian-American diver, gave an aside glance to the submarine crew. For years, she was a professional freediver who collected pearls and taught swimming classee, looking for her big break as a diver.

"Look here, I wasn't paid to look pretty," Amy lamented.

TheGamechanger from Fourth Wall Since: Nov, 2016 Relationship Status: Robosexual

#7: Jun 4th 2020 at 7:31:52 AM

The Submarine

The submarine is rocked by the ocean currents, causing the lights to briefly go out in the worn-down vessel. A few moments pass and the lights turn back on, revealing the captain sitting at the table with the group. There was no sound to indicate he even walked there, and yet he had.

Theme music

The captain was wearing what looked like a cross between modern armor and a military uniform, looking like a cross between a classic pirate and a modern one. Alternatively, his suit makes him look like a Steampunk or Dieselpunk pirate. His suit was predominately black with the rest being dark blue. He's wearing a specialized helmet with a faceplate of a white skull with ghostly glowing blue eyes. His voice was deep thanks to the helmet, but one can hear the accent commonly associated with pirates.

Sorry to startle you like that, but to survive in these waters one must be an expert at either stealth or might. Naturally, I go with both. I'm the captain of this vessel, pleased to meet your acquaintance. You probably weren't expecting this rotten merchant vessel to still be a working sub when you came here via those fliers we sent out, huh?

Anyways we might as well introduce ourselves. You must think I'm some sort of pirate, don't ya? Nah, I'm just a retired navy veteran that decided to become a merchant to help those around the triangle. I only look like a pirate as my foes call me Admiral Skull because of how ruthless and tough as nails I am as a fighter, so this is my way of humoring them. You may refer to me as that name if you wish. Course my comrades in arms know that I'm no pirate, they're also rolling with this persona I've made to help keep the local ruffians in line as they know they fear me.

My life before the triangle was typical of many people. I had a good childhood with a loving family and I joined the navy to serve my country. I worked my way up the ranks and made a name for myself. Then one fateful day the triangle struck. It was stormy that day, and I witnessed translucent tentacles rise out of ocean and create a maelstrom that claimed my submarine and my crew, leaving me as the sole survivor. I not not escape unscathed, aside from protecting me I'm also wearing this helmet as my face is horribly scarred. I was eventually rescued, and I completed my duty a few years later and retired. I acquired the submarine you're now in and converted it to a merchant vessel.

Several folk over the years had their own sea creature to menace them, it's either hunt them or be hunted by them. For me, my creature is the triangle itself. I won't rest until the day the terrors of the triangle is no more.

The triangle is of course a harsh place, not something to take lightly. Over the years, I've learned in my experience that to get by one must match power with power, be as threatening as the threats the plague the seas as faltering even once can make those threats consume you. Whether you like it or not, survival of the fittest is indeed in full swing as far as the triangle is concerned.

That same lesson even applies the the name of this submarine. you've probably heard of the megalodon, right? A giant extinct shark that ate whales? Well not as famous as that but still dangerous is another extinct species that ate whales... a whale by the name of LivyatanMysteries of the Abyssal Triangle (9). As it lived at the same time as megalodon, they probably even fought each other! As such, I named the submarine after the whale.

The League of Heroes

ArmoredFury VERY fast Apostle boosting at incredible hihg sp from such an ordinary day in June (Experienced, Not Yet Jaded) Relationship Status: Plastic Love

VERY fast Apostle boosting at incredible hihg sp

#8: Jun 4th 2020 at 8:28:13 AM

The Captain's introduction is so long that the Weapons Officer ran out of margins to write on his paper. He jots down the rest of the Captain's backstory in a napkin.

"Introductions! Yes. Right. Is it my turn? Very well. Rowan de Lancie. Served as a Gunner's Mate aboard the Marauder. Fine ship, she was. 2700 tons of steel, 36 knots, enough flak to drown a bomber wing in shrapnel. Didn't help much against a kraken, though. Haha. Brass said that she was sunk by a U-Boat. Bollocks. I saw it with my own eyes! Eyes as large as boulders, tentacles that can wrap around a hill! It snapped the radio mast off and swept the deck, smashing men apart like they were blood sausages, and then..."

He takes a deep breath to compose himself, followed with a quick shot of watered-down rum.

"...I saw her."

He reaches to his knapsack to pull out a sketchbook. Flipping quickly through the pages, it's clear that Rowan spends a significant part of his time drawing. Ships, fellow sailors, scenes of battles, men being torn apart by gunfire and eldritch horrors. Eventually, he stopped on a singular page.

A sketch of a young woman, whose long, black strands of hair blows in the deep currents. Her features are indistinct, blurred by the waters, but one can still make out her otherworldly grace even through Rowan's feverish style.

