fr-Trf Index-Journal. Greenwood, 8.C,Thurw April 23. 1992 Tonight's TV I CABLE PM WYFF WNEH WSPA FAM WIS WHNS WLOS USA ESPN TNT WTBS WGN TDC AMC SS BET TNN WGGS GREEWOOD Cable Network Cable Network 2 WNEH 20 Eacore 3 CNN 21 ESPN 4 WYFF 22 TBS I HBO 23 WGN (Chicago) Family Channel 24 Discovery Chaa. 7 WSPA 2S Country Music TV 5 CNN Headline 2C Movie Classic! Disney Chan. 27 C-SPAN It WIS 28 Nickelodeoo 11 WGGS 2 QVCSportSouth 12WHNS 3t Black Entert.
TV 13WL08 31 NasbvUle Network 14 Cinemax 32 Weather Channel UUSA 33VH-1 1 Showtime 34 Lifetime 17HSN 35 Arts Entert. 15 TNT 34 CNBC It Tele-guide 37 SportsChan. Am. 38 MTV Subject to network change 600 Nawa. Camaraa- Nawa CC) Rtn Tin Nairn (CO Aman Naw (CC) Cannon Vaohting GMHgan'a Bavarty VMm Bayrjnd 'Advan- Golf in Par- VMm IP VMmPM Avtngar 700 Ck an TtB Expraaa Island Hillbilll Powar 2000 tura In aotea Cont'd (CCI Cont'd 30 Buatnaaa ZortofCCI NBC M'A'S'M ABC UaCloaa Bum AndyGrH Savadby BaWmora' Fmshwa- Ttsaay Hsoort Nawa Nawa Bunny fith tha BaM Cont'd tar MarBvn 700 NBC MacNatl CB8 Nawa WaJtena Naw (CCI Chaanj Whaalof MaeOyvar Sportacan- Pata Addama Jaffaraana rsortham Movta: Oaan Our- Sanford Uta NHght Southllda IB ICCI Fsvtuna tar Family ICC) WHdUfa UMa ham With BaptM 30 fvhour Famity Jo- Jaopardyl LPBT Samord Can Ba Naturaol MIm Mar- To Ba An- Scram BaaStar David Ut- Chun JSSJ Faud iHQht With ICCI BowHtva and Son Told Canada kar' nouncad Scan tarman 800 Coaby Batnf Top Cop That'a My Coaby Stenpaona Movta: Murdar.
NBA Baa- Movie: Movia: Human in Oaamonda Crook and Natun'a Nrta Una w8wwJd, poo Show (CCI 'Colombo Sna katbaH: Right to IvWphy's tha Sky Chaw Kingdom 30 'iT Aakadfor Drffarant DraiatTa and tha Wrota Playoff law' 0.1. Diary VMM Soul Worid latar It World Claw Murder of (CCI Team, to 9 Cheer Myataryl: Street Sto- Father Cheer Bavaria a Rock Movia: Bating: Be An- Beyond Movie: NaehviHe World at Ml JSSL rwa tCC) OowUng (CCI Wit. Star' (CCI Tha Tommy nouncad 2000 'Kentucky Now War 30 VVmo MonaV Myatarlea Wino 90210 Oaurmet' Mornaon Moon- ICCI ICC) (CCI ICCI ICCI v. Kim- 2 1 A A. Lan OoMm Human 700 Club LA.
