The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

1 1. a a a A MONDAY, SOYMENT Male Help Salary 33 MEAT CUTTER to manage horse meat market; 1702 Main St. 3-2222. OIL BURNER service man. thoroughly familiar with moat makes.

References req. Call 3-7219 or LO 7-3015 after 6 m. OPEN SEPTEMBER 1 Caretaker's position at Worcester Girls Club Camp, Holden. One mile from stores and churches. Living quarters: room steam-heated cottage, rent free.

Responsibility: protection of Camp. Drives benchwagon on Camp busineas, clears brush, cuts firewood. opening and closing Camp, simple repairs, cleaning of camp buildings during camp season, Salary $170 per year. References required. Write Box 2277 Union Office.

PARTS DEPT. MAN. Exper, with Lincoln, Mercury or Ford parts pref. Apply Mr. Cosby, Spfld.

Lincoln Mercury, 503 State St. at Oak. PRESSER, experienced. Top pay. Stoady.

State Cleaners, 128 State near Main. PRODUCTION PLANNERS TO WORK PLAN THROUGH SCHEDULE MACHINE EXPEDITE SHOP. PRODUCTION CONTROI MACHINE SHOP EXPERIENCE DESIRABLE AP'PLY TITEFLEX INC. HENDEE ST. (OFF PAGE 0-5631 PART TIME WORK PULL TIME EARNINGS An opportunity for 3 men to earn $35 to $30 working 3 afternoons or evenings by appointment and Invitation.

One supervisory position avallabla. on a full time basis. For app't write Box 467 Union Office. PHOTOGRAPHY appointntent maker, for our expansion program, excellent compensation permanent work, Pioneer Studios 39 Lyman PORTER for vacation work. Must be agile.

Apply l'ersonnel Dept. Forbes Wallace. ROOFING siding salesmen canvassers wanted. Call Century Const. 1-4015 anytime, ROTARY WEB PRESSMAN Experienced black and white work on magazine presses; also comic covers and insides.

Required by NYC plant. Steady employment for the right man. wage for N. Y. area.

Transportation expenses reimbursed it hired and proven satisfactory, Give complete personal: data and experience in first letter. Box SUR 1066, 221 W. 41 NYC 36 ROUTE MAN day $50 salary plus commission. No Way Cleaners 337 Walnut St. REFRIGERATION mechanic, exper, Good pay.

White Appl. Co. Tel. 4-8183. SANDWICH MAN WANTED TEL.

LO 7-3381. STOCK CLERK must know pipe fittings, good salary steady work. Keystone Plumbing Supply 275 Chestnut SHORT ORDER cook. Nights. Good pay working conditions.

Meals uniforms furn. Apply Chef, Howard Johnson's Boston at Parker SOBER relaible truck. driver wanted at once. Apply Johnson Asbestos Western Ave. West Spfld.

SODA fountain position open locally with excellent opportunity for advancement offering 8 complete line of training soda fountain luncheonette operation. In replying state your ambitions ability. Box 439 Union Office. STEADY position with exc. starting pay, good chance for Advancement.

5 da, wk. Memorial Super DIkt. 434 Memorial West Sufld. SALESMEN Sensational new Food Club Plan now operating in Spild. requires 2 more men to call on cuatomere requesting more into.

Intensive radio campaign now in progress, High earnings arrangements available to qualified men. Apply A.t Regal Ford Club Plan, 19-21 Market St. All day Mon. Tues. Wed.

SALAD man wanted. Apply Chef, Hotel Kimball. 140 Chestnut St. SIPPING receiving clerk with some automative exp. but not necessary.

This is year around Job with plenty of overtime. Automotive Devices Co. rear 53 Oggood SIGN machine operator for full tinie permanent employment. Apply Personnel Office Albert Steiger Co. THIS international organization with over 6000.

men making fabulous income. Why not investigate. 10 A. 12 noon, 490 Page Blvd. TIME STUDY MAN Experienced in assembly machine shop operation Earnings working conditions above average APPLY TITEFLEX INC.

HENDEE ST. Tel. 9-5631 (Oft Page Bivd. East Spfld.) Spinners, Ware Industries Yard, or Ware 14. TOOLMAKERS on day shift.

experienced on small or medium sized jigs fixtures essential. Also milling machine man for tool room milling. Apply Mitchell Machine Tool 224 Hanco*ck St. Tel. 3-2963 TOOL GAUGE makers, also first class milling machine operators and lathe hand for Tool Iron work.

Varsity Mfg. 732 Cottage St. Tel. 4-ST20. TOOL MAKERS gage makers wanted.

Tippett Jig Bore Co. 379 Cold Spring Ave, West Spild. TRUCK DRIVER-Exper. with furniture. Steady work.

Crown Uph. 457 State St. TRUCK driver wanted for local pick-ups and deliveries. Full or part time. 139 Lyman Sti TURRET LATHE Potter Johnson operators who can set up own work.

No other need apply. F. D. Machine Tool Works. Tel.

Palmer 51. UNUSUAL opportunity for young men free to leave at once to assist managar in special promotion work, Basic pAY guaranteed with cash advances and rapid advancement. See Sir. Gibson, Mass. Empl.

Agency, 282 Dwight Tuesday-9 to 11: 12 to, 3. WANTED -Experienced toolmakers, gauge makers. grinders, lathe hands dig bore operators. Day work. 581 hr.

wk, Call at Precision Tool Mfg. corner Cherry Mechanic Westfield. mules, woolen work. Quabbin WANTED-2 spinners, daytime, shift, Spinners, Ware Industries Yard, or Tel. 7 WANTED AT ONCE 3 METAL POLISHERS 1ST CLASS RAPER.



MAIN ST. THI. 4-8235 WASIUNG machine repair man wanted. Excellent working cond. White Appliance Co.

4-8183, WE ARE PAYING high incomes to men who fit into our business. Maybe you are one of, them, 490 Page Blvd. 10 It. 12 noon. WEAVERS ON Crampton Knowles looms, also loom fixers.

Agawam Woolen AgAWAM, WITATLL YOU HAVE? A mediocre job or ole that offers high income, promotions and security', Openings for qualified men. 190 Page Blvd. '10 a. 111., 12 noon. YOU MAY BE a Democrat or a Republican but you can be a sure winner with us.

11 m. noon. 490 Page Blvd. YOUNG MAN to work in out of plant. Driver's license essential.

Apply in person. New England Stero Diaper Service, 300 Albany St. YOUNG man wanted for general factory work, permanent. Colonial Art Crane Westfield. CLASSIFIED EMPLOYMENT pay--choice of piece or time work.

Apply at: Sam J. Relaky. 367 Worthington Springfield. EXPERIENCED operators wanted. Apply Now England Laundry 870 State St.

EXPERIENCED 4 HAND SEWERS MACHINE OPERATORS wANTED Apply F. WHITLEY 393 DWIGHT ST. Help Wanted- Female 39 CLERK TYPIST -Downtown, good at. figfull time pref. Box 430, Union Office, EXPERIENCED stitchers on.

Singer Sewing machines wanted. -Steady work, good EXPERIENCED BASEBALL STITCHERS real opportunity for baseball soft ball stitchers. 3 1st Shift 7 a. m. p.

m. 2nd Shift p. -010 p. m. APPLY EMPLOYMENT OFFICE A.

SPALDING BROS. INC. Meadow Chicopee, Mass. aler Coat 18 Park St. EXPER.

sewing machine operators, KinExperienced operators plece or day work. Pleasant working conditions, Time one half after 33 hrs. Apply in person. Copley Classics 4th fir. Myrick Bldg.

29 St. EXPERIENCED SILK finisher, good pay steady work. Clayton Cleaners, 15 Hamburg St EXPERIENCED floor girls lining 3817 Apply Trencher 15 Park St EXCELLENT opportunity for aggressive type. girl in exportation work of the most popular television show. Personal interviews only at 284 Maple St.

