Top Posts Tagged with #sarah jones x reader | Tumlook (2024)


Apr 1

You Can Start a Family (Extra: Getting High)

Summary: Y/N's never tried weed before, and has an interesting night trying it for the first time with the three people she loves and trusts the most.

AN: This is a story about people getting high, written by someone who's never been high. I did a fair amount of research, so I hope it's accurate enough to what people experience lol

Previous Chapters:

Main Story: One ; Two ; Three ; Four ; Five ; Six ; Seven ; Eight ; Nine ; Ten

Sickfic Part 1 ; Part 2

Mitchrry Prequel

Fan Reactions

Holiday Blues

Mitchryy Reunion

Word Count: 2.8K

CW: Mentions of smut & daddy kink; drug use


It’s a perfect Friday morning. You’re sitting at the kitchen table of your LA home with Sarah, Mitch, and Harry. Sarah had surprised you all with a full English breakfast “just because” and you’re enjoying every delicious bite.

It’s so good that everyone is practically silent, no one wants to take a break from eating to say anything. You’re the first to get full so you decide to start up some conversation. There’s something you’ve been wanting to ask them but have been too shy to actually voice your question.

Deciding to finally go for it, you break the silence saying, “What’s it like to get high?”

Simultaneously, all three of them stop mid chew to stare at you, completely caught off guard by your question.

Harry composes himself first and after finishing his bite of food he says, “Well it depends on what drug you’ve taken.” You’re grateful for the way he responded, showing that they’ll take the conversation seriously and not as a joke.

It’s no secret that he and Mitch have done a couple different drugs in the past. It’s common knowledge that “She” was written by Mitch while he was under the influence of psychedelic drugs. And everyone’s heard the story of Harry biting off part of his tongue while high on mushrooms.

Harry has also mentioned having done co*ke once or twice, and that admittedly makes you a little nervous. You went through the DARE program growing up where you’d been taught that all drugs will ruin your life and kill you. So while you never judge others for occasionally getting a little high, it does make you somewhat nervous that something bad could happen when they do.

You voice your concerns to them, and they talk you through what drugs they’ve tried, what it was like, and how they ensure their safety while under the influence. By the end you’re feeling better about everything.

But you notice one thing they left out.

“And what about weed?” You ask.

“What about it?” Mitch asks.

“What are you guys like when you smoke it? Eat it? Whatever you all do with pot,” you clarify.

“The boys prefer to smoke,” Sarah answers, “And I don’t like smoking, so I’ll have some edibles if I want to participate.”

“We all get pretty mellow,” Mitch says to answer your question.

“You can be more mellow?” You inquire jokingly, referring to his generally calm demeanor.

“He just sits there all smiley,” Harry says.

Sarah laughs and adds, “Yea, until he starts getting extra horny.”

You blush thinking about what that must be like and then ask, “What about you two? What are you guys like?”

“Sarah gets very giggly. And chatty,” Mitch answers. “And Harry gets the munchies.”

“Seriously?” You ask. Harry, the person in this relationship who is most regimented about what he eats and rarely ever snacks, gets the munchies?

“Oh, for sure,” Harry answers. “All bets are off when I’m high. Calories don’t count,” he finishes with a shrug.

“I wonder what I’d be like,” you say quietly.

“Y/N, do you want to try it? We’d all be with you, make sure nothing happens,” Sarah says.

You sit silently for a moment, debating what to say. This was another goal of yours for this conversation. You want to try getting high, especially with the three of them, who you trust more than anyone. You had been offered weed at a couple parties before, and always turned it down, nervous that something could go wrong. But here? With Sarah, and Mitch, and Harry? Well, that sounds like it could actually be fun.

You nod and say, “Yea, I kind of do want to try.”

“Okay,” Harry says. “We can make that happen.”

After that, the conversation turns to other topics as you finish eating and cleaning up breakfast. Harry spends a good chunk of the day writing. Mitch helps him but heads to the grocery store in the afternoon. Meanwhile, you and Sarah work in the garden, getting it ready to put in some new plants.

Happy with your progress for the day, you head inside to take a shower. When you’re done and dressed you walk down to the living room where Sarah, also freshly showered, and Harry and sitting together on the couch. You join them, sitting beside Harry. He talks a bit about what he worked on so far and then you finally hear the door opening, alerting you all that Mitch has returned from the store.

All three of you join him in the kitchen, helping to put the groceries away. You get to one bag that looks different from the others, like it came from a different store, but it still just seems to contain some different snacks, namely chocolates and some gummy candies. You get a closer look and notice the little leaf symbol on all of the packages.

“Uhm, Mitch? What is this?” You know what it is, or at least, you’re mostly sure, but it feels like a good idea to actually confirm.

He looks over to see what you’re holding and smirks before saying, “Well that would be weed. Figured it wouldn’t hurt to grab some after our talk this morning.”

“Can we try it?”

“Sure,” he replies.

“Tonight?” You ask.

“Are you sure?” Sarah confirms.

“I mean, it seems like a good time. We have a free weekend, which never happens. And I don’t want to overthink it more than I already have.”

“Ok,” Harry responds. “After dinner if you still want to then these will be our dessert,” he says, taking the bag of goodies from you and putting it in a cabinet, far away from the rest of the snacks.

“Sorry it’s only edibles,” Mitch says to Harry. “Sarah doesn’t smoke, and I didn’t think Y/N would either. And you don’t like smoking alone so, yea.”

“Are you not joining us?” Sarah asks.

“Not this time, I want to stay sober just in case.”

“Look at you, going into daddy mode,” Harry jokes.

There’s a flicker in Mitch’s eyes at that, something you’ve never seen before. “Haven’t heard that nickname in a long time,” Mitch says.

“You haven’t earned it,” Harry replies, tone definitely cheeky, and a little suggestive. You tuck the encounter away in your mind, making a note to ask them about whatever that just was at another time.

Now that everything seems to be decided, you turn to start making dinner. With the prospect of a new experience on the horizon you need to do something that’s familiar to you. Sarah helps you cook, and the boys clean up after.

Once everyone is in comfy clothes you meet up back in the living room. Mitch is holding the chocolate bar and gives you a look before asking, “Still want to try this?”

“I do,” you reply. You’re excited, even if you’re slightly nervous about how you might act or if you might say something stupid while under the influence.

“Alright,” he replies.

Mitch opens the package, breaking off three pieces and handing one to each of you. He then passes the rest to Harry, saying, “You might want one more in a bit. It’s a pretty low dose.”

You pop the chocolate in your mouth, a thrill going through you at doing something you’ve always been told was dangerous. It’s silly to feel this way, knowing now that the likelihood of this having any type of negative outcome is extremely slim, but it still feels almost reckless in an exciting way.

Nothing happens for a bit, but you expected that. Harry ends up taking one more piece, and you wonder if you should as well. Before you can even ask, Mitch says, “No more for you, give it time.”

Sarah adds, “It’ll kick in soon, trust me.”

And she isn’t wrong. You don’t notice it happening, but eventually you feel different. Your body feels kind of tingly, and you’re smiling but you don’t really know why.

The next thing you know, you and Sarah are discussing the garden at length. The area you have set aside is totally not big enough. You need way more space so you can grow veggies and berries and like, three orange trees so you can make your own orange juice every morning. Harry gets up no less than five times to retrieve snacks from the kitchen and you discover you’re actually starving, which is weird because wasn’t dinner an hour ago? You’re never hungry so soon after a meal.