Law Star Trek: Primetime mual Movia: 'In New (CCI Burled Taxa Brut Praia tha lllqn iVf. FX" cc The Next live (CC) Odum CoM Mirror Connec Force: Lord 1UW Tataytason (CC Cienere- NBA Ba- Blood' Spain- Movie: Motor- Genera- tran Weapon tlonlCC) katball: New Advan- porta ttona UOO Nawa etMeain Nawa (CCI Border New M'A'S'H Nawa (CC) PGA Golf: BaaabaK Playoff-- Night Natural tura in Thi Week Daamonda Crook and Evening at 30 Tmdnht 25JS eia. Greater Tonight Taama to Court World BarUmor in NAS- Chaa tha Im-3U Tonight Silk Stalk- Movia: Tonight Araanki Night Green. Sportacm- Ba An- Kojak CAR Our prov Sho" kwa PHIarof Show HarltCCI Court boro tar nouncad 2 Voice I A0 StanOff "2 the Sky' NlghrJina Open From the Movia: Motorcy- Midnight NaahviM Natura'a Prakwma I 30 rtayu iM ICCI Pacific 'Little da Mad- Love Now Kingdom Lord Baa TtfJ'' PereoneJ DavMUt- Love Con- Paid Pro- Motorcy- Close 3rd Rim Mia Mar- new llarman I III tarman I nection I pram clot In. NBA Home Rd Kind Ker' -ABC warns rerasi week From Ozzie to Homer: Does father really know best? Dow (Wally of "Leave it to and Don Grady (Rob on "My Three In fact, much of the book was culled from "The Denis Archives" a collections of old clips, bios and files stored in the family basem*nt in the Riverdale section of the Bronx.
The two brothers did quibble over the qualifications for inclusion before deciding children were a must; this rule kept Ralph Kramden and the Honeymooners out of its pages. Richard (Richard Correll) works in the production end of television. Who made the first music video? Ozzie Nelson, who slapped son Ricky's face over travelogue footage while the teen heartthrob sang "Travelin" Man" in 1961 two decades before MTV. The authors grew up in a TV family their dad, Paul Denis, was the first television editor of the New York Post. Their childhood memories include Dad meeting with some of the biggest names in tube families: Ozzie and Harriet Nelson, Tony LOS ANGELES (AP) ABC won the latest ratings on the strength of its Tuesday night comedy lineup.
The network got a 10.4 rating, NBC a 10.2 and CBS a 10.1, the A.C. Nielsen Co. said Tuesday. Each rating point represents 921,000 homes. The averages were down by about 2 million homes per network, reflecting the end of the 1992 season.
Of last week's top 10 shows, six were reruns. Of ABC's Tuesday night comedies, "Roseanne" was the most-watched show on television; "Home Improvement" was No. "Room for Two," a new series starring Linda Lavin, tied tor tutu; and "Full House" was seventh. Fox Broadcasting's "Married With Children" tied for 13th place with NBC's "LA. Law." In the network news, ABC won again, with a 9.8 rating.
CBS had an 8.3 and NBC an 8. Here are the top' 10 shows, their network and rating: "Roseanne," ABC, 20.2; "Home Improvement," ABC, 18.2; "60 Minutes," CBS, 15.4; "Murphy Brown," CBS, 15.3; "Unsolved Mysteries," NBC, and "Room for Two," ABC (tie), 15; "Full House," ABC, 14.6; "Designing Women," CBS, 14.2; "20-20," ABC, 14; and "Northern Exposure," CBS. 13.9. Week's top TV shows Day at a the Lawrences the Ewings "Kate and Ailie," and the Conners The brothers Denis are nostalgists at heart: "The gray world we pass through today is a shabby substitute for the safety of those strong black and white images from the past," writes Christopher Paul in the book's intra. The 256-page book also is a wealth of trivial information (yet, at $16.95, far less expensive and much more enjoyable than, say, the Encyclopedia Britannica).
Where did the Anderson clan of "Father Knows Best" reside? 607 South Maple Springfield, USA the same fictional town where Homer and Marge Simpson are raising their brood three decades later. Where are Beaver Cleaver's buddies these days? Lumpy (Frank Bank) is a California municipal bonds salesman; Gilbert (Steven Talbot) is a documentary filmmaker who won a Peabody for his 1980 film, "Broken Arrow," By LARRY McSHANE Associated Press Writer NEW YORK (AP) Homer is in; Herman is out. The Beav made it; the Fonz didn't. The Keatons made the cut; the Clampeits were trimmed. It's not easy picking the best and the brightest of television kin, but a pair of Bronx baby-boomers take their best shot in "Favorite Families of TV," in which Christopher Paul Denis and his brother, Michael, cite their top 20 TV families of all time.