Mon. Tues. 11 m. EARN $50 TO $100 Easily sparetime. Just show New CHRISTMAS CARDS.

Everyone buys, Experience unnecessary, Other assortments. too. Up 100 per cent profit. IMPRINTED Christmas Cards low as 1 $1. FREE Imprint Samples.

Assortments on Approval, HYCREST, Dept. 24. 75 Chauncy, Boston 11. EXPERIENCED STENO. Sales Dept.

sur. $50. GAUGH PERSONNEL SERVICE 3-2119 FOUNTAIN WAITRESS day or night. Excellent pay. Meals uniforms furnished.

Apply Mr. Cook. Howard Johnson, Boston Rd. at Parker St, FEEDERS, FOLDERS, SHAKERS Girls or women, exper. not necessary, full or part time.

5 da. vacation with pay, steady work, good pay, Wells Laundry 61 Franklin St GAUGH SPECIAL Top-notch. Recy. in Mfg. Concern.

UnImited future. Starting sal. $00, GAUGH PERSONNEL SERVICE 3-2149 Girls or women for general Laundry work, exper not necessary. full or part time, 5 da. vacation with pay, steady work, good pay.

Wells Laundry. 61 Franklin St. GIRL for general office work. high school graduate. No experience needed.

Good starting pay rate. Good working conditions. Apply Spfid. Sugar Products Chestnut St. GENERAL CLERICAL NO TYPE 5 DAY BENNETT EMPLOYMENT SERVICE 7-7439 GENERAL All around girl wanted for dry cleaning dept.

Apply New England Laundry $70 State St. GIRLS or women for general laundry work. Part time from 3-9 p. m. 5 da.

wk. per. not nec. Wells Laundry, 61 Franklin St. GIRL for light work in dry cleaning shop.

Good starting pay. Steady, State Cleaners. 128 State St. near Main. GIRL to do general office work.

Apply irt person. New England Sterile Diaper 300 Albany St. GIRLS wanted for posting assetubling also pasting machine operators, Inq. Room 302. 33 Lyman St.

GIRL women for clean pleasant work. Dale Bros. Laundry, 472 Union St. GIRLS ladies from 16 yrs. of age up to pick cultivated blueberries.

Inq. at Bluebird Acres. 736 Parker East Long. HAIRDRESSER exp. wonderful opportunity -right person.

Spfld's most beautiful salon. Best pay in town. Box 415 Union Office. HELP wanted in several depts. Steady work, best of working conditions.

Time one halt over 40 hrs Apply in person Belmont Laundry, 307 Belmont Ave. HIGH SCHOOL GRAD. Gd. at figures. Typing.

Gd. opp. GAUGH PERSONNEL SERVICE 3-2149 HOSTESS exper. for hotel dining rm. Good position.

See Mr. Markese. Hotel Bridgeway. HOUSE KEEPER--God wages, plus room and board. To do light housework plain cooking for adults.

Good home, no drudgery. Include references. Write Box 103. IMMEDIATE OPENING Doing special contact work. (No selling), Must have Good speaking, voice.

Enthurian appearance. Salary guaranteed plus high incentive. Apply 490 Page Blvd. 11 JUNIOR SECRETARY Attractive office. Gd.

future. $40. GAUGH PERSONNEL SERVICE 3-2149 MIDDLEAGED Woman 29 supervisormatron for Home for Aged People (7 ladies) in pleasant small town. A good home plug substantial salary offered. No heavy work involved.

Good character and dependability required. Contact Carlo3 H. Ball, Monson, Mass, Tel. 132. MODERN photo finishing plant has opening on 2d shift for women who would like to learn photo finishing.

day week, hospitalization benefits, AXC. chance for advancement. Apply in person at Standard Photo Service. 153 Dwight. PART TIME WORK Full Time Earnings An opportunity for 3 women to earn $35 to $30 working 3 afternoons or evenings by appointment and invitation.

Children no handicap, One supervisory position available on a. full- time basis, For app't write Box 486 Union office. NIGHT NURSE to live' in for small rest home. Tel. 6-0484 NURSE to special patients in rest home, 3 p.

m. Tel. MIDDLEAGED woman wanted to baby sit while mother works. No housework, Call 3-7096 bet. p.

10 PACKERS Light factory work TOTSY MFG. 395 Dwight St. PAYROLL--TIME CLERK Excel, opp. for alert person. No typing.

GAUGE PERSONNEL SERVICE 3-2119 PERSONABLE WOMEN: over 28, who are interested in a new semi-professional career. will be interviewed at the Hotel Kimball, Room 249, on July 14, one day only. A. m. to 5 p.

m. QUALIFICATIONS: Preferably college Pducation. Artistic inclination helpful. Must have full use of 8 car. Those selected will be instructed in classes of 00P Week duration with compensation.

Possibilities in this field are unlimited. Don't phone. Apply in person only. to Mr. Todd, Home Planning Service.

POSITION WITH A FUTURE. Married Woman with pleaing personality who needs to add $43 to $70. or more every week to family income. Out of town Age 25 to 48 preferred. Flexible workopportunities a also open.

Car necessary, ing hours. Permanent position with n8- tional Opportunity for promotion. Write now for "Get Acquainted" interview application. P. G.

Roberts, Empire Crafts Corporation, Newark, New York State. PRESSER experienced, top pay. Steady. State Clearers, 128 State near Main. PRIVATE SECRETARY to Sales Mgr.

Excep. Interesting pos. Something doing every minute. GAUGH PERSONNEL SERVICE 3-2149 PUNCH PRESS operator, experienced only. Handy downtown location.

National MetSpecialty 52 Willow 52 WIllow THE SPRINGFIELD Help Wanted. -Female 89 RAPID TYPIST Liking for fig. helpful. $45. GAUGH PERSONNEL SERVICE 1-2149 RELIABLE middle-aged woman: care of 2 children, housework for business salary Box 123 Onion Office, couple.

9-6-6 A we Vicinity AIC, state RELIEF rurae Sunday Convalescent home, 14 Northampton Aver kitchen. Experienced. Apply Personnel SANDWICH WOMAN for Top O'Town Forbes Wallace. SECRETARY No heavy die. Ability asaulue reapone.

do interviewing. Interesting opp. $30. GAUGH PERSONNEL SERVICE STENOGRAPHER familiar with gul. office routine procedure, knowl.

of shorthand Background in account1ng or credit Work helpful not nec. Call 0-4731 betw. 8 a. p. Mon.


SILK PRESSER experienced. good pay, pleasant working conditions. Paid vacation Main hospitalization. Apnly Olirkins, 2375 St. SEWING MECHINE OPERATORS.


1807 COLUMBUS AVE. SALESGIRLS full time. Apply 189t State. F. W.

Woolworth mornings only. SECRETARY for typing general office duties. Knowledge of engineering. terminology destrahle. Titeflex, Inc.

Hendee East Spild. Tel. 9-3631. STATISTICAL CLERK background statistic or bookkeaping required Address reply. Box 484 Union Office.

SALAD GIRL. Ideal working condition. Good pay Advancement possibla: Meals uniforms furnished. Apply Chet, Howard Johnson. Boston Id.

at Parker St. KNWLDG 5 DAT BENNETT EMPLOYMENT SERVICE 7-7430 TERRIFIC. SPARE TIME MONEY-MAKNew, exclusive Robinson Christmas Assortments sell themselves, You make $50 to 100 boxes, Other fast sellers, No experience necessary. Write NOW for samples on approval and FREE imprints. ROBINSON CARDS, Dept.

M-8, Clinton, Mass, TYPIST Interesting work. Ability meet people. Gd. typist. GAUGH PERSONNEL SERVICE 3-2149 WAITRESS wanted from 7 4.

p. m. 140 Armory St. WOMAN for all around checker in dry cleaning store. Steady work, good pay.