Some more time apparently passes, and you and Sarah are now laughing at a story Harry’s telling about his craziest fan encounter.

Suddenly you remember a comment from earlier and turn to Mitch. He’s sitting next to you on the couch, completely entertained by the antics of the three of you and doesn’t miss when your attention focuses on him.

When you don’t say anything for over a minute he gives you a confused look and says, “Can I help you?”

“Why did Harry call you daddy earlier?” You ask.

At this question both Mitch and Harry blush. BLUSH. You don’t think you’ve ever seen that before.

Mitch looks at your doe eyed, innocent expression and thinks for a minute how he’s going to explain this to you. He sometimes forgets that all your sexual experience has been with him, and there’s a lot you’re unfamiliar with. Sure, the fact that you have sex with three people at once might seem adventurous, but the sex you all have tends to be mostly very vanilla. Mitch watches your inquisitive expression as he figures out the best way to explain daddy kinks and dom/sub dynamics to you.

He decides to start by asking you, “Have you heard of daddy kinks before?”

Your eyes go wide as you realize that this is going down a sexual route. Sarah starts giggling next to you at your reaction and you pout before saying, “Don’t laugh at me, you know I was sheltered!”

“I don’t mean to, you’re just so adorable when you're all shocked and naive,” she replies.

Sarah then shifts on the couch so she’s laying sideways, her back against the armrest. She pulls you to her, so your back is against her chest. Mitch slides closer and Harry takes the seat next to him. You and Sarah both stretch out your legs over Mitch’s lap until your feet rest on Harry. You feel all warm inside, getting to be in contact with all three of them.

“Sorry for laughing,” Sarah says quietly in your ear. “You know how much we love teaching you new things.” You shutter involuntarily at her suggestive tone. She wraps her arms around your middle as Mitch says, “You never answered my question.”

“There was a question?” You say and start giggling. You search your fuzzy brain, trying to remember what he asked you, then trying to remember what you guys were even talking about.

“I asked you if you knew what a Daddy kink is,” he says, watching you closely in case you had another entertaining reaction.

This time your face goes serious, and Mitch can literally see the wheels turning in your mind as you come up with an answer.

After a literal minute of thinking you reply with a decisive, “No.”

“Okay. So, a common misconception is that someone with a daddy kink has daddy issues. And that could be the case for some people but that’s not really what it is. It’s about power dynamics. Like one person gives over control to the other person. And the one with control would be considered daddy.”

“Mitch, that was a f*cking terrible explanation,” Harry says. “Y/N, did that make sense to you?”

“Not really, no.”

Sarah decides to take over and says, “Do you remember the night after one of the Wembley shows when we teased you on the ride home?” You immediately remember what she’s talking about and a shutter of pleasure runs through your body at the memory. “And when we got back to the room we edged you even more and wouldn’t let you come? And then made you come multiple times until you passed out?”

“Holy sh*t,” Harry says. “Why have I never asked about things you did before I joined? f*ck, that sounds hot.”

You blush at the memory and Sarah continues, saying, “That night, Mitch and I had the power. We were in control of your pleasure. You trusted us to take care of you. That’s what a dom/sub dynamic is about. And there’s different titles that doms go by, like sir and ma’am or daddy and mommy. Depends on personal preference.”

“And Mitch prefers daddy?” You ask. He huffs out a laugh and looks visibly flustered at this question, so you say, “I’ll take that as a yes.”

“Oh, he for sure prefers daddy,” Harry adds. “The first time I let it slip out, he came instantaneously.” Your body starts to heat up and you squirm in Sarah’s lap as Harry continues, “I’d asked him to restrain me and just take what he wanted. He went full daddy mode and didn’t even realize. One of the hottest things I’ve ever experienced.”

You can’t sit still any longer, so you move, your limbs uncoordinated due to the drugs and lust clouding your mind, but you finally succeed in straddling Mitch’s lap.

“I wanna do that,” you say.

“Do what exactly?” Mitch presses.

“I dunno. Everything. Anything you guys want to do. I want to give up control,” you answer.

“Darling, I don’t think you’ve ever been in control in bed,” Sarah says with another giggle.

“Okay but like, I wanna do it legit. Please, daddy?” You say with puppy dog eyes looking right at Mitch.

He groans, and you think you’re getting your way, so you move to kiss him and grind down in his lap. His hands grip your waist and frustratingly, they stop your movements.

“Look at me, baby,” he says, and your eyes dart back to meet his. “We can try it, but not now.”

“Why not?” You whine.

“Because you’re high and can’t fully consent. We all have to be sober to do this the right way. And there’s a lot we need to talk about first. We need to discuss limits, safe words, things like that. Okay?”

“Fine. But I won’t forget this.”

“Trust me babe, neither will I,” he replies, nipping at your ear and you give him a dirty look for teasing you.

“Now, why don’t we watch a movie?” Mitch suggests.

“Emperor's New Groove!” You immediately shout.

“What’s that one about?” Harry asks.

“Seriously? You’ve never seen it?” He shakes his head no and you look at the other two who confirm they’d never watched it either.

“NONE of you have seen Emperor's New Groove? That’s a f*cking travesty.” They all burst into laughter since you never curse but this seems to be high enough stakes to earn the explicit word.

“We are watching it. Right now.” You jump off the couch, stumbling across the room to grab the remote. You plop back into Sarah’s lap, legs outstretched over the boys, and concentrate on putting the movie on.

Before you press play you say, “I have one very important question.”

“And what would that be, love?” Harry asks.

“Are there more snacks?”

Without a word he gets up and makes a trip to the kitchen, bringing back an assortment of treats.

You grab some of the chocolates and start the movie.

You’re all a giggling mess watching the movie, and you’re starting to get very sleepy by the time it’s over. Mitch has his work cut out for him, rounding the three of you up and helping you all get ready for bed. You cooperate with brushing your teeth and washing your face, but refuse to put pants on, arguing that it’s too warm and all you want is one of Harry’s t-shirts. You also refuse to walk from the bathroom to the bedroom, and Mitch steps in before Sarah can try picking you up while she’s still unsteady herself.

You’re basically dead weight in Mitch’s arms, and you laugh uncontrollably when he gently throws you onto the mattress. The night ends with all four of you together in bed, exchanging “I love you” back and forth repeatedly.

You fall asleep on top of Mitch, and he thinks back to how the evening went. He can’t help but smile at the fact that high Y/N is basically a combination of the other three when high. You laugh and talk uncontrollably like Sarah, snack like Harry, and get a bit more horny than usual like Mitch.

And he certainly won’t forget the conversation you’d had any time soon. He hopes the rest of you won’t either. As he strokes your hair and looks fondly at Sarah and Harry sleeping at his sides, he feels like today was a perfect day. And he can’t wait to see what tomorrow brings.


AN: Thank you so much for reading! Requests are open so if you want to see anything specific, let me know!