"She saved me. I don't know who she is or why she saved me, and only me, then saw fit to strand me in the some uncharted island off the Bahamas. Of course, everyone thinks that I'm a loon when I got back to civilization. Then the Navy discharged me as soon as I walked out of the hospital."

Letting out a frustrated sigh, Rowan reclines back on his chair, his jitteriness having disappeared in the last few minutes.

"I know it's not a lot to go on, but I need answers. I must see her."

Pick up your weapon, even if you hesitate, you cannot give up. Hold on to your ideals, even if you struggle, you cannot waver.

DrNoPuma I'm not all there myself. from Dream Land (Experienced, Not Yet Jaded) Relationship Status: I think I love you, so what am I so afraid of?

I'm not all there myself.

#9: Jun 4th 2020 at 9:35:03 AM

Mark Insicuro, an Italian-American man, is still kind of shaken by everything that's going on. He's really only licensed as a therapist, but since he also has some basic medical knowledge and a medical kit, he signed on to be the team's medic.

That said, he had no idea he was going to meet octopus men, a steampunk/dieselpunk pirate-themed admiral, or any of this.

Edited by DrNoPuma on Jun 4th 2020 at 12:36:10 PM

I know Disney's Cheshire Cat is considered an antagonist, but come on, he's adorable.

wingedcatgirl I'm helping! from lurking (Holding A Herring) Relationship Status: Oh my word! I'm gay!

I'm helping!

#10: Jun 4th 2020 at 9:51:00 AM

The hooded figure looked around. They brought their hands up to eye level and started signing: "Are we doing introductions? I wasn't prepared for that, but..."

Curiously, everyone finds themself able to understand this sign language, even if they've never studied such a thing.

The figure lowers their hood, revealing a teal-haired young woman with what appear to be cat earsMysteries of the Abyssal Triangle (13).

"My name is Charis Spiros. I'm... a traveler, of sorts. I go from place to place, looking for... anything interesting, really. And people who I can help with my... unique talents. I arrived here a few months ago, but when I tried to move on, I found myself... stopped. I've looked into it since then, and I think the triangle has something to do with it."

I realize that reference image totally spoils why her hoodie looks so bulky, but let's all pretend we don't see it Mysteries of the Abyssal Triangle (14)

Edited by wingedcatgirl on Jun 5th 2020 at 4:55:08 AM

Trouble Cube continues to be a general-purpose forum for those who desire such a thing.

TacoBadger Well, it’s a badger, that’s for sure from either behind you or Albuquerque Since: Mar, 2015 Relationship Status: The Skitty to my Wailord

Well, it’s a badger, that’s for sure

#11: Jun 4th 2020 at 10:00:03 AM

Młynarczyk looks around and both men who’ve spoken so far. So you’re hoping to destabilize an ecosystem, and you’re looking for your prom date. Got it. He seems to pay no mind yet to the signing cat girl.

As he reached for his glass, he provided the briefest backstory possible. Name’s Ernie. I worked for Polish Navy. Never been in a wreck, guess I’m just that good. By the time he’s finished, he then sips his beverage, and when he places it down, he has nothing left to say.

Edited by TacoBadger on Jun 4th 2020 at 2:35:41 PM


TheGamechanger from Fourth Wall Since: Nov, 2016 Relationship Status: Robosexual

#12: Jun 4th 2020 at 12:24:37 PM

The Livyatan

The Admiral regards Ernie with bemusem*nt.

Hey, for all I know I could be doing the environment a favor by getting rid of some of these threats if the stories about them are true. And it's not like the only threats are sea monsters, there could be pollutants and thugs that don't give one sh*t about what happens to the sea out there such as actual pirates and other low-lives that plague the seas. And then there's stories about curses and aliens, so who knows what's out there.

The waiter comes back with more food, handing Rowan his special rum. Admiral Skull opens his faceplate to eat, revealing a face like if Freddy Krueger decided to have all his burn scars be replaced with slash marks.

Sorry about my face, a man has to eat you know.

Even without his faceplate, his natural voice still sounds deep.

The League of Heroes

TacoBadger Well, it’s a badger, that’s for sure from either behind you or Albuquerque Since: Mar, 2015 Relationship Status: The Skitty to my Wailord

Well, it’s a badger, that’s for sure

#13: Jun 4th 2020 at 12:36:26 PM

Ernie listens to his excuses and shakes his head. Whatever helps you sleep at night, pal.

As he drinks, he takes note of the slash marks, peering over the side of his mug. He doesn’t say anything, but internally he is shocked by the level of damage.

Edited by TacoBadger on Jun 4th 2020 at 2:38:08 PM


AdeptGaderius Otaku from the Anime World Since: Nov, 2018 Relationship Status: Anime is my true love


#14: Jun 4th 2020 at 3:20:34 PM

"Danger?" Amy blurts, "You mean the whole place is filled with dangers? Yeah, I hope we find some treasure to make this worth it!"