West Side Cleaners, 62 Westfield West Springfield, WANT a position you will really enjoyopening for manager dealers, Send for information on nylon lingerie Dan River Sportswear. P. O. 239 Westfield. WAITRESS WANTED.

BOND CAFE. 2175 MAIN ST. WAITRESS A in person. City Line Restaurant. Tel.

6-0730, 9 Rimmon Glenwood. WANTED- -Receptionist in doctor's 'office. Shorthand St typing necessary. Box 406 Union Office. WANTED file clerk switchboard operator.

Apply Tarbell Watters Co. Tel. 6-1841. IOMEN for shaking out, feeding or folding. 1 days, 7 hrs.

per day. Jon-Thurs. White Rose Laundry, 2797 Main St. Rear. WOMAN for general housework, permanent position in new Ranch home with 2 children, all modern conveniences, priVATR room bath, state I salary expected.

Box 404 Union Office. YOUNG nights A wk. for confectionery store. Apply 933 Belmont Aves 'after 6 p. YOUNG lady with experience in typing for part time general office work morning hours and steady position.

Apply Box 106 Union Office. 2 BOOKKEEPERS Full chg. Small offices. Typing. $30.

GAUGH PERSONNEL SERVICE 3-2149 $35 ON 35 CHRISTMAS CARD BOXES Cash In on popular new NAME-IN-GOLD Christmas Cards. Make $1 per order. Also Personalized Cards and Stationery at $1 box. Profits to 100 per cent on big line $1. Assortments.

Personalized Samples FREE. A on Approval. FRIENDSHIP, 423 Adams, Elmira, N. F. Male Help Salary Automobile Mechanic Experienced Chevrolet Knowledge an asset but not, essential.

Apply in person BALISE MOTOR SALES 603 Columbus Ave. AUTO Would you like to work a 44 hour week in a clean, modern shop with paid vacations, paid holidays and uniforma furnished? All these benetit* plus others may be yours by seeing Ken Falconer at Kelleher Mixer 464 St. James Ave. AUTOMOBILE mechanic wanted, must be experienced on Chrysler products, Employee benefits include good pay, paid vacation. paid holidays, clean.

modern shop, Blue Cross etc. Sap Fred Miller at F. L. Sanford 648 State St. AUTO METAL man.

top pay benefit. Leader Chevrolet 120 Westfield West Spfld. PL DEALER SERVICE SALESMAN Must be capable of careful listening to customer difficulty "symptoms." diagnosing sane, recommending proper servicing requirements and at prices. Must time also of a flat-rate mechanics. Base salary $280 per month, plum outstanding commission plan.

Saturday Work! Unusual opportunity for aggressive man with basic knowledge of automotive servicing. who 13 sales-minded and enjoys meeting people. Write (only) complete details background, experience, education references to INTERNATIONAL MOTOR CAR 00. Dodge Plymouth 138 Memorial West Springfield 'THE HOUSE OF TOOTST" A Steady reliable man for 8 stock work. Apply Gerber Jeweler, 1558 Main St.

Closed Mon. AN inexperienced man can earn better than $45 a week from service alone. Plus high income from replacement gale. Calling 011 our est. customers.

2 will be hired, Neat appearance, personality and car required. Advancement unlimited. 6 Phone 2-7118. 9-11 8. m.

or 2-4 p. m. A MIAN with ambition wants a good joh. We have it. Interview.

10 m. 12 noon, 490 Page Blvd. APPLIANCE service man tor automatic clothes washera. dryers, dish washers, disposals, Call. 37219 or LO 7-3015 after 6 p.

m. A truck driver exp. In handling turniture. Essex Furn. 1984 Main.

ASST. CHIEF Engineer, M. min. 3 design on small tools, machine tools, or automatic machines. Production exp.

desirable Exp. in coordinating engineerIng and shop as well a8 gen. adm. work a must. HEATING AND VENTILATING ENGINEER knowledge all building services, plumbing, water supply, ventilating, fire sprinkler, Must be registered.

Machine Designer. Electronic Designer, Detailers, Tool Design Engineer. Chemical Engineer for Quality Control. Mechanical Engineer Interested in Research. Process Engineer.

Testing as well as Assembly exp. in aircraft carburetors. Internal Expeditor. Jr. Accountants VALLEY PLACEMENT SERVICE 05 State St 9-1, 9-1362.

ABC EMPLOYMENT. 1862 MAIN ST. COOKS, DISHWASHERS, SALADS BAKER EXPERIENCED on bread roils. Adier Baking Co 99 Franklin St. BAKER Baker's helper wanted.

Steady work. Apply before A m. Quality Bakery 862 Main Sprld. UNION, SPRINGFIELD, EMPLOYMENT Male Help Salary 33 BAKER or mAn with baking experience wanted. Call Westfield 1842J.

BAKERS exper. on rye or pumpernickle Good pay, steady work. Box 497 Union Office. BAKERS Exper, bench men on rye, pumpernickel bread rolls. Good salary.

Steady work, Apply in person Daum Baking 72 Ferry St. BE SMART COnIP in and lets talk over this opportunity, 490 Page Blvd. 10 a. mi 13 noon. BUTCHER--Complete charge of meat dept.

Excellent salary. Inq. 166 Main Monson. CLERK must be reliable, 5 da. wk.

S. Delicatesson, 453 Dickinson St. CAN YOU HONESTLY say your take home pay is higher than yrs ago. You can correct this situation Immed, At 490 Page Blvd. 10 12 noon.

COO for Days 9-5 p. m. No Sunday work. Good wages to start. Apply in person.

Venice Cafe, 960 Main St. CARPENTERS WANTED. Apply in Westfield at corner of Crane Ave. MIll St. after 6 111 Call Spfid.

0-1460. CHIEF- -Days, no Sunday, excellent pay. Mutual Diner, 1486 Slate St. Apply person. CHEFS, cooks.

kitchenmen, dishwashers, mo, mt, to rel. men. Barton Emp. Bureau, Gt. Rarrington.

COME TO Vermont. Wanted at once Meat cutter with. general market exp, Good pay steady work I. F. Carey' Market.

11 Main St Springfield. Vermont. Tel. 2119. 3 COOK (assistant) tor Boys' camp.

Tol. Becket 4441. EXPERIENCED set up! man for printing die cutting on job presses. Inq. Rm, 302, 83 Lyman Si.

CONSTRUCTION carpenter foreman experion concrete brick buildings. Union WAgeS. Write or apply Burnham Employment Agency, 29 P'earl Hartford. DONT STAY in a job rut. Get Into a business where you can make real money Immediately, 400 Page Blvd.

10 3, m. 12 noon. CIVIL engineer with 2 or vears field experience. Salary 3100 wk. Burnham Employment Agency, 29 Pearl Hartford.

EXPER. nelper wanted. Tel. 3-0314. EXPERIENCED tire man wanted for recapping, plant.

Apply Interstate Tire Stores at State Line, Thompsonville. Tel. 4331. ELECTRICAL appliance repairman wanted. Experience preferred.

For app't. write stating qualifications to Box 460, Union Office. EXPERIENCED silk presser, good wages. Apply 1n person. Cleaners, 154 Union City.

ELECTRICIAN'S helper, ambitious young man. to loarn trade. Willing to do odd Jobs around shop while learning. This shop hanules industrial, commercial. residential wiring.

Also the installation service of home appliances. Opportunity exist to specialize with us In any of the above. Reply own handwriting. give schooling. working experience, character references, lox 461 Union Office.

EXPERIENCED wool presser to work In dry cleaning dept. Top pay, time and one half over 40 hrs. Apply Belmont Laundry 333 Belmont Ave. EXP. COAL Man to deliver coal oll, steady work.

Union wages. Tel. 7-1444. EXPER. Jig Grinder or JIg Borer operator wanted.