Taglist: @akkatz @pandeebearstyles @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite@theekyliepage@numafarawayglxy @booberry019-blog @hillzrry@ssareidbby @gem1712 @acesofspadess@houseofdilfs@shaquille-0atmeal-1@kissitnhekitchen @amateurduck @poguestyleskye@n0vaj3an@snwells@drunk-teens-doing-drugs ; @fdl305@creativelyeva@daphnesutton@selluequestrian@lovingfurypanda @stardream14 @tbsloneely@eversincehs1@boomitsallie1@rose-garden-dreamz @fictionalmensblog @buckybarnessimpp

#harry styles x reader#mitch rowland x harry styles#mitch rowland x reader#mitch rowland x sarah jones x reader#sarah jones x reader#sarah jones x mitch rowland x reader#harry styles fanfiction#harry styles x you


Dec 2, 2023

You Can Start a Family (Extra: Harry & Y/N First Time)

Summary: The more detailed story of the first time Harry and Y/N have sex. It ended up being basically chapter 11 of the main story.

Previous Chapters:

Main Story: One ; Two ; Three ; Four ; Five ; Six ; Seven ; Eight ; Nine ; Ten

Sickfic Part 1 ; Part 2

Mitchrry Prequel

Fan Reactions

Holiday Blues

Word Count: 4K

CW: smut


Never in a million years did you think you would be spending the afternoon with your two boyfriends and girlfriend on a yacht in Italy. And yet, that’s exactly where you are. It’s been an absolutely wonderful day on the boat, but now you’re learning a slight downside.

Bathrooms on boats are small. You think that maybe on the bigger fancier yachts there might be full sized bathrooms, but that’s definitely not the case here. Which makes getting ready to go out to dinner a bit difficult.

You, Harry, Sarah, and Mitch, as well as Gemma and a few others are all scattered throughout the boat getting changed and freshening up since you’re going straight to a fancy dinner.

“Ow, dang it!” you exclaim as you bump your arm into the wall while trying to get your dress on.

A second later you hear a knock on the door. “You alright in there love?” Harry asks.

“Yea, no, I’m good! Just hit my arm trying to get into this dress.”

“Do you need help?”

“No no, I’ve got it.” It’s quiet for a moment before Harry hears another bang followed by a quiet “oh come on”.

“Can I please help you?” he asks again.

You finally admit defeat and say, “Okay, but I’m uh, not really wearing anything.”

“It’s just me out here, no one else will see you,” he says reassuringly.

You open the door and Harry pauses for a second, taken aback at the sight in front of him. You’re standing there in just your bra and panties, holding the dress in your hand. His mouth waters at your bare skin, and he thinks back to the night before when he watched Mitch slide into you. He immediately imagines himself in Mitch’s position, and all he wants is to take you to bed at that very moment.

But Harry is a gentleman. So he averts his gaze to the dress you’re holding and reaches out to take it from you.

“I’m not sure why I’m having trouble with it. I tried it on when I got it a couple weeks ago and it was fine,” you state.

Harry looks at it for a second before saying, “Well you didn’t unzip both zippers.”

“Both zippers?” you ask incredulously. “There’s more than one zipper? What the f*ck?”

Harry laughs and says, “Yea one under each arm.”

“Wow I completely forgot about that. I feel dumb now.”

“Oh don’t say that, two zippers is kind of weird.”

Harry hands back the dress, and you slide it on easily now that he’s undone both zippers. He helps you zip them up as well, his hands trailing along your skin as he does so. His eyes meet yours and you reach out to cup his cheeks and pull him in for a kiss. You plan to keep it simple, unaware of how turned-on Harry is after seeing you in such little clothing a moment ago.

He deepens the kiss as he pulls you flush against him. You follow his lead and get lost in the feeling of him against you until you hear someone coming and step away.

“Don’t worry,” Sarah says. “It’s just us. Everyone else has left already.”

“The last car is waiting for the four of us,” Mitch adds.

“We’re alone on the boat?” Harry asks and the other two nod yes.

He kisses you one more time before walking over and kisses first Sarah, then Mitch. You get to share a kiss with each of them as well before finally heading out to the car.

You and Harry are next to each other in the back of the van while Mitch and Sarah are in the middle row. It’s a 20-minute drive and Harry seems to have decided that the best way to pass the time is kissing you. It’s not like you make out the whole way, but rather he surprises you with kisses throughout the ride. You’re admittedly a little worked up by the time you reach the destination.

At the restaurant Harrys sits on your right side and Gemma sits on your left. A few of Harry’s friends are directly across, and Mitch and Sarah are down at the other end of the table. It feels weird being so far from them.

You look over and catch Sarah’s eyes before sharing a soft smile with her.

“So, Y/N, Harry,” you turn to Gemma beside you as she says your name. “How long have you two been secretly dating?”

You let out a quiet laugh at how straightforward she is and Harry answers, “Officially I guess it’s been about 24 hours.”

“Wait, this is that new?”

“Yea, pretty new,” you reply. You take a moment to choose your words, landing on an honest explanation that will still hide some of the truth. “We hung out a bit when I was at the shows last month. And before I left we discussed maybe dating but that we wanted to wait until the tour ended.”

“You didn’t wait very long,” Gemma says with a laugh, her tone indicating that she’s teasing rather than judging.

“Well, she’s only here for the week, had to make a good impression with the little time I have,” Harry replies.

“And did he make a good impression? Where’d he take you on your date?”

“He uhm, well, he actually had a chef come to the house,” you answer a little hesitantly, knowing that’s not a date most people can afford.

Gemma smiles and you know she’s being genuine when she says, “That sounds lovely. I really am happy for the two of you. Harry, don’t mess this up.”

The conversation turns to other topics, and you all enjoy another delicious meal. Harry’s hand lingers on you throughout the entire dinner. He holds your hand until your dinner arrives and you need it to eat with, and then he places his on your knee. It’s something so small and yet so sweet that it has you feeling both cared for, and honestly, a little turned on. Especially on the rare moments when his hand slides just a bit higher on your leg.

The four of you say good-bye to the rest of the group and load into the car to head to the villa. You’re again in the back with Harry who immediately places his hand on your thigh, higher than before, and the sudden contact causes you to gasp in surprise and desire. All the little touches from throughout the day have you on edge, and part of you wants to throw caution to the wind and straddle him right there in the car.

But you contain yourself. You place your hand on his thigh as well, mirroring his actions as he slides higher. His breathing picks up and you notice a slight bulge in his pants that wasn’t there before. You decide to get a little payback for all his teasing, and you move to lightly grip his hardening length over his clothes.

The choked gasp that Harry lets out catches Mitch and Sarah’s attention. They turn around and you see their eyes darken at the sight of you so gently working Harry up. He thrusts up chasing more friction and you pull completely away. Harry pouts and opens his eyes and seeing that they have an audience grounds him a bit. He knows they can do whatever they want in front of Mitch and Sarah, but there’s still the driver to think about, and so Harry focuses on taking some deep breaths.

You watch him as he does this, and you’re impressed at how well he can calm himself. You remember a time when Mitch and Sarah did everything they could to rile you up in the back of a van and there was no way you could center yourself as well as Harry just had. In fact, you’re probably in a worse state than he is at the moment. Luckily it’s a short drive and as you turn a corner you see the villa just ahead.

You all climb out of the car and thank the driver before turning to head inside. Harry keeps one hand on the small of your back as he unlocks the front door. There’s a charged energy surrounding the four of you as Harry leads you all to the bedroom.

Once in the room, you again wonder what to do, where to go. Going from three people to four is an adjustment and you know at some point you’ll all get into a rhythm, but as this is only the second time you’re all together, there’s still some hesitancy.

“Y/N,” Harry says, and you look at him. He continues, “I would very much like to have sex with you tonight, if that’s alright?”