Who's in? Some are fairly obvious. The Nelsons, the Andersons, the Keatons, the Simpsons. Those polar extremes of sitcom clans, the Huxtables and the Bundys. A pair of Michael Landon kinfolk: the Cartwrights and the Ingalls. The Bunkers and their spin-off, the Evans family The best of the rest: the Hansen family the Stones Donna Reed the Taylors Andy Griffith the Cleavers It to the Douglas clan Three the Romanos FRIDAY SATURDAY 5PM 10PM AU-You-Can-Eat SEAFOOD BUFFET NEW YORK (AP) Hn an Ibr primr-tins ratings at coroptM by tbt A.C Nielsen Co.
for April 13-19. Top 20 Istinp Incledt lot week's ranking, with fall essari-to-dia rsnkini si perrmheies, rating for ins week and total boras. An ta ssrrmhcsef denotes aos-timc-anty preseou-aon. A rsent satstates tb percentage of lbs ration's 92.1 illlon TV bancs. Each ratings point represents 921,000 kousebokb.
1. (2) "Riesans." ABC, lUratlkonaoms. 2. (4) "Hon ABC 13. 10.9 mlUlol That's entertainment Now enjoy all of the ALASKAN CRAB LEGS you' can eat with pur regular seafood buffet for $11.99.
Mart Plata CBS. 154, 14.2 million boms. 4. Brown," CBS, 15.3. 14.1 million borne.
5. (9) "Unsolved Myaerki." NBC, ISA liM rrSWao ABC ISA 13.1 nation nomes. 7. (I) "PsU Hosss," ABC. 14.6, 134 million hornet.
(6) "Designing Women." CBS, 14.2. 13.1 mi lion 53. (12) "Commlih." ABC. 9.3. S3.
(76) "Human Factor," CBS. 9.3. 55. (91) "Const" Fox. 9.1 55.
(43) "Revolver" "NBC Sunday Movie." 9.2. 55. (X) "Room for Two," ABC, 9.1 St. (63) "Onanism Leap," NBC 9.1. 59.
(91) "Code 3." Fox. 9.0 "Parker Kane" "NBC Monday Movie," 9.0. "Colsmbo." ABC. 19. 61.
(54) "Beverly Hits, 90210." Fox, 1.9. 63. (19) "Rftb Corner." NBC 13. 63. (X) Mann a Machine." NBC 13.
65. (65) "Davis Rales." CBS, 14. 66. (31) "Broadcast News" "ABC Monday Movie," IJX 67. (75) "Murder Tunes Seven" "CBS Friday Movie," 7.7.
67, (71) "Royal FsmHy." CBS, 7.7. 69. (104) "Cops," Fox, 7.5. 70. (95) "Standby Your Man." Fox, 7.3.
70. (12) "DrexeU's CUst." Fox, 7.3. 71 (70) "Perfect Strangers." ABC, 7.2. 73. (79) "Roc," Fox, 6.9.
74. (99) "Who's the ABC, 6.8. 74. (87) "Trials of Rotie CBS, 6.8. 74.
(103) "Mam A Machine." NBC, 64. 77. (1 13) "Sightings." Fox. 6.7. 78.
(82) "Billy." ABC. 66. 79. (I II) "America's Most Wanted." Fox. 6.5.
SO. (X) "What About Me? I'm Only 31." CBS, 64. "Against AUOdos," CBS, 6.2. 81. (X) 'Tequila and Bonera-Saiurday," CBS.
6.1 83. (X) "Against All Odds Special," CBS, 6.1. 83. (X) "Daffy Duck's Easter," CBS, 6.1. 13.