Tippett Jig Bore Co. 379 Cold Spring West Spfld. EXPERIENCED short order cook wanted. Good wages. Write Box 1281 Union Office.

EXPER. IS NOT required In our business. you have ambition, appearance and can follow instructions. Call at 490 Page Bird. 10 a.

m. to 12 noon. EXPERIENCED rate Carrier. clerk Familiar required with by Class I Common Eastern and Middle Atlantic territories. Replies treated in confidence.

Box 2253 Union Office, EXPERIENCED. trailer driver for night work. Refs. required. Call FIRST CLASS grinder for No.

11, "Brown 14 Napier St. Spfld. Howell Machine Grinding, FOREMAN Tan Gauge manufacturing. Knowledge heat treating. Salary $70- $1500.

Burnham Employment Agency, 29 T'earl Hartford. FURNITURE salesman exp. Steady pos. Excel, opp. Essex Furn.

Co. 1984 Main. FOUNTAIN MAN days or nights. Excellent pay. Meals uniforms furnished.

Apply Mr. Cook, Howard Johnson's, Boston Rd. 8 Parker St. FULL TIME experienced butcher. Phone 6-2363 or 4-4407 FURNITURE finisher.

Experienced in refinishing and burning in. Apply Personnel Dept. Forbes Wallace. HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT OR COLLEGE. husky.

bright, full thine job tor summer. Part time for school year. Apply to person. Witkin Provision Co. HOUSEFRAMING highest wages for rood man.

Apply at Peer Street. near Roosevelt Ave. on Bay Street. HOUSEHOLD FINANCE CORPORATION Will employ several men branch manager trainees. Applicants must be "high school graduates.

preferably' draft exempt. This position offers secure future with splendid advancement opportunities in the consumer finance field. Sten selected will he paid a straight salary plus other benefits Including group, life hospitalization insurance a liberal savings retirement plan. Apply HOUSEHOLD FINANCE CORPORATION 1387 MAIN ST. ROOM 923 IT'S LATER than you think! The longer you wait to talk with us, the longer it will be before you start making big money.

490 Page Blvd. 10 a. 12 noon. IMMEDIATE OPENING Doing special contact work. (No selling).

Must have car. Good speaking voice. enthusiasm, A-1 appearance, salary guaranteed plus high incentives. Apply 490 Page Blvd. 11 R.

m. JOHNSON'S Bookstore wants someone, who enjoys people hobby crafts, Permanont position. Closed Monday. Apply on the balcony. LICENSED ELECTRICIAN WANTED.

CALL 3-6314. LOCAL Bread Pastry route. Guaranteed net gross 100. Room improvements. Tel South bridge 2539 aft.

6 LOCAL retail store has opening for man who is willing, to work in exchange for advancement opportunities and good wages. Write giving background etc. Our employees know ora thia ad. Box 100 Union Office. MACHINIST wanted 1st class only need apply, plenty of overtime.

Block Machine Tool Co. 25 Carew St. MAN wanted for wash rm. Apply New England Laundry, 870 State St. MAN to do car washing cleaning.

Full Spild. Nash Auto Sales, 883 Main MAN for general office work in small metal stamping plant estimating, handling orders, correspondence, etc. Vational Metal Specialtles Co. 7-4767. DIAN for general office work in small metal stamping plant estimating, handling orders, correspondence etc.

National Metal Specialties Co. Tel. 7-4165. MAN wanted for. cutting dept.

Exper, or inexper. Rainbow Girl Coat 48 Hampden St. MAN to take charge of freezer drivers. Good starting salary: for industrious worker. Call 2-8271.

MAN FOR restaurant, day. or night work. Waldorf System, 1553 Main St. MAN with car to service est. local territory to replace man who wouldn't work for $320 per month.

Box 111 Union Office. MECHANIC on machinery maintenance, exp. on laundry equipment preferred but not necessary. Steady work, good pay. Wells Laundry, 61 Franklin St.

3 MAINTENANCE MAN At least 5 vra. exper. In all around maintenance work including electrical millwright, Steady permanent work with good opportunity for advancement, Insurance plan other employee benefits. MILTON BRADLEY CO. 64 PARK ST.


MAN--retired, neat appearing for: retail store work, oportunity for gomeone active to supplement present income. Write full particulars AR to background and salary. Box 100, Union Office. MEN (4) to sort linens part time from 7.30 a. noon.

5 day week. Central Linen Service, 61 Franklin St. MULTILITH operator experience in all branches of this work attractive proposition for an ambitious man. What are your qualifications. Box 458 Union Office.

NATIONALLY advertised Watkins products have several established routes Available. Can. you qualify? Good earnfrom the start. Apply 112 Eastern Ave. te 11 JULY 14, 1952 EMPLOYMENT Male Help Salary 33 TOOL MAKERS 1st class.

Apply Eastern Tool 29 Worthington St. YOUNG man with car willing to work hard for $80 week. Contact exper. desirable but not necessary. Write Box 110 Union Office.

YOUNG MEN (2) with good handwriting full or part time for work in downtown store. Box 132 Union Office. 2ND OLASS mechanic for fleet work. Apply In person. Bond Bakers, 08 Mill St.

Male Help -Salesmen 33A EXPERIENCED Used cor salesman. Salary commiasion. Nuger, 518 Memorial West Spfld. ROUTE SALESMAN $65 wk. after short training period.

5 day wk. Vacation. Apply Central Coat Apron, 61 Franklin St. SALESMAN AT ONCE Opening in each of the following areas, Springlield, Westfield, Palmer, Northampton, Orange, Putnam, Willimantic, Norwich and Hartford area. Here is 8.

real opportunity for inen. with cars selling much needed merchandlae. If you qualify after interview, you will be thoroughly trained in these areas. This 18 year round opportunity. I will be at the Hotel Kimball, Springfield, Mags.

Room 249 all day Mon. July 14 and 21. Aak for Mr. Bragg or contact Walker, Box 202. Newark, New.

York. SALES Manager salesmen. Excel. prop. Iome improv.

Our employees know of this ad. Box .183, Union Office. SALESMEN; Factory representatives, experienced selling automatire trade preferred. Good references and furnish bond at our expense. Car essential, free to.

travel. Our men earn $10 to $100 daily. Men selected must put up $120 returnable deposit on merchandise taken until bond is approved. Contact C. HI.

Roberta 6 p. to 7.30 thru Friday, Room 1 Trases' 'Motel 350 Boston Springfield. PLEASE don't call if you're unable to furnish bond, references, deposit and begin work immediately. SALESMAN covering gift, variety stores to handle fine line of custom jewelry, comm. Excellent side-line.

Write Bernadette Richler 17 Sherman Pl. Utica New York. WANTED exp. man to work In Men's Sportswear Dept. Excel.

working cond. 6 dy wk. Vac. with pay. Apply A.

Kennedy's, Main Taylor St. Help--Male or Fernale 34 EVENING WORK EXTRA INCOME If your present position or responsibillties leave you free from 6 D. m. to 9 p. m.

-if you. are ambitious, well-groomed and personable, and, If you have a car for local driving. you, too, can earn AS much a $05 or more week. No canvassing, collecting, delivering or parties. Nationally advertised products.

Complete personalized training at company expense, For qualitying Interview call Mrs. Gertrude Woodall at the Hotel Kimball, 2-1121, from noon Tuesday until 3 p. mn. Wednesday. Male and Female Help Instruction 35B INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS 1537 Main St.

Tel. 2-7854. Eves. 4-4269 High School, College. Business, Engineering Situations Wanted -Female 36 AT ONCE for elderly housekeeper.

Box 487, Union Office. A TRAINED practical nurse available. Ex. ref. Tel.

4-4430. CAN CLEAN offices or store after 6 p. m. Tel. 6-6188.