The wording of his question seems so formal that you almost laugh, but then the meaning sinks in and laughing is the last thing you feel like doing. Harry wants you, wants to have sex with you, and you realize that there’s nothing you want more in than moment than to say yes.

You start to nod, and Harry gives you a look that you somehow understand means “use your words.”

“Yes, Harry, that’s alright with me. I want that too.”

With your clear consent given, Harry doesn’t waste a second. He walks forward, once again pulling you flush against him and leans down to press his lips against yours. It’s possibly the most intense kiss you’ve ever had, his mouth naturally dominating yours and you happily submit. It’s a freeing feeling, giving up control and trusting Harry to take care of you.

As his tongue slides against yours you swallow the whines that try to leave your mouth.

Sarah slides up behind you, placing her hands on your waist as she says, “Don’t hold back darling, let us hear you.” You roll your eyes, first in endeared annoyance at how well she can read you by now, and then in desire when her lips move to suck a love bit into your neck. The onslaught of sensations has you weak in the knees and you sink into Sarah who helps hold you up.

When you pull away to take a gasping breath you open your eyes and see Mitch mirroring Sarah by standing behind Harry. He takes advantage of your need for oxygen by pulling Harry’s head to the side so that he can slot their lips together. You let out a moan at the sight of them making out in front of you.

Without breaking his kiss with Mitch, Harry slides his hands up your sides until he reaches the zippers. He slowly starts to pull them down, giving you plenty of time to stop him if you want to. But you don’t. You let him remove your dress and Sarah helps you take off your bra and underwear.

You’re standing there, completely bare while the other three are fully dressed. It should make you feel self-conscious, or vulnerable, but instead it just feels nice. You know that they’re going to take care of you and make you feel good, and you want to let them. So you stand there as they run their hands along your body and just embrace their touches.

You get lost in the kisses the other three press to your lips. You know that whichever two you’re not currently kissing are making out with each other, since you can hear the sounds of their lips smacking together, and you love that now everyone can always have a partner. With three it sometimes felt like one person was being left out but with four, that’s no longer the case.

Hands eventually lead you to bed and you lay down. You get to watch as Mitch, Sarah, and Harry all help each other to remove their clothes. Sarah sits next to you and Harry climbs on the bed by your feet. Mitch stays standing, watching the scene unfold before him.

Harry gently moves your legs apart and slides between them, placing kisses on your skin as he moves up. Your body heats under his touches and you feel desire pool in your belly. When his lips reach your inner thighs you moan and quietly plead for more. You’re nervous that he’s going to keep teasing you and you’re pleasantly surprised when his tongue immediately licks through your folds.

He repeats that move a few times before his tongue starts to circle your cl*t. Your one hand moves to grip the curls on top of his head and your other reaches out next to you. Sarah sees the movement and holds your hand in her own, helping to ground you as waves of pleasure move through your body.

Harry takes his time eating you out, slowly working you up. He’s not quite teasing, but still not quite giving you enough to push you over the edge. Based on the sounds coming from Harry you don’t know who’s enjoying this more. For a moment your mind is clear enough to appreciate that this is the man who wrote Watermelon Sugar. But then a finger teases your entrance, and all thoughts leave you.

Harry pulls back and you pout at the loss.

“Y/N, look at me,” he says, and you immediately find his eyes. “Is this okay?” he asks as his finger continues to trace through your folds.

“Yes, absolutely, please,” you manage to say before he slides one finger inside, effectively taking your breath away and rendering you speechless. His fingers are thicker than Mitch or Sarah’s and the stretch when he slides a second in next to the first is more than you’re used to.

“f*ck,” he says. “So f*cking tight.”

“She’ll need three to be ready for you,” Sarah says, remembering her own experience with Harry from the night before.

He nods to show he’s listening, but his eyes never turn away from watching his fingers repeatedly disappear inside of you. He scissors open his fingers in order to stretch you more before adding a third.

As he continues to pump his fingers you finally reopen your eyes to take in the full scene. Sarah is now laying down beside you and Mitch is kneeling between her legs. He’s gently stroking Sarah’s leg with one hand and his co*ck with the other. He seems to be doing both actions subconsciously, since he and Sarah are focusing on you and Harry next to them.

It’s intense, having two people watch you, especially when Harry slides his fingers out and lines his co*ck up with your entrance. You focus on him as he slides himself through your folds, coating himself in your wetness. But right before he pushes inside you put a hand on his shoulder to stop him.

“What is it? Are you okay? Did I do something?” he worriedly asks.

“I’m fine,” you answer. “You’re fine. It’s Mitch.”

“What did I do baby?” Mitch asks from his spot next to Harry.

“You’ve got this look on your face. And it’s not a sexy look. It’s your concerned face. What has you worried?”

“It’s nothing.”

“It’s something.”

“It’s just- I’m the only person you’ve been with. I know you. I know your limits.”

Harry shifts to face Mitch and say, “You trust me, right?”

“Of course I trust you,” Mitch replies.

“Then trust that I will always take care of our girls. Okay?”

“Okay. Just be gentle with her,” Mitch says quietly.

“Always,” Harry says before he pulls Mitch in for a kiss. When they break apart you’re happy to see Mitch’s expression is much more relaxed. He leans across to share a kiss with you and then there’s another minute or two where the four of you jumble together all exchanging kisses with one another.

When Harry is back in position above you, you say, “Just one more thing.”

“What do you need love?” Sarah asks.

“Can we all, uhm, do this together?”

“I’m not sure what you mean,” she replies.

You take a deep breath and say, “I want you and Mitch to have sex while Harry and I have sex.” Your face turns beet red as you speak your desires so explicitly, something you rarely do.

“You’re so cute when you’re all shy,” she says. “And of course we can do that. Don’t think I can wait much longer either.” She nuzzles into your neck before places kisses on your shoulder.

“I’m ready,” you say, meeting Harry’s eyes again.

“If you’re uncomfortable or want to stop any time, just tell me and we’ll stop,” Harry says.

“I know,” you reply before pulling him down to attach your lips to his. The kiss is immediately heated, and you moan as he bites your bottom lip. He takes the opportunity to slide his tongue in, exploring your mouth. His fingers are back inside you, making sure you’re stretched and ready for him.

He pulls his fingers out and you watch as he wipes the slick still coated on them onto his co*ck. It’s a move so dirty that it sends another wave of desire through your now achingly empty core.

“Please, Harry, I’m ready. I need you,” you say as you swivel your hips slightly to draw his attention where you want it.

“I’m here, pet,” he says, and you feel the tip of his co*ck slide into you a second later. You gasp at the new feeling, and you hear sounds of pleasure from the other three as well. You smile knowing that you got your wish. You want to look beside you and see Mitch pushing into Sarah but at that moment Harry pushes in more and the stretch has you focusing solely on him.

You knew he was thicker than Mitch but holding them in your hands and having them inside you are two completely different things. There’s a slight burn you’re not quite used to, and you wince, just for a second. Harry, who is focusing all his attention on your reactions, notices the look and asks, “Doing okay lovey?”

You take a deep breath and smile before assuring him that you’re doing just fine. Mitch’s hand grabs yours and you look at the pair next to you. You look down at where Mitch and Sarah are connected, and that image, plus the blissed look on Sarah’s face, sends another wave of arousal through you. Harry groans as more wetness gushes onto his dick.