(X) 'Hidden Video Special," Fox, 6 1 86. (87) "Life Goes On." ABC, 54. 87. (X) "Claymation Easier," CBS, 5.7. 88.
(89) "Tequila and Bonelti." CBS, 5.3. 89. (126) "Get a Life," Fox, 5.4. 90. (1 20) "Parker Lewis," Fox, S.0.
9 1 1 23) 'Say Anything' Fox Night at Ibe 44. 91 (1 30) "Hidden Video 2," Fox, 4.6. 9. (22) "20-20," ABC MA 12.9 million CBS, 13.9, 12J million TIRED OF GOURMET The following places will have live entertainment this week. Unless noted, there will be no cover charge.
Jackson's Station Depot; Live entertainment on weekends, cover charge. For more information call 374-7724. Anyone who sponsors live entertainment and wishes to include an item in the column should send a postcard or letter to That's Entertainment, The Index- Journal, P.O. Box 1018, Greenwood, S.C, 29648 or bring the handwritten item to the newspaper office. We cannot accept items by telephone.
The deadline is 4' p.m. Wednesday, prior to release date. Items must be brought in weekly. This column appears weekly free of charge for establishments in Greenwood, Abbeville, McCormick and Saluda and the Lake Greenwood area of Laurens County. "Seinfeld," CBS.
13.7. 12 million homes. IX (52) "PlaasTIm Use," ABC, 13.6, 115 ml Hon 13. (2) "LA. Lew." NBC 134.
123 milBoo bomet. 13. (39) "Married Wlm Qilloren," 1 3.4, 1 23 mil-Hon homet. 15. (13) "The Secret" "CBS Sunday Movie," 13.3, 12.2 million bomet.
16. (19) "Fresh Prinoe of Bel Air," NBC, 13 A 111 mil-konbarnss. 16. (S) "Cbssrs," NBC 13.2, 12.1 mittioo bomes. II.
(12) "Maraer, She Wiote," CBS, 12.7, II .7 million IB. (47) "DsleUne NBC" NBC 117. 11.7 trillion "Anvrrlcs'lFsrsiletl Home Videos." ABC, 124, IMtriliMhomn. PROM NIGHT mm i 20. (26) "Rescue: 911," CBS, 1 14, 1 1 .4 million 'True Colors," Fox.
43. HEALTH FOOD FADS? Join Us Wednesday Night For KNICKER'S FRIED NIGHT! Fried Chicken Fried Popcorn Shrimp Fried Fish Country Fried Steak $7.25 Each Or Create Your Own Platter With A Combination of Any Two For $7.25 Each "We promise not to tell your doctor you ate fried food" Thursday Special Knicker's All-U-Can-Eat Shrimp 8.95 Monday Any 2 Entrees ...14.50 (excluding N.Y. Strip, and Chef Cut Prime Rib) Call 223-2287 for Reservations of 6 or more. Chase Away The Tuesday Blues! Live Blues Featuring: The Hebegeebees EVERY TUESDAY, 8 P.M.! Each Plug ml ffifj Choose From i Tax SHOWS Prime Rib, Shrimp, Crab Legs Seafood Island Call 223-3500 or Seafood Fettuccini Includes Soup, Salad, Vegetables and Drink MON. THRU THURSDAY 7:00 ONLY MiMr'cjLiWI L.l'1'lilMlal NU a CALL FOR SEATING AVAILABLE iYv' SH0WS 4 I ALL WEEK 924 Bypass 72 Greenwood Greenwood's Place for EDMONDS Great Food Great Times 1 HDMIaTV 1 110 Phoenix Street In The Exchange 223-2287 ALL-YOU-CARE-TO-EAT Seafood Buffet 5v3 Beethoven" a ntlrfeJ ') This Week at "The Inn" RESTAURANT ITVf TJ SHOWS I A.
Thursday, Friday Saturday Nights 22. (34) "Blossom," NBC, 111 23. (47) "In Living Color." Fox, 110. 24. 14) "Evening Shsat," CBS, 1 1 4.