She stands up and brushes off. "What we're going to do exploring the Abyssal Triangle? I hold a world record of diving to the deepest depths without any equipment."

TheGamechanger from Fourth Wall Since: Nov, 2016 Relationship Status: Robosexual

#15: Jun 4th 2020 at 4:02:26 PM

The Livyatan

Skull chuckles.

I've made several preparations to deal with the horrors of the triangle thanks to my years of experience. That's why I'm wearing this armor in contrast to your more leisurely clothes as you never know when or what the triangle will throw at ya. I have acquired several weapons and armor to use against the various threats, some of which I had custom-built. Some of that I sell on the side since my day job is that of a merchant and I seek to help people, though naturally I never sell that to suspicious types as they can prove dangerous in the wrong hands.

He unsheathes a futuristic metal sword with blue glowing lines from his armor.

This is a special sword, when one taps into feelings of anger or vengeance this happens...

Knowing the captain well enough, as if on cue the waiter immediately brings out a training dummy on the opposite side of the room. The captain concentrates his emotion on the sword, the lines on it now glowing red as sparks of red electricity start flowing on it. Suddenly he slashes the sword in the direction of the dummy, sending a red wave of power that strikes the dummy with explosive force, blasting it into two pieces across the torso.

This sword is based on the legend of an ancient sword from a lost civilization that disappeared in these waters. Of course, the ancient one is more powerful as it's yet to be found and analyzed. I seek to one day find it before one with ill intentions does. And that's just merely one of many ancient legends surrounding these waters. As such I find it important to prepare for the worst case scenario of such artifacts falling into evil.

The League of Heroes

TacoBadger Well, it’s a badger, that’s for sure from either behind you or Albuquerque Since: Mar, 2015 Relationship Status: The Skitty to my Wailord

Well, it’s a badger, that’s for sure

#16: Jun 4th 2020 at 5:31:52 PM

Ernie yawns. Yeah yeah yeah, cool sword... when do we start into the Triangle?


TheGamechanger from Fourth Wall Since: Nov, 2016 Relationship Status: Robosexual

#17: Jun 4th 2020 at 9:55:45 PM

The Livyatan

The captain laughs heartily.

Well, where do you think ya are now? That town we began our journey in is one of the triangle's corners! Though worth mentioning that the boundaries of the triangle isn't exactly a triangle, it's just referred to as that for convenience as the supposed area of effect is unknown.

He puts his faceplate back on.

I hope the lot of you as a whole are good in the heat of battle, as that's where the sub is heading. Before I joined you here at this table I received word that some local pirates have entered a skirmish with illegal ship scrappers. My goal in making the terrors of the triangle no more involves getting rid of riffraff like those.

Now, I could just go off and attack them, but I see it best to save one's resources when one's enemies are fighting each other as they're doing all the hard work for me! As such, once the smoke clears we'll pick off whoever is left!

Edited by TheGamechanger on Jun 4th 2020 at 12:55:57 PM

The League of Heroes

wingedcatgirl I'm helping! from lurking (Holding A Herring) Relationship Status: Oh my word! I'm gay!

I'm helping!

#18: Jun 5th 2020 at 10:01:50 AM

Illegal ship scrappers...? Charis thinks.

"I know what pirates are," she signs, "but I don't think I'm familiar with the other thing."

Edited by wingedcatgirl on Jun 5th 2020 at 4:54:10 AM

Trouble Cube continues to be a general-purpose forum for those who desire such a thing.

TheGamechanger from Fourth Wall Since: Nov, 2016 Relationship Status: Robosexual

#19: Jun 5th 2020 at 3:48:22 PM

The Livyatan

The captain turns to Charis.

Ship scrapping or ship breakingMysteries of the Abyssal Triangle (24) is an old business of taking apart ships to recycle them. Ship scrappers, ship breaker, whatever you want to call them take apart ships for their scrap metal value. Now there's legal ways to go about that, but these guys don't care. If there's ships around they're targets for these guys. They're like poachers, but instead of big game they're hunting ships. If they're people on board the ships they'd just slaughter them all just to claim the ship. So little wonder they're in conflict with pirates.

The League of Heroes

wingedcatgirl I'm helping! from lurking (Holding A Herring) Relationship Status: Oh my word! I'm gay!

I'm helping!

#20: Jun 5th 2020 at 4:27:27 PM

Charis nods. "Okay, I can see the problem with that now." She pauses a moment for thought. "So if we're waiting for the pirates and the scrap-poachers to kill each other, what are we doing in the meantime?"

Edited by wingedcatgirl on Jun 5th 2020 at 4:54:39 AM

Trouble Cube continues to be a general-purpose forum for those who desire such a thing.