His eyes meet yours again and you place a hand on his back, encouraging him to keep going. Slowly, gently, he pushes until he is fully inside, completely wrapped in your warm, tight walls. He leans down, placing kisses on your neck, shoulder, chest, anywhere he can reach while he lets you adjust. Finally, you tell him you’re ready for more.

He pulls back so just the tip is inside before he thrusts in again. All four of you moan in unison and you open your eyes to see that Mitch is following Harry’s moves. It makes you feel more connected to everyone at the same time, knowing that you’re all experiencing the same pleasure.

The boys pick up their pace and Sarah pulls you in for a sloppy kiss. You break apart from her when Harry changes the angle, hitting that perfect spot inside you. He buries his face in your neck again and you feel him gently bite and suck at the sensitive skin there. You know he’s leaving marks that will require plenty of makeup to cover, but it feels so good that you don’t care.

Breathy whines and whispers of “please,” and “more” and “Harry” are all that is coming out of your mouth as you feel the increased tightening in your belly. Your breaths turn to pants and Harry brings his fingers to your cl*t. He rubs circles against the sensitive nub as he thrusts deeper and harder than before.

Your back arches and your loudest moan yet is pulled from you as you come, clenching around Harry’s length as though to trap him inside. His movements don’t stop, though they do become more erratic as he chases his high. His org*sm hits a moment after yours, and the feeling of his warm cum coating your insides has you seeing stars.

He slides out of you a moment later and you turn to watch Mitch and Sarah as you come down and catch your breath. They look beautiful like this, and you lean in to press kisses to Sarah’s neck while Harry slides a hand to her core, seeing as Mitch’s hand is still tightly wrapped in yours. Harry gives her the last bit of stimulation she needs to crash over the edge, and you both watch in awe as they beautifully fall part simultaneously.

You’re all still for a moment and Mitch checks in with each of you individually to make sure everyone is okay and happy. You assure him that you’re good, way more than good, and you bask in this moment.

Your face splits into a large grin, and then you can’t help but start to giggle. It’s contagious and suddenly the four of you are laughing, though no one’s entirely sure why.

You finally calm down enough to say, “I can’t believe this is my life.”

“Well, believe it baby,” Harry says. “Because we’re not going anywhere.”

“Good.” You reply, shifting everyone so that you’re laying across all three of them. With your head on Mitch’s chest, torso being held by Harry, and legs tangling with Sarah, you fall asleep.

Warm sunshine wakes you up the next morning. You stretch and are surprised to have so much room in bed. Only Harry is lying with you and one glance shows that he’s awake and smiling at you.

“Good morning,” you say.

“Good morning lovey,” he replies and leans down to press a quick kiss to your forehead. You shift up so you can kiss his cheek, and a moment later you find his lips against yours in a lazy morning make out.

Before things can go too far you pull back and ask, “Where are Mitch and Sarah?”

“They went for a walk on the beach,” Harry answers and slots his lips against yours again. After one more intense kiss he leans away and says, “We probably shouldn’t do more without the others here.”

“You’re right. I mean, it’s not realistic that we all be together for sex every time, but we should talk about it first. Set boundaries and expectations and everything,” you reply.

“Communication,” Harry states and you nod. “Speaking of communication,” he continues. “I wanted to check in after last night. How are you feeling?”

“I feel wonderful Harry. Really.”

“Yea? Not sore or anything? No regrets?”

“No regrets. You were perfect,” you reassure him.

You lapse into a comfortable silence before heading outside to have breakfast on the patio. Mitch and Sarah join you and the four talk more about the dynamics of the relationship, especially when it comes to the physical side.

Afterwards you walk inside but turn to look at the other three still on the patio. They’re smiling and joking around, and your heart melts at the love you hold for them.


Hope you enjoyed! Not sure yet which story I'll work on next or when it will be up, but there are some ideas & requests all swirling around in my brain.

Also, as much as I do love Harry and Mitch's new haircuts, they will always have Love on Tour era hair in my stories haha it's just how I'll always picture them

Taglist: @akkatz @pandeebearstyles @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite@theekyliepage@numafarawayglxy @booberry019-blog @hillzrry@ssareidbby @gem1712 @acesofspadess@houseofdilfs@shaquille-0atmeal-1@kissitnhekitchen @amateurduck @poguestyleskye@n0vaj3an@snwells@drunk-teens-doing-drugs ; @fdl305

#harry styles x reader#mitch rowland x harry styles#mitch rowland x reader#mitch rowland x sarah jones x reader#sarah jones x reader#sarah jones x mitch rowland x reader#harry styles fanfiction


Apr 6

You Can Start a Family (Extra: First Earthquake)

Summary: Y/N experiences an earthquake for the first time. She and Harry have a bizarre serendipitous moment.

AN: I felt an earthquake for the first time yesterday and it inspired me to finally write this silly story that's been in my mind for nearly a year.

Previous Chapters:

Main Story: One ; Two ; Three ; Four ; Five ; Six ; Seven ; Eight ; Nine ; Ten

Sickfic Part 1 ; Part 2

Mitchrry Prequel

Fan Reactions

Holiday Blues

Mitchryy Reunion

Getting High

Word Count: 1.1K

CW: earthquake, injury, blood, vomit


When you moved to Los Angeles to live full time with Harry, Mitch, and Sarah, you had a million questions. One thing you were almost embarrassed to ask about was earthquakes. Luckily, none of them laughed about your concern. They’d all experienced a few themselves. While most were small, they can each remember at least once or twice that they’d been genuinely worried during a fairly large quake.

So, they listened to your worries, told you what to expect, and shared what they’ve been told to do in order to stay safe.

A few months in, there’s a mild earthquake. The doors rattle, the mirrors and art on the wall shake, but no damage is done, and it only lasts a few seconds. You report to your friends back home that you finally experienced one.

But now is the first time you truly get shaken around. Harry, Mitch, and Sarah are all in the basem*nt studio working together on new music. You’re upstairs in your little home office answering some emails.

You’re sitting at your desk in the corner of the room when everything starts to rattle. It’s small at first, but quickly you know this is much bigger than last time. Immediately you think of what you’ve been told to do in this situation.

The number one piece of advice you remember is to get under a desk or table. Your glass desk, however, doesn’t seem like the best choice.

There’s a sturdy coffee table in the middle of the room and you start to make your way over to it, stumbling due to the floor shaking beneath you. Suddenly, something slams into the back of your head, but adrenaline keeps you moving forward. You finally dive under the table and ride out the end of the earthquake.

Moments after the shaking subsides, you hear three sets of footsteps running up the stairs. Mitch bursts into the room first, Sarah and Harry right behind him.

“Love, are you okay?” Sarah asks as she helps you out from under the table.

“Yea, I just think something hit my head,” you reply and glance around the room. On the floor is a large decorative vase that normally stands in a recessed shelf on the wall. You point to it and say, “That. I’m fairly certain that hit the back of my head.”

“Let me see,” Harry says, his hand going to your hair. You hiss in pain, and he pulls back. “sh*t,” he quietly breathes out, and you all look at him. His fingertips are red and wet. Blood. sh*t is right. You’re definitely bleeding.

“How do you feel?” Sarah asks.

The adrenaline is wearing off, and that, mixed with seeing physical evidence that you’re injured, has the pain finally setting in.

“My head’s starting to hurt,” you reply. “And I feel a little bit dizzy.”

“You need to go to the hospital,” Mitch says. “C’mon, I’ll drive.”