COMPANION or baby'-sitter, arallable. Call 3-4322. EXPERIENCED woman wants housework by the day $6 and carfare, 127 Office. IN widower's home by elderly housekeeper. Box 102 Union Office.

RELIABLE Woman avail. for children care at vacation resort. Tel. 7-8735. TYPIST -BOOKKEEPER experienced.

etficient wishes part time employment, 9-3019. Situations Wanted--Male 37 CAPABLE, young general I manager of wholesale distributing company, B3 in management accounting, successful bustness record. Excellent character financial references, Seeks position of responsibility with Tuture in general administration, purchasing, sales, credit, or accounting. Reply Box 107 Union Office. HOUSECLEANING jobs, all kinds performed by exp.

young man. Tel. 4-2842. KOREAN VET, 21, married, seeking perm. employment Hag driven ton tanks, but will take other job.

Call -6-1434. SALESMAN, 33 married, car, years outside selling in N. T. college sales trained, last position with AAA-1 company in very competitive field. Desires to relocate in Springfleld.

Not a high pressure salesman. Good appearance, easy to train. Box 490 Union Office. ODD JOBS DONE, 1 ton truck 7 inen. Call 7-3813 or 6-7817.

WANTED Chauffering evenings weekends. References furnished. 4-6061. FINANCIAL Business Opportunities 38 A DOLAN -GRADY COLUMN LADIES just for you. Greeting cards.

novelties, sub post office, kiddie shop. No Competition. Forest Fk. GENTLEMEN--Package store full liquor local. Cafe full liquor $19.500 complete.

2-3700 DOLAN GRADY 0-1976 "Springfeld's Largest Business Realtors" A BETTER INVESTMENT LOWER BERKSHIRES. Full licenae. Excellent income. Living quarters. Includes property.

Long established. PACKAGE STORE. Better than $150,000 yearly. Wonderful opportunity. Appt.

only. E. S. MARRIN, Realtor 1938 Main St. 9-3945.

9-0192, Eves. LO 7-3024, 7-7367 ANY BUSINESS buying or selling we can help you. SHAH REALTY CO. 1618 Main St. A RARE opportunity.

Rellable man or wonian of any age, can lease on a monthly rental basis with all option to buy, 8 bowling alleys, 2 pool "tables, all furnished. A very payable business. Act quick. Box 125 Union Office. A WELL established variety store for sale.

Ideal location. Tel. 4-9530. CAFE with' valuable property in city. Sacrifice for 836,000.

Box 120 Union Office. CAFE in city, Sacrifice for $22.000. Rent $150 mo. Box 119 Union Office. CASH for stores, closeouta, machinery.

Frank Young, 2-0471 after 6 p. m. CAFE! Good going business. Dining Room seats 100. large dance floor.

Priced to sell. No Triflers. Riverview 1 Main St. Thompsonville, Conn. CONFECTIONERY Store for sale.

152 Cambride St. DUE TO ILLNESS owner must sell very good variety grocery Well established in 1ge. neighborhood. Tel. 4-0815 or 4-1273.

ELECTROLYSIS SALON excel. downtown location. Fully equipped, ready business. Reas. rent.

Wili train operator. Box 482, Union Office. GIFT SHOPS good condition, and good loc. 2202 Main St. Call 4-4033.

GROCERY STORE IN residential section of Ludlow. Grossed $15,000 in five months. Money maker for last 35 years. Has 3 rin. apartment in roar.

Tel. Ludlow 421 or 018. GROCERY, beer and wine package store. Open 3 days wk. 8 a.

m. to 6 p. m. doing $100,000 yr. must sacrifice business and property for $21,000.

Reason sickness. Box 117 Union Office. HARDWARE STORE in city. Sell with or property. Last year business.

was $140.000. Has $35,000 inventory. Box 118 Office. LUNCHEONETTE variety. Est.

bus. Well equipped. Price very reas. 3-0173. NEWSROOM restaurant at bus terminal in heart.

1 business district, doing gross figures over $75,000. Has excel. reputation. Can buy for $18.00, Location 38 miles north of Spfld. Box 2279 Union Office.

RENT A GAS STATION- -Located in North Wilbraham on main highway. Excellent opportunity for right party. Inquire 2000 Boston Road. SANDWICH SHOP with property. Sacrifice.

Profit $15,000 yr. Box 121 Union Office. SIX cabine. living quarters, snack bar, main rd. location.

Priced reas. Also farma, houses other business property. CLARENCE E. ALLEN Ware Palmer, TWO RAY SERVICE STATION FOR LEASE Excel. Location, Moderate Inventory.

Investment, Complete training program for man selected. Call 7-8334 between 7 p. 9 p. m. or 4-4918 Days, Money To Loan 40 If you need 1st mortgage to buy, A BENEFICIAL CONTACT, build or refinance your present home, see LOMAS CO.

23 ELM ST. 6-3636 I HAVE MONEY TO LOAN FOR SECOND MORTGAGES. CASH IN 01 HRS, 7-2089. INSTRUCTION Musical, Dancing, Dramatic ACCORDION, guitar, etc. 70 Worthington St.

'Tel. 0-3240, LIVESTOCK Dogs, Cats, Pets 47 BOSTON AKC pups, beautifully marked. Rwell Kennels, 0-1306. BEAGLE PUP 5 mos. old.

Reg. thorobred. All papers turn, Call 9-2632. 7 CLASSIFIED LIVESTOCK Dogs, Cats, Pets 17 ADORABLE Jungle Dog pups, Beagle DUDE. No papers.

Dogs cats boarded. 100 Lockhouse Westfield 1980M. BOXER pups A.K.C. Reg. A-1 sel.

Fawn. BELANGER, 170 Main, I. O. anytime. BOXER Reasonable.

PUPS AKO registered, 7 weeks. Call Holyoke 3-4632. BOXER pups, drive to Vernon, Conn. Boxer Farm oft Wilbur Cross Highway. Top grade.

nans wholesale prices $30 and up. Time payments. 30 bead to choose from Tel, exchange Rockville 5-9036. 0 BOXER puppies, A.K.C. Registered.

From Championship stock, Reas. Phone 6-0983. BOXER PUPPY. Female. Last in litter.

Will accept best offer. 80 Margerie St, CAT- Tiger, Angora, 1 year old, altered housebroken. CHECKER Giant: Rabhits, Ducks, 10 wk. old young geese. 48 Poliski Chicopee Tel, 16121.

CHINCHILLAS NOBA. Reg. 7-9376 or 0-1220. co*ckER PUPPIES--Must go Immediately. Will Tel.

3-1010. co*ckER spaniels- mother bred with champion. Buff red. Males $45, females $25. Call LA 5-2835.

co*ckER SPANIEL puppies. Reg. buff red. Stancliff Kennels, Park Ilazardville, Conn. Tel.

T'ville 8165. COLLIES Reg. puppies Sable white. Also tri-color, Stud service. Roberta, Manion Lane, Avon, Conn.

Tel. Farmington 7-0554. KERRY blue puppy male. Reas. Registered.

Tel. Linden end 3-1489. KITTEN, Male, grey white, wants good home, food care. Tel. 9-8448.

LOVE BIRDS all colors. Pair and cage $15. Male canaries, singers $10. Paul Barkhan; Amherst Belchertown. REGISTERED Siamese kittens Chihuahua puppies.

Tel. 3-1400. THREE spayed female puppies for sale at five. dollars each to good homes. Eight months old.

medium-sized shorthaired part hound mixed breed. Solid colors: one black. two red-brown. Call Springfield between 5 and 8 p. or Ware, Mass.

83-M between 9 m. and 10 p. YOUNG KITTEN wants good home. Male. Brown striped.

Tel. 7-2333. Horse, Cattle, Vehicles 48 A Mink READY Ranch, market Somers. for your Conn. horses.

Tel. T'ville. Wilson A HIGH Market for old houses. Enfield Mink Farm, Thompsonville, 3-461. A STEADY market for old borses, Stanley's.