Afterwards the cake is an alternative fact from Dead End: Paranormal Park Since: Apr, 2016 Relationship Status: He makes me feel like I have a heart

the cake is an alternative fact

#21: Jun 5th 2020 at 4:33:07 PM

"Yo Momma," says the Dread Pirate Lisandra, a scantily-dressed half-elf with bright pink hair and an eyepatch. "What's more, we've taken control of this ship. Everybody down, you're prisoners now."

With that, she pulls out a large musket and fires a warning shot through the roof, shooting right through to the deck of the ship.

Edited by Afterwards on Jun 5th 2020 at 7:35:15 AM

she magnificent my bastard till i complete on her monster

TheGamechanger from Fourth Wall Since: Nov, 2016 Relationship Status: Robosexual

#22: Jun 5th 2020 at 4:37:56 PM

Mysteries of the Abyssal Triangle (28)How'd she get aboard when the sub is underwater? Plus shooting a hole through it would spell her doom as the sub would start filling with water.

The League of Heroes

Afterwards the cake is an alternative fact from Dead End: Paranormal Park Since: Apr, 2016 Relationship Status: He makes me feel like I have a heart

the cake is an alternative fact

#23: Jun 5th 2020 at 4:40:58 PM

Mysteries of the Abyssal Triangle (30)that will be revealed, also she's dumb enough to not know that

she magnificent my bastard till i complete on her monster

TalesofUnder Not Sherlock Holmes from 1900s England Since: May, 2017 Relationship Status: THIS CONCEPT OF 'WUV' CONFUSES AND INFURIATES US!

Not Sherlock Holmes

#24: Jun 5th 2020 at 4:51:44 PM

A scrawny man wearing glasses ducks under the table in fear.

“I DIDN’T EXPECT ACTUAL PIRATES! I was lead to believe that we were to be dealing with SOFTWARE piracy!”

“Now! Let us engage in the art of deduction!”

TheGamechanger from Fourth Wall Since: Nov, 2016 Relationship Status: Robosexual

#25: Jun 5th 2020 at 4:55:12 PM

The Livyatan

Being a seasoned veteran, Admiral Skull doesn't bat an eye as he whips out his sword in one swift moment and sends a wave of red energy right at the pirate's weapon while the waiter pulls a lever that sends the netting that was on the ceiling as a decoration on top of everyone. At that same time galleons of water start pouring in from the hole in the submarine the musket has created. Also at that same time he calmly gives directions to everyone.

Alright, looks like we have a chore do to thanks to this novice pirate. The sub will sink with us on it including this pirate unless we plus up the hole.

Edited by TheGamechanger on Jun 5th 2020 at 7:55:26 AM

The League of Heroes


Total posts: 71

Mysteries of the Abyssal Triangle (2024)


What does a blood gem do? ›

The Blood Gems are special items that can be used to power up your weapons.

What are abyssal gems in bloodborne? ›

Cursed Blood Gems have blisters, or otherwise certain imperfections in them that resemble pinkish, oozing bubbles. Abyssal Gems are likely called this way due to the fact that they become very dark in the hue of its general type.

What is the highest rating blood gem? ›

Abyssal Blood Gems are the highest rated of all, with a rating of 20. These have an extremely dark hue to mark how rare they are. Your weapons will only get so powerful by leveling up alone, Blood Gems are needed to take them to the stars.

Can you reuse Blood Gems? ›

can you add 3 bloodgems then remove them and add other ones? or is it permanent? are blood gems the "rings" of this game? Yes they are fully interchangable and they cost nothing to place or remove.

What does gold blood gem do? ›

The Gold Amulet is an consumable item in Bloodborne that once used, transforms into a Gold Blood Gem, which can be inserted into weapons to increase damage against beasts by +12.6%. The amulet is found on the body of Vicar Amelia, the boss of the Cathedral Ward.

What do cursed Blood Gems do? ›

A blood gem that fortifies weapons and adds various properties. The sticky spots and indicative of a curse, but this gem's malicious effects are perfect for bolstering certain types of weapons. Most triangular blood gems have effects that provide attribute bonuses and extra effects.

Is Blood Stone Valuable? ›

Bloodstones are relatively inexpensive gems available in many sizes. The color and number of their spots play the primary role in their value. Stones with a greater number of deep red or dark orange spots usually sell for higher prizes.

What is an extremely precious blood gem? ›

-> Once you enter the Ailing Loran Chalice dungeon all you have to do is defeat the first layer boss, Beast-Possessed Soul, and he will drop a Fire Damp Blood Gem (5) rating 15 which is apparently considered to be a "extremely precious blood gem", thus granting you the Blood Gem Master Trophy.


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Name: Annamae Dooley

Birthday: 2001-07-26

Address: 9687 Tambra Meadow, Bradleyhaven, TN 53219

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Job: Future Coordinator

Hobby: Archery, Couponing, Poi, Kite flying, Knitting, Rappelling, Baseball

Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.