Harry helps you stay steady all the way out to the car. You assure everyone you’re fine, it’s just a scratch and a headache, but the three of them don’t listen. They rush out of the house, stopping only to grab shoes and a towel to hold over the wound. Mitch drives, Sarah is in the passenger seat, and Harry is in the back next to you, keeping pressure on the cut.

On the drive over you start to feel nauseous. It’s manageable at first, but steadily gets worse. There’s nothing in the car to be sick into, and you ask Mitch to pull over. You guys are literally on the freeway, and you can tell Mitch isn’t comfortable with stopping there, but then he sees the panic on your face and does as you’ve asked. He finds a safe spot and pulls onto the shoulder.

The second the car is in park you open your door and lean out, throwing up on the side of the road. It’s not a fun feeling, but you do feel a bit better once you’re done. You get back in the car and roll the windows down, hoping fresh air will help.

Just before driving off, you look out the window, and something you see just ahead has you laughing.

“What’s happening right now, why are you laughing?” Sarah asks. You look at the concerned faces of your girlfriend and boyfriends and say, “Please look at where we are right now,” while you continue to laugh.

You can tell when they all see it. Because they join in laughing. Just ahead is an iconic sign stating, “Harry Styles threw up here”.

“What are the f*cking odds of that?” Mitch says in disbelief.

“Someday, someone’s going to ask us how me and Harry knew we were right for each other,” you say. “And I am absolutely going to tell this story. Because obviously we’re soul mates if we’ve both randomly thrown up on the exact same stretch of LA freeway.”

“Damn straight we are,” he says with a laugh. “But your head is still bleeding a bit so let’s get moving again.”

Mitch and Sarah immediately shift back into worried mode along with Harry, and you hold back a giggle at how protective they always are over you. Even if you feel they’re sometimes a bit too much, truthfully you love how well they take care of you.

Sarah goes into the hospital with you, hoping you’ll stay more under the radar than if Harry was inside. It’s pretty crazy in the emergency department, the earthquake causing a good number of minor injuries, but they move as efficiently as possible.

Sarah holds your hand as they use glue and your own hair to close the small laceration on your head. You’re fascinated to learn that there’s a technique to close head wounds using a patient’s own hair as sutures. But if the squeamish look on Sarah’s face is anything to go by, she doesn’t share this thought. Luckily you don’t have a concussion, and the dizziness and nausea were just from losing blood.

You’re relieved to finally get back home. It’s unsurprising that Harry, Sarah, and Mitch all dote on you for the remainder of the day.

Nearly a year and a half later another earthquake hits. This time all four of you are in the dining room, and you barely have a moment to process what’s happening before arms wrap around you and pull you under the table. Mitch holds you tight, Harry doing the same to Sarah next to you, and you make it out of this one with no injuries.

A couple weeks after that you do a podcast with Harry. Sure enough, the woman hosting asks about when you two knew you were meant to be. Harry sees your smirk and begins to laugh before you even start the story of your first earthquake experience.


AN: Thanks for reading! Hope the science about earthquakes and hair apposition technique is right lol

Taglist: @akkatz @pandeebearstyles @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite@theekyliepage@numafarawayglxy @booberry019-blog @hillzrry@ssareidbby @gem1712 @acesofspadess@houseofdilfs@shaquille-0atmeal-1@kissitnhekitchen @amateurduck @poguestyleskye@n0vaj3an@snwells@drunk-teens-doing-drugs ; @fdl305@creativelyeva@daphnesutton@selluequestrian@lovingfurypanda @stardream14 @tbsloneely@eversincehs1@boomitsallie1@rose-garden-dreamz@fictionalmensblog@buckybarnessimpp

#harry styles x reader#mitch rowland x harry styles#mitch rowland x reader#mitch rowland x sarah jones x reader#sarah jones x reader#sarah jones x mitch rowland x reader#harry styles fanfiction#harry styles x you


Jan 29


Harry Styles x Mitch Rowland x Sarah Jones x Reader

You Can Start a Family

Main Story: One ; Two ; Three ; Four ; Five ; Six ; Seven ; Eight ; Nine ; Ten

Sickfic Part 1 ; Part 2

Mitchrry Prequel

Fan Reactions

Holiday Blues

Mitchryy Reunion

Getting High

First Earthquake

Mitch x Reader co*ckwarming

Harry Styles


I Hear Them Calling

Prologue ; Chapter 1 ; Chapter 2 ; Chapter 3 ; Chapter 4 ; Chapter 5 ; Chapter 6 ; Chapter 7 ; Chapter 8 ; Chapter 9



I Can't Take it Back

Spencer Agnew

I Feel The Earth Move

Shayne Topp

Ants Are Going to Town in My Body

A Podcast Love Story

#harry styles x reader#mitch rowland x harry styles#mitch rowland x reader#mitch rowland x sarah jones x reader#sarah jones x reader#sarah jones x mitch rowland x reader#harry styles fanfiction#harry styles x you#shayne topp x reader#spencer agnew x reader


Nov 11, 2023

You Can Start a Family (Extra: Fan Reactions)

Finally doing my first requested story!

Based on the following ask from @drunk-teens-doing-drugs and the comment from @luxiorchive

Summary: A serious of reactions from from fans and Media about Harry's new girlfriend as well as Mitch & Sarah's feelings of being left out of big moments. This story starts immediately after the end of chapter 10.

Previous Chapters:

Main Story: One ; Two ; Three ; Four ; Five ; Six ; Seven ; Eight ; Nine ; Ten

Sickfic Part 1 ; Part 2

Mitchrry Prequel

Mitch & Matilda

Wordcount: 2.1K


“Can you do me a favor?” Harry says, breaking the morning silence.

“Uhm, yea, sure, what is it?” You ask. Unless Harry asked you for something crazy you’d do pretty much anything he said right now. Two days ago, he joined your relationship and you, Harry, Mitch, and Sarah had your first official date together. Yesterday you all spent the day out on the water enjoying the beautiful Italian views. The night ended back in your shared bed, you and Harry having sex for the first time while Mitch and Sarah reconnected right next to you.

So yea, you were pretty blissed out and content, happy to please your boyfriends and girlfriend however they want.

You’ve all been awake for a little while, hanging out in bed and switching cuddle partners every now and then. You’re currently in between Mitch and Sarah with Harry on Sarah’s other side. He’d picked up his phone a few minutes ago, seeing a screen full of notifications and he knew he had to peek at what was happening, just to make sure nothing was wrong. Which has led to him asking you a favor.

“Can you not go on social media today?” He asks you.

“Sure,” you answer quickly. That was an easy request. You aren’t even sure where your phone is to be honest. You’re more than happy to exist in your little happy bubble, but still, you’re curious about his request. “Can I ask why you want me offline today?”

“Yea the uh, the pap photos from yesterday have been posted.”

“Oh gosh, what, are they bad? Was it a terrible angle and I look awful? Did they like, photoshop someone else’s face on me or something?”

“No, love,” he answers with a laugh. “Nothing like that. It’s just that this is new and I’m not sure how people are going to respond yet. I want to make sure you don’t stumble across something nasty.”

“Do you think people are going to be negative?” Sarah asks, worried about the idea of you two receiving backlash.

“I never know what to think,” he replies while scrolling through his phone. “But I will say that everything seems positive so far. Media outlets are confused, wondering who this ‘mystery woman’ is. Fans are much better detectives. They’ve already posted some videos of you at my shows.”