Mass. Tel. 1043M. BEAUTIFUL young Shetland pony and cart. R.

C. Wisner Chesterfield, Mass. HIGH prices paid for cows. calves, hogs. Maspo, 275 School Agawam.

6-7848. HOT SHOT CHARLIE outstanding show pony. Castilis Beaucaire, 4 year old Hackney pony. Roth ready to show, will make a valuable addition to any show stable. Priced to sell.

Call or write Joan JIcCabe, 11. Preston Pittsfield, Phone 2-4737. PONIES, horses, colts. beautiful ones. Come see them.

1716 Riverdale West Spfld. SADDLE HORSE. Registered chestnut gelding, beautiful gaits, May be seen by app't, Tel Holyoke 2-7014. 3 BROOD SOWS 1 RAISED 42 pigs in last three litters. Angus, yearling Heiter, 1 Heifer calf, W.

T. Perry, Cummington 4272. Poultry Supplies 49 A. BETTER PRICF for all kinds of fowl pullets. Superma: Poultry, 3-2371 Or 7-5183.

ALL LIVE POULTRY wanted. Top prices paid. I. Kaplan. 42 Essex St.

-6-0883, 3-5403. A BETTER PRICE for all poultry. any amount. United Poultry Tel 3-0552. A-1 TOP PRICES for 'large roasting chickens, fowls, broile turkeys and capons.

F. J. Zelazo, West Spfld. 3-2310 or 7-2327 BABY chicks ducklings, goslings turkey poults. Poultry supplies sanitation.

Stethe 368 Taylor St. 2-1194: BABY CHICKS. started chicks, laying pullets, day old ca.pona, from healthy pullorum clean stock. Pilch'a, Thompsonville, Conn. CAPONS 10 wks.

old, $1.40. Ray G. Miller, Somers, Conn. 2 mi. over State line on Route 83.

LAYING pullets also W. Rock pullets, 555 Meadow Aga. 1st house on right, straight ahead from South End Bridge. 7-5096. RED Leghorn cross co*ckerel chicks will develop rapidly into ideal birds for chicken barbecues.

2 weeks old, Dc each, Also several hundred Red, Sex linked, Tel. 090. Farms, 135 McKinstry in Chicopee. pullets on hand. McKinstry SEX LINKED pullets ready to lay.

H. F. Davis. 582 South Westfield Feeding Hills. 4-2647.

MERCHANDISE Auctions. 50 EVERY WED. 2 p. m. 7 p.

Fri. 7 D. Village Barn, rear 838 Hampden Holyoke, All new mdse, shoes, clothing, tools, appliances. H. J.

Hicks Auct. Articles for Sale 51 ALUMINUM hamper FREE with purchase of Bendix auto. washer or dryer. Hardware. Appliance 242 Walnut St.

3-3398. ARMY -NAVY shovels, picks. sledge hammers, $1 ea: Paint aluminum, yellow and green. $1.30 a gal. Swimming pools, 3.

ft. wide, 9 In. deep, 6 ft long, Also cAnvas 4 ft. high, 11 ft. across, round $40.

Tents, canvas. Fence posts 4, 807 Demorial Ave. W. Spild. A 30 GAL.

automatic gas water heater, 2 months old. Like new. Too amall, reason for gelling. $95. Will finance.

Tel. 4-2230. AWNINGS custom made. Quality at reas. prices.

Please call 6-3376 for free est. COMPARE THESE VALUES American sink and cabinet. complete with trim S. H. Soil Pipe.

5 ft. len. Std. automatic water pump 230 G. I.

cap, $79.05 Dbl. bowl dbl. drainboard sink on wood cabinet with trim $89.95. LOW SUPPLY CO. 243 WORTHINGTON ST.

AT STEARNS SQUARE--TEL. 3-2175 WALLPAPER SPECIAL FOR JULY Buy any roll of paper in stock get R. roll free. 2 for 1, 2069 MAIN ST. TEL.

4-7143 FISHERMEN Helgramites, all sizes. afternoons 4-3364, GARAGE doors overhead special, 9 complete $48., 16 T. $99.50. BENNETT LUMBER SUPPLY CO. friendly yard" 62 Osgood St.

9-1082 GUNS bought, sold, traded Call 2-1609. HUTCH CABINET table, benches $35. Pillow back Hitchco*ck chair $10. 139 Lyman. INSULATE your attic and save.

Have comfort all year around for AR little 88 $60.90 for insulation, Louvrea and ataples for an appr. 24x32 home. SpringYield Lumber 15r Page Blvd. Tel. 3-3168.

LADDER 28 ft. -Roof hook, water heater, storm windows 26" upright piano LAWN chairs. Timber Craft Co, Call LA5-2363. LUXURY LINE bathroom fixtures, shower stalls, mirror cabinets. Wholesale, 130 Norman West Spild.

METAL CANS 5 gal. second hand, round metal cans with cover handle. The Bridge Mic. Hazardville, Conn. T'ville.

3375. NEW SCREENS made, any size, old screens repaired. Tel. 7-9738. "PAINTMASTER PAINTS" and wallpaper.

Get our prices. J. Nowak Paintmaster Stores, 118 Meadow St. Willimansett, 333 Columbus Spfld. and Dwight Main Sta, Holyoke.

REFRIGERATOR NORGE. guaranteed delivered. $10. Tel. I.O 3-1610 anytime, SEWING MACHINE SALE Singer portable elec $34.95 White Rotary portable elec.

39.95 Singer round bobbin console 69,95 Singer. new console 64.95 Standard rotary portable 29.95 Treadle machines $10 and up These machines are all reconditioned with new parts fully guaranteed. Easy terms. EASY SEWING MACHINE CO. 864 Main St.

Tel. 7-0301 SCREENS new repaired. Porches acreened. Free estimates, Prompt delivery. Ph.

4-6896. SEWING machine, famous Zig-Zag. 1952 Console model, sews without attachment. used only 3 mon. A drastic sacrifice.

Call 0-1137. T.V Rotor, Sun Ream elec. razor- -both new. Call 7-0903-2-2888. T-SHAPED welded clothes dine poles pulleys, 2 in.

pipe 4-1763, 77 Adars St. TWO twin size mattresses. Both $13. Que dbl. size mattress spring $10.

Clean good cond. Call 7-3840 Sun. or Aves. USED LUGGAGE, Golf Clubs. Shoes, Roller.

Skates. BARGAIN OUTLET, 31 Sanford St. VACUUM CLEANER. Electrolux used a few months will sell for price. Call 7-0301.

WINDOW SHADES, selected irregulars cloth cut. mounted to fit vour rollers to solid colors $1.19. WEST SIDE SHADE BLIND CO. 1 Mt. Post Office W.

8. 9-9673 WELDING CUTTING equipment. New, used Deferred paymenta, Taft Welding Equipment 3171 Main St. 4-5709. 2 COMBINATION doors.

2 6. 6' New. Price $15.75 each. Phone 7-9274. 15 BUSINESS SERVICES Painting- Paperlay 23 AA-1 PAINTING- Paperhanging.

Gen. repairs. Satisfaction Expert workmen. Fully insured, Free pet 3-2862. A-1 INSIDE de outsida painting Celotex ceilings, carpenter' work.

A price Good advice, free estimates, I'hone 6-4134. BEST OF PAPERING AND PAINTING. Al Doersam, 83. Woodlawn St. 2-3737.

Reas. Free estimates. Outside painting. CEILINGS walls Cracks filled also Celotex ceilings, Excellent results. Tel.

6-1675 or EXTERIOR interior painting. Good work. Fair prices. Call 0-2349. EXTERIOR Interior painting paperhanging 30 yra.

exp. Tel. 7-0300 8-4075. HOUSE painting--Reasonable. Insured men.

