Recipe: Chewy Zucchini Brownies (2024)

What’s even better than a rich, chocolaty, chewy, fudge brownie?

A rich, chocolaty, chewy, fudge brownie that’s good for you! These brownies are so full of chocolate flavor, you won’t realize that they’re also full of healthy zucchini. If you happen to be swimming in summer squash (see this post), this is a great way to put it to good use. And, depending on your garden needs, this recipe will work just as well with a yellow squash as it does with a zucchini.

I’m not one to try to hide vegetables in food, as though they are something that can’t be eaten without a clever disguise. Vegetables should be celebrated! But, if you can improve the texture and flavor of your dessert and get a few extra nutrients in while you’re at it, why not? My thought is, bring these to that company pot-luck dinner or the family reunion and proudly announce that they’re no ordinary brownies. If people avoid them, that means more for you. And if they try them, you’ll have made some new converts to the world of flexible vegetables!

Hallelujah for zucchini brownies!

To make the brownies gluten free, just use an organic gluten free flour mix. There’s not a ton of flour in the recipe, so it’s pretty forgiving if you want to experiment with flour type. I looked at a lot of recipes for zucchini brownies and landed on a variation of this one from the Lauren’s Latest blog. You can frost or glaze the brownies, but they are so rich all by themselves that I decided to skip that step.

First, melt some organic, fair trade chocolate chips with some coconut oil in a pan (I used mini chocolate chips…they melt so quickly, this step only took about a minute). Remove it from the heat and then stir in some cocoa, sugar, an egg plus an egg yolk, vanilla and then the flour and a bit of baking powder. Finally, add shredded zucchini. You’ll want to squeeze the shredded zucchini before you measure it, to get as much liquid out as you can. I love this because you can mix the brownies up in the pan without getting a bowl dirty. One less thing to wash!

Pour the batter in a baking dish and bake for about 15 minutes…yum! Delicious brownies that will really satisfy that craving for chocolate, with an added boost of vegetable included. The zucchini makes the brownies moist and chewy, but it doesn’t effect the flavor. Success! The most difficult thing about this recipe is avoiding eating half a pan all by yourself.

Chewy Chocolate Zucchini Brownies

Recipe: Chewy Zucchini Brownies (1)

A rich, chewy, chocolaty brownie that’sactually good for you! Includes gluten-free alternative.

Prep Time20 minutes

Cook Time20 minutes

Total Time40 minutes



  1. Preheat oven to 350 F.
  2. In a large saucepan, melt the chocolate chips with the coconut oil.
  3. Remove from heat and stir continually as you add the cocoa powder, the sugar or honey, the egg and egg yolk, and the vanilla.
  4. Stir the baking soda in with the flour and add it to the batter. Stir in the shredded zucchini.
  5. Pour the batter into a 9×9 inch square baking pan that’s been greased with coconut oil, and bake for 15-20 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out with just a few moist crumbs.

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Have you tried zucchini brownies? What’s your favorite zucchini recipe?


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Recipe: Chewy Zucchini Brownies (2024)


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