25. (19) "Wings," NBC, 11.7. 26. (II "Brooklyn Brldge-Mondsy," 11.3. 27.
(23) Nest." NBC, 1 1 .1 27. (X) "Dear John Soedsl," 1 1 .1 29. (65) "Hornr front," ABC, III. 30. (34) "Sup By Step," ABC.
1 1 0. 30. (12) "Civil Wars," ABC, 1 1 .0. 32. (44) "Ned Blessing: Life Slory" "CBS Tuesday Movie." 10.9.
33. (26) "Family Mailers," ABC, 1 0.1. 33. (S3) "Dinosaurs." ABC, 104. 33.
(34) "Pink Cadillac" "ABC Sunday Movie." I0J. 36. (47) "Lew and Order' NBC, 37. ABC, 10.6. 10.5.
1 31. (30) "41 Hoars," CBS, 10.5. 31. (76) "Herman's Head," Fox, 10.5. 41 (34) "Nurses." NIC, 103.
41 (16) "A Different World," NBC, 103. 43. (32) "Golden Girls," NBC, 10.1 44. (34) "Simpsons," Fox, 10.1. 45.
(45) "Matlock," NBC, 9.9. 45. (II) "Tb Cosby Show," NBC, 9.9. 45. (61 "Strati Searies," CBS, 9.9.
41. (39) ''Wonder Years," ABC, 9.7. 41. (64) "Sibs," NBC 9.7. 50.
(39) "Doogie Hoarser, ABC, 9.6. 51 (59) 'Top Cops," CBS. 9.5. 52. (65) "Sisters," NBC, 9.4., Five youth museums receive major grants NEW YORK (AP) Five of the nation's leading youth museums and science centers have received major grants in recognition of their extensive experience in running successful comprhensive programs for adolescents.
The awards are part of "YouthALIVE! A National Initiative of the DeWitt Wallace Reader's Digest Fund." Recipients of the $260,000 grants are The Brooklyn Children's Museum, The Children's Museum of Indianapolis, The Ex-ploratorium in San Francisco and The New York Hall of Science. All grants are for a three-year period. "YouthALIVE!" (Youth Achievement through Learning, Involvement, Volunteering Employment) is designed to help science centers and youth museums to work effectively with adolescents by providing opportunities for hands-on learning, volunteer work, through a comprehensive program of interrelated grants and (gebnical assistance. 5:00 PM 9:30 PM 222 South Main St. McCormick (803)465-3507 WHITE MEN L.
J.fST.', 1 9 00-PMONLY vkgl li aQNiY Mj-ynai s- ruuu GREAT PRICES Seafood Fettuccine in Tomato Sauce Shrimp Sauteed in Garlic Butter on Angel Hair Pasta Sauteed Orange Roughy in Almond Cream Cajun Style Red Fish Chicken Fettuccine Primavera Poached Breast of Chicken in Lemon Cream Grilled Marinated Chicken Breast London Broil Sliced and Served with our Special Sauce Sauteed Calf's Liver with Sweet Onion Puree 1 II pound Rib Eye Steak Charbroiled 12 pound Prime Rib Nothing Over $995 On This Menu sf Mon. Thru Sat. Open 530 Till 10:00 P.M. Each Entree Served with Veg. of Day -Potato or Rice Fresh Baked French Bread Tossed Salad.
i i Vt1 AHS ttHS CAS 5-8-92 WSHS NSHS 4-24-92 J. ft I (4) S7' IUU I I ptUd. Sutteed SAtUmfl. OTZ I I (2) ffOdt UU I 2315 Montague Ave Ext. Greenwood, SC 229-7222 11 Early Bird Menu 6:30 pm $7.95 $8.95 Happy Hour Prices with Free Hors-D 'Oeuvres Every Night 5-7 pm Polo Bar Grill Jnn oqtliequare for Reservations call 223-4488 104 Court St Greenwood, SC.