7-3808. OUTSIDE HOMES swing stage painting. .0 yrs Tel 7-1664 Walter Woicik. "PAINTMASTER and wallpaper. Get our prices.

J. Nowak Paintmaster Stores. 318 Meadow St. Willimansett. 333 Columbua Splid.

and Dwighi Main -Sta. Holyoke. PAINTING paperhanging our specialty, Call 9-6077. PAINTING interior exterior 1 ing repairs at. reasonable prives.

Workmen Insured. Tel. 4-7388. PAINTING paperhanging $1.50 per houri Tel. 2.4827.

PAPERHANGING painting. Your problem is my job; Tel. 4-3158. EPECIALIZING in paper hanging of all 20 yrs. experience.

When in need of a first class job--wallpaper, wall-tex, Sanitos call 2-9100. Moving- Storage ALL moving rates are not the same. Leo Dinan the Mover. Weekly trips to vicinity. 2-0491.

ACROSS the street or across the country moving. packing, storage. LOW rates. HERB WILLIAMS, the Mover, 2-1234 AVAILABLE now f- local long distance moving Ted Fuller Mover, Tel. 3-8685.




EMPLOYMENT Help Wanted Female TYPIST College bekgrnd. Accuracy essen. Pleas. office. Interesting work.

GAUGH PERSONNEL SERVICE 3-2119 ABC EMPLOYMENT. 1862 MAIN ST. WAITRESS, SALADS, FOOD CHECKER AGENTS Wanted. Big profits -selling name printed Christmas Cards. Free Samples.

Complete line Christmas. Carda, Stationery, Book matches, gift items, business and professional cards. Prompt service. Assortments on approval. Write, Empire Card, Elmira.

N. Y. A CAPABLE woman for. housework, mornings, East Forest Pk. section preferred.

Call t-4338. A FEW women for general factory work, apply in person, Cutler Schermerhorn, 165 Front Chicopee. A full time secretary wanted, Pleasant working conditions. C. P.

Kantianis, 1537 Main St. ASST. OFFICE MANAGER SECRETARY Downtown STENOGRAPHER (Beginner, $42.04) CLERK-TYPIST (Downtown) $40,04) EDIPHONE OPERATOR CLERICAL mo typing TEL. 2-4104 NATIONWIDE 145 STATE ACT NOW Make Rig Money. Sell Christmas cards, 50 with name $1.20.

Business. Professional. cards. Stationery. Napkins.

Fund raising plan. Costa nothing to try. Free Imprint Saniples, Boxes on approval. Write: Syracuse Card, Syracuse, N. Y.

ALL AROUND WAITRESS wanted- Knotty Pine Restaurant, 45 Cabot Chicopee. ARE YOU looking for clean, responsible work? Good pay, 2 rest periods per day. Experienced perferred but not necessary. Assembling clothes for dry cleaning Dept. or Laundry Dept.

For 8 Good Place to work. Apply Royce Superior Laundry Inc. 21 Clinton St. ALL KINDS OF OFFICE POSITIONS Secretaries, Trista. File Clerk VALLEY PLACEMENT SERVICE 93 State St.

9-1, 9-1362 A store clerk wanted for Chicopee Falls. Apply Shea Cleaners. 629 Main bet. See Mias White. BENNETT STENO-RECPT EMPLOYMENT FOR SERVICE BANK 7-7430 A ATTRACTIVE, well-groomed woman, 808 preferred.

with party plan experience and organizational contacts. District Manager opening, with tunity advancement to higher level Field Executive post. No inventory Investment. no deliveries, no collections. Car and full time essential.

Write full de details of experience to Mr. F. E. Johnson, Studley Jewelers, Taunton, Apply now for store work in Spfld. See White at Shea Cleaners 620 Main St.

bet. BRIGHT CITY high achool grad for small office to work with figures type. Call 2-8272. BAKERS helper. NO experience necessary.

(mod pay. Liberty Bakeries, 709 Liberty St. BALERY SALESLADY for part time. work evening at new branch store at Winchester Sg No experience necessary. Apply Liberty Bakeries.

next to Clark's 5 10. Winchester Square. 11-12 noon. BEGINNING TYPIST in Concern. $15 start.

Advancement. GAUGH PERSONNEL SERVICE 3-2149 BILLING CLERK Mec. writer. Friendly office. GAUGH PERSONNEL SERVICE 3-2149 BOOKKEEPER full charge with some oll experiance.

good salary working conditions, Holvoke Dress 2-0518. BOOKKEEPER Wanted. Norman GarIrent Co. 2760 Main St. BOOKKEEPING MACHINE OPERATOR.


CANDY GIRL part time. Apply in person Manager, Art Theatre, CAPABLE STENO. busy office. Gd. OPP, GAUCHE PERSONNEL SERVICE 3-2149 CASUALTY INS.

CLERK Excel. opp. downtwn. Exp. Gd, sal.

GAUGH PERSONNEL SERVICE 3-2149 CLERK-TYPIST 5 day wk. Permanent. Dun Bradstreet, 1200. Main St. COOKS, exp.

waltresses, maids for homes, inns. Child nurses, couples. Barton Emp. Bureau, Gt. Barrington.

CLERK TYPIST GEN OFFICE WORK BENNETT EMPLOYMENT SERVICE 7-7139 COUNTER GIRLS 2d or id shifts. Parkview Grill, 1960 Boston Rd. Tel. 3-5594. COUNTER WOMAN exper 6 -2 p.m.

Roxy Lunch 115- Main COUNTER GIRLS for restaurant work. Steady job. good wages. Waldorf Sygtem, 1353 Main St. CASHIER OFFICE MANAGER Local life insurance agency.

One with some insurance experience preferred. Write, giving age, education and qualffications. Replies treated confidential. Box 445 Union Offire. CLERK for general office work.

One who has Dad some experience with figures. 5 dav. week. Apply to Box No. 408 Union Office, COUNSELORS, Junior, 18 yrs.

or over. for co- ed camp In Brimfield, Mass. Tel. Brimfield 550 for Interview. S.

O. bee. CAR HOPS WANTED el-Rancho DriveIn. 1333 Boston Rd. Trangp.

provided if necessary. CHAMBERMAID wanted. Apply house. keeper. Clinton Hotel, 1976 Main St CAPABLE girl or woman for night -work luncheonette Apply in person.

Kips Luncheonette. 2893 Main St. DICTAPHONE OP'. in Air Cond. office.


EXP salesgirls, steady or part time for millinery aud sportswear. Apply 1686 Main St. I MERCHANDISE Artieles for Sale 51 VACATION PAINT SPECIALS BLUE SEAL flat white $1,95 gal. BARN red grey 1.95 gal. FLOOR enamel 2.05 gab UTILITY paints 2.95 gal.

SUPER HOUSE in Ranch house Red, Colonial Yellow, Pearl Grey, and Dark Grey 1.40 gal. ONE COAT house paint. Top quality gov- -H ernment specification paint. Self cleaning and mildew resistant. Reg.

6.40 gal. 5.95 gal, raw linseed oil, reg. 2.19 1.98 gal. Pure turpentine. in your container .98 gal.

Tuppine .70 gal. GIANT WALLPAPER SALE Up to off, and inore, on beautiful wallpapers in this seamon's patterns and colors. Visit the store of 1000 "items for camp, home, and farm. Lawnchairs, picks, shovels, axes, rain gutters and conductors, motor oil, shoes clothing at money saving prices. J.

C. NOWAK BROTHERS 318 Meadow Willlinansett Open 'til 9. P. M. at Columbus Spfld.

Camera and Equlpment 51A LEICA STANDARD A with F3.5 ElmarONLY $49.50. Bloom's Camera Center, 1057 Main, near Taylor. LEICA CAMERA. Like New. some up to Easy terms, trades.

United Luggage Camera, 1688 Main St. (Near Paramount Theater). Business Equipment 53 A COMPLETE luncheonette, for sale. Just move the equipment to your location and start business. Price right.

All the equipment must be sold. Best offer by July 19. Take- it all. Write Box 128 Union Office. A LARGE ASSORTMENT used office store fixtures.

desks, chairs, showcases, plenty wall cases, counters for every business. Ladles' men's shoe abelv ing, leather chairs, gangs of 6, $3 each chair, mock rack 801 L. 23" W. h. shoe window platforms, md.

panels. soda fountain $150; scales, meat grinder, ice tea dispenser, fruit veg. display bin. TenBroeck Display, 196 Worthington A BIG assortment of desks, files, chairs, tables, safes, visible. equipment.

Broadway Office Supply and Equipment Co. Tel. 4-2040. BEAUTY Shop Equipment For Sale. Chic.

1585. A SET of modern drug store fixtures, humidor cigar wall case, Whitman refrigerated candy case, and show cases. Will be sacrificed to avoid further storage charges. 3209 Main St. cor.

Eagle St. or Tel. 2-6101. ICE CREAM, (10) vending machines for sale. T'ville 6900.

KELVINATOR freezer, 3 hole ice cream. Reconditioned $75. Cash register, adding machine, typewriter. Holyoke 4434. ONE washmobile for sale.

Inq. Gulf Station. Main Central Sts. RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT Refrigerators, fountains, counters, -wall fryers, sand. units, coffee makers, cold drink dispensers, new and used, cash or terms, KITTREDGE STORE FIXTURES 608-614 Dwight Tel.

3-4862, 0-6445 STORE counter. Any reasonable offer accepted. Can be seen at 135 Boston lid. THE AUCTION of the surplus furniture of Spfld. Fire Marine Ins.

Co. will be sold at 18 Suffolk Holyoke on Tuesday, July 13th 3 p. In. in lots to suit purchasers. Desks, tables.

chairs, filing cabinets, rugs, lamps, safes, upholstered chairs, wardrobes, bookkeeping machines, adding machines, typewriters, type tables, card tiles and 1000 other items. Boats and Accessories 53 BOAT KITS all kinds. all sizes, all marine 'supplies, paints, hardware. Spfld, Chris Craft. 470 Main 7-2483.

BOAT 24 ft. Chris Craft, newly refinished, with 8 125 H. P. Chrysler Marine Engine, seats 11. Call Millers Falls, 550, OT write P.

O. Box 123. Must sell, gone into service. CANOE for sa'e. used 3 SPasons, good condition, call Palmer 321-W aft.

5. CHRIS CRAFT Cnrysier Marine Engine 17 ft. inboard Mhz. Call 2-8682. EVINRUDE motors.

Lyman, Old Town Whirlwind boats, Parts, accessories: Marine paint service. De Montigny Sales 832 State Open eves. till 8. KINGCRAFT boats. rude motor.

Laurence N. King, Tel. Southwick 144, Southwick 142. MERCURY MOTORS Kingcraft boats. Harold C.

King, Feeding Hills. 6-8776. 16 FT. INBOARD skiff, 5 I.P., air cooled marine engine, canvas cover. One ton cap.

boat trailer. Outboard runabouts, cartop boats, good used motors, marine supplies, paints, accessories. Closed Sundays Beique's, 259 Appleton Holyoke. Building Materials 64 ALL. building material bargaing-Neils at wholesale, sq.

edge boards $50.00 novelty siding, framing lumber. numbing fixtures, doors and jambs, match planks, stairs catings, need room for incoming materials. A A Wrecking 79 Kelso (off Park St. WV. Spfld.

ALL materials at wholesale. House lots specialty. Framing umber, matched boards, plywood, oak flooring, etc. Prices start Tc to a ft. on framing bds.

Delivered. Write Valley Lumber, P. 0. Box 193. Chicopee.

Tel. Holyoke 2-0080. ALUMINUM WALL, tile. rover floor tile, factory prices. Chic.

2821-W. AT LUMBER CENTRE, INC. Clapbds. Cedar per lin. ft.

Maple' Flooring 25c per bd. ft. Screen Moulding 2c per lin ft. Steel Clothes Posts pair Solid Birch Front Doors $30 each LUMBER CENTRE, INC. Smart Builder Buys" 390 ALBANY' TEL.

7-5058 A-1 WELL TILE, 'wells dug de cleaned. Call Ludlow 2573 or 625. BIRCH flush interior doors, atain grade, all sizes, $12 Tel. 0-4561 or 3-6726. BE WISE -SHOP WISE See the Union Lumber Supply Co.

for values on quality lumber all other bullding materials for your new home which we specialize in. Pay. U8 visit, look around and We are sure that quality for will save dollars. UNION LUMBER SUPPLY CO. 15 DALE ST.

TEL 3-8570 BUILD Your own home using GROSSMAN'S sensational low cost plan. NO DOAN PAYMENT. Monthly payments low as $31.02 All materials above foundation Mr. Goldman. 191 Benz 2-0023.

BRICKS BRICKS. BRICKS From old Smith Wesson plant Stockbridge Willow Sts. Plan your order now for spring delivery also heavy building materials all kinds of pipe numerous other tems. See salesman 011 job or at yard. BAY STATE WRECKING CO.

Open Sat. Free 17 Ave. Vest Spfld. 'Tal. TESTED CINDER BUILDING BLOCKS.

TEL. 4-6533. CINDERS. $1.75 cu. yd.

Minimum 6 C. O. also loam top Call 3-4641, 7-9610 or 9-1440. CONN VALLEY BLOCK SPFLD. TESTED CINDER BUILDING BLOCKS.

TEL. 4-6533. DOORS Grade A-1 two panel. Inside $7.30. Outside 88.50.

Wholesale, Broad St. FOLDING DOORS Save in your building remodeling costs. WEST SIDE SHADE BLIND CO. 11 CENTRAL West Spild. Tel.

9-9073 FORMICA counter tops. Table tops, custom cabinet work. Free estimates 3-6726. GARAGE doors, overhead gal. steel, 8X7 compete $17.50 BENNETT LUMBER SUPPLY CO.

"The Friendly Yard" 62 Oagood St. Tel. 9-1082 READY MIX concrete. overhead gar. doora 8x7 $36.

Loam fill del. loaded on your truck. Lud 321 or LI3-1662. WALL TILE sale at 35. drain tile 10c.

Tel. LI 3-1141 or Palmer 908-R. Farm and Dairy Products 55 WANTED 20 OR MORE JUGS OF MILK DAILY VICINITY OF. DALTON. LEE, GOATSVILLE.


Good Things to Eat 37 FRESH DRESSED daily, turkeys, capons, chickens. Direct froin. producer, Pilch'e F.1m St. T'Ville. Phone reservations.

Enterprise 9045 or T'ville 7612. HALLADAY Turkeys available on order. 328 No. Weatfleld Str, Feeding Hilla. 4-4277.

RED RASPBERRIES. pick bring pt. baskets. 203 pt. Sanford, City View Rd.

Wild. 2040. SPECIAL native sweet. corn. 790 doz.

Tomatoes, summer Bluash, lettuce, cucumbers. Carpenall Farm, Cor. Silver Suffield Agawam. Household Goods: 59 ALL MAKES of refrigerators all types of stoves, gas oil. All makes of washing machines, chrome breakfast sets.

Brand new mahog. bedrm. sets. Must be sold. 500 Plainfield Plainfield house.

Th the 1 5. 1. 1.

The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

Birthday: 1996-05-19

Address: Apt. 114 873 White Lodge, Libbyfurt, CA 93006

Phone: +5983010455207

Job: Legacy Representative

Hobby: Blacksmithing, Urban exploration, Sudoku, Slacklining, Creative writing, Community, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Merrill Bechtelar CPA, I am a clean, agreeable, glorious, magnificent, witty, enchanting, comfortable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.