“Can I see?” Mitch asks and takes the phone Harry hands him. After a moment he says, “Oh this is good. The people who were near you at the concerts are all saying how nice and chill you were. There’re a few comments saying you seem to follow Harry’s treat people with kindness motto, that’s like the best compliment his fans can give.”

You smile at that, remembering all the moments you got to share with Harry’s fans during his shows. You realize that you probably won’t be able to do that again in the future, now that you’re officially known as Harry’s new girl, but you hope you’ll still be able to interact with the fans in some way.

“Okay, phones away,” Sarah says, and Mitch immediately locks the phone and hands it back to Harry.

“What’s the plan for today?” Sarah then asks.

“Can we stay here and go swimming?” you ask. “I’ve been taking Ryan in the pool a lot but I don’t get to actually swim, you know?”

“Sounds good to me,” Harry replies as the other two nod in agreement. “How is Ryan?” he asks, and you fill them in on the boy you nanny as you all get ready.

The four of you spend that day and the next relaxing at the private villa. It isn’t until dinner of the second evening that Harry decides it’s time to pop the bubble and see what people are saying online.

You’re all sitting at the table outside and he explains that no news is good news, that his publicist would have called if there was anything truly bad being said. He pulls out his phone and starts to scroll. When he doesn’t say anything for the first minute you start to get anxious but finally he begins to smile.

“It’s good?” Sarah asks.

“It’s- Yea. It’s really good. I mean, I hoped this would be the reaction, but I’m used to getting so much negativity that I didn’t think it would actually be like this. I mean there’s a couple of bad comments but for the most part it’s, God, it’s really good.” Harry says this with a smile so big his dimples are showing. Suddenly your insecurities and fears vanish, replaced by joy for your boyfriend.

His words and obvious relief make you remember all that he’s been through with the public. He’s suffered years of lies and abuse from fans and media alike, and he’s probably been more worried than anyone else the past few days even if he wasn’t showing it.

You move to sit in his lap, kissing him gently then asking, “Can you read us some comments?”

Harry complies happily, one arm wrapped around you as he tells you all what people are saying.

There are hundreds of comments saying how cute and happy you two look together. Some people have negative things to say about you, but even seeing them say that you’re not pretty, or too plain, or a total nobody can’t shake you. It doesn’t matter what they think, not really. It matters what Harry and Sarah and Mitch think. And since they respond with compliments to contradict every negative comment you’re feeling pretty good.

There’s a feeling of celebration in the air and you realize that you were all more worried about the feedback than you thought. But seeing so much positivity makes you feel really happy. You didn’t necessarily need the validation but having that rather than having people hate your relationship with Harry uncomplicates things a little bit. A four-person relationship is a lot to manage and needing to make the public happy would’ve added a strain that you all simply did not want to deal with.

Over the next few months people spot you and Harry together a few times both in England and in the US. Every time new pictures drop the fans get so excited and comment about how happy they are for you and Harry.

On a few occasions all four of you are spotted together. As always the fans have a number of theories about that and you’re all relieved to see the most common one is that you must be friends with Mitch and Sarah, and they introduced you and Harry.

You’re happy that they came to this conclusion naturally, since that’s what you always hoped the fans would think. The downside of course is that you have to distance yourself from Mitch and Sarah when you’re in public. You can somewhat get away with being close to Sarah since people seem to love that you two are “besties”. However, you and Mitch are extremely careful not to get too close, knowing that tabloids and gossip columns would jump on an opportunity to claim drama with Harry’s relationship.

For the most part, this secrecy is just a part of life. In fact, none of you really want any of your personal lives shared with the public if you can help it. But sometimes it does get difficult not being able to show each member of your relationship the same level of love and attention.

One of the biggest examples of that is the Grammy Awards in 2024. Harry’s up for an award and was asked to give a performance as well. The four of you get ready together and hype each other up throughout the day while making sure to not be too obvious in front of the stylists in the room.

When everyone is ready and about to get in the cars Harry turns to you and says, “You look absolutely beautiful my love.” He leans down and presses a kiss to your lips. When you break apart you’re blushing, aware of Anthony taking pictures of the moment.

“Thank you,” you finally reply. “You look gorgeous as well.” You lean together for another kiss and after a moment you pull away laughing and swatting at Harry as he gently tickles your sides.

You glance over to Sarah and Mitch standing together in another part of the room. There’s a mixture of emotions on their faces and you know them well enough by this point to figure out what they’re feeling with just a look. First is a look of adoration since they simply adore and love both you and Harry. But under that is concern? No. Not concern. Jealousy.

They want to be a part of that moment. Not for any sort of external praise or fame, but because they want to share every part of life all together as a foursome.

These feelings continue throughout the entire day. They want to be by Harry’s side with you as you support him down the red carpet. When you meet them all backstage after the performance they wish that they could share a kiss with you like Harry does. And when Harry wins in his category they want to celebrate with him instead of cheering him on from a separate table in the back of the room.

For someone who has no prior relationship experience before this, you are very good at figuring out what your boyfriends and girlfriend need at any given moment. And that night Mitch and Sarah need to be reassured that they’re as much a part of the relationship as you and Harry.

After finally leaving the afterparty that management forced you and Harry to attend you rush home hoping Mitch and Sarah will still be up. You find them both cuddled on the couch in sweats and immediately realize how uncomfortable your dress is.

Without hesitation you remove your dress, drop it on the floor, and pick up Sarah’s oversized sweater from a nearby chair. You slide it on, and it reaches mid-thigh, so you decide you’re clothed enough. You snuggle in between Mitch and Sarah and Harry joins the cuddle session on the couch a moment later. Things stay innocent for the remainder of the movie that’s playing and then you decide to show the others just how much you love them.

You first focus on Mitch and Sarah, pleasing them and showering them with care and adoration. Then the three of you turn to Harry and congratulate him on another Grammy win in a way that only the three of you are allowed to do.

After that instance the four of you have a conversation about what everyone was feeling that night. From day one you all knew that open communication is key and so over breakfast you hash out all the emotions and come up with a solution to make sure no one is ever feeling left out.

Things aren’t always easy for you and Harry either. While the general public’s reaction to you and him dating is mostly positive, there are negative comments and sometimes things can spiral out of control.

One time your cousin Matt is visiting during a week when Harry happens to be away for work. Pictures of you and Matt start to surface and within hours the cheating rumors begin. At first it doesn’t bother you as it’s honestly kind of expected, but people started to get downright nasty. Finally, you post a story on Instagram, introducing Matt as your cousin in a borderline passive aggressive manner. Most people back off after that, but some don’t believe you. From that moment you know there’s a subsection of fans that will never like you, but you know it’s a small group, so you let it slide.

There are also people who don’t like you simply because you’re dating Harry Styles. They stayed in the background when those first pictures were posted, thinking you’d be gone pretty quickly. But when they realized you were sticking around they started to post nasty comments. It’s mostly just typical mean girl stuff, saying you’re too plain, or fat, or short, or any judgmental thing they can think of even if it couldn’t be farther from the truth.

You don’t mind these comments too much, knowing they’re made mostly out of jealousy. And nights when they surface tend to end in Sarah, Mitch, and Harry showering you in compliments and worshipping your body so really the internet trolls are doing you a favor.

You know you’re never going to win over everyone so having a majority of people happy for you and Harry makes you feel content. But at the end of the day, what they think doesn’t matter. Because you have the most wonderful boyfriends and girlfriend to share life with, and that makes you the luckiest person alive.


Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed!

Let me know if you have any requests!

Taglist: @akkatz @pandeebearstyles @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite @theekyliepage @numafarawayglxy @booberry019-blog @hillzrry @ssareidbby @gem1712 @acesofspadess @houseofdilfs @shaquille-0atmeal-1 @kissitnhekitchen @amateurduck @poguestyleskye @n0vaj3an @snwells @drunk-teens-doing-drugs ; @fdl305

#harry styles x reader#mitch rowland x harry styles#mitch rowland x reader#mitch rowland x sarah jones x reader#sarah jones x reader#sarah jones x mitch rowland x reader#harry styles fanfiction


Aug 27, 2023

You Can Start a Family (Extra: Sickfic Part 1)

Summary: Y/N gets sick and Mitch, Sarah, and Harry take turns doting on her.

Previous Chapters: One ; Two ; Three ; Four ; Five ; Six ; Seven ; Eight ; Nine ; Ten


Grabbing extra blankets, you bundle deep under the covers of your otherwise empty bed. You hope that your cats will join you soon so you’re not completely alone.

It’s not like you have other people in bed with you every single night. Since you started dating Mitch and Sarah earlier in the year, and added Harry to the relationship three months prior, you’ve spent a decent amount of time alone. One might think that wouldn’t be the case with two boyfriends and a girlfriend, but they’re busy people.

Harry has been writing his next album, traveling twice for writing retreats with his collaborators to minimize distractions. On top of that he’s had meetings, photoshoots, and other projects that require him to be away from you for days at a time.

Meanwhile, Mitch’s album had dropped just a couple weeks prior, and he and Sarah were busy promoting that.

All in all, you were very used to sleeping alone. But for some reason you were really missing them tonight. They had all been home for just three days before they had to fly out to Los Angeles to prepare and rehearse for Harryween.

It had been a somewhat last-minute decision to actually do Harryween this year, since tour had ended a few months before. But the venue was open and most of the band was available, and they knew tickets would sell out immediately, so they decided to pull the trigger and go for it.

That meant that they needed to fit in all of the prep work the week right before Halloween, leaving you alone at home for days. They had left Sunday morning, and since it’s now Tuesday, it’s your third night without them.

You only need to make it until Thursday, and Mitch will be back for a couple of meetings, and then you’ll fly to LA with him for the two shows at the start of the following week.

Knowing that it’s only two more lonesome nights would normally help you, but for some reason you just feel so alone tonight. The bed feels too big and empty and cold. You are cold, freezing, bone deep cold. It isn’t even that chilly out, a mild fall evening.

It’s early to get in bed, not even 9 PM, but you feel exhausted. You wish you could just call them, but you know with the 3-hour time difference that they’re definitely still rehearsing, probably not even taking their dinner break for another hour.

You settle for playing their music, your go to when you just need to hear their voices to feel them close to you. It doesn’t take long before you fall asleep.

The blaring alarm wakes you the next morning, and even though you slept over nine hours, you’re still tired. You go to say good morning to the cats who joined you at some point in the night, and your voice comes out groggy. You clear your throat which only leads to a coughing fit. It doesn’t last long, and you’re fine while you get ready for work, so you figure it was probably just a tickle and not a big deal.

Wednesday is the same as Tuesday, most of your days truly blending together. You take a bath after dinner, hoping it will help the new aches in your joints that bothered you all afternoon, and you nearly fall asleep in the water. If it weren’t for your phone ringing, you definitely would have been out cold within a minute.

You dry your hands and grab the phone, checking who it is before answering.

“Hello,” you say, and notice your voice once again sounds a little rough.

“Hi love,” Sarah replies. “I’ve only got a minute, but I wanted to check in. I miss you.”

“I miss you too.”

“What are you up to?”

“Decided to relax tonight, currently taking a bath.”

“Is that so? Wish we could facetime,” Sarah says cheekily.

You laugh at how forward she can sometimes be and reply, “Get your mind out of the gutter Jones!”

“I know, I just wish I could see my beautiful girl.” You blush at these words as she continues, “How are you? You sound a little hoarse.”

“Yea, I’m okay. Not sure why I sound like this. It happened this morning and just came back. Maybe it’s allergies, the ragweed is pretty bad this time of year.”

“Okay, well just let me know if you get worse. Maybe do a covid test to be safe?”

“That’s a good idea. I’ll do one in the morning before Mitch comes home. Last thing I want is to spread something to you guys before the shows next week.”

“I’m sure it’s nothing,” she reassures. “But always good to check.”

You’re about to ask how she and the others are doing, see if she could put Harry and Mitch on the call for a minute but before you can ask, she says, “Oh, I’ve got to go, we’re starting again. There’s a new transition that we’re struggling with a bit, so we’ve got to work on that more.”

“You guys will get it, you’re the most talented band out there.”

“Thank you, my love. Sleep well tonight, let me know how you’re feeling in the morning.”

“I will keep you posted. I love you.”

“I love you too. Good night.”

“Good night,” you say, and the call is ended.

You sit for a moment, your apartment feeling extra quiet again. It takes all of your energy to get out of the tub and finish getting ready for bed. It’s difficult to adjust to the cool air after the hot bath, and you quickly burrow into the pile of blankets you left on the bed, sighing in relief at the warmth they offer. Like the previous night you play music and immediately fall asleep.

The alarm is even louder than usual the next morning, and it hurts to open your eyes. You go to sit up and realize that everything in your body hurts. You take a deep breath to collect yourself, but that has the opposite effect. The second you breathe in you begin to cough, and it feels like minutes pass before you get it under control.

Forcing yourself out of bed you remember the conversation with Sarah the previous night and decide the first thing to do is take a covid test. You do that and as you wait the 15 minutes for the result you make a cup of tea and get dressed. You’re not sure yet if you’re going to call out sick. As a nanny to a toddler, the last thing you want to do is go to work sick and pass it on to the child. You choose to wait for the test results before deciding.

The timer goes off and you see that it’s negative. You call Beth, the mom you work for, and fill her in, letting her decide if she’s comfortable with you being around her son that day.

After telling her your symptoms she says, “I’m okay with you being around Ryan, but if you’re not feeling well, you should stay home. Take a sick day and rest. I know it’s exhausting taking care of a toddler when you’re not under the weather, and much worse when you are.”

“I’m really not that bad,” you reply. It’s not a complete lie, you already feel slightly better than when you first got up. You had taken a pain reliever and it was helping your achy joints, plus you had only had one more minor coughing fit. You assure Beth that you’re well enough to work and that you’ll see her soon.

She fusses over you slightly when you get to her house, mothering you a bit to make sure you’re not worse than you say you are.

“Call me if you need anything. I can get a substitute or Michael can work from home and watch Ryan.”

“I will, I promise,” you say, locking the door behind her as she leaves.

You feel fine all morning, nothing more than a slight cough. Ryan takes an excellent nap halfway through the day, and you make the mistake of laying on the couch during it. The baby monitor is right next to you, ensuring that you’ll hear Ryan when he wakes up, and the white noise coming through the monitor lulls you into a light sleep.

Beth has told you before that it’s okay if you rest while he’s napping but you normally never do. Today though, you can’t fight it and your eyes slip shut.

After nearly three hours Ryan’s babbling wakes you up. It’s immediately obvious that your short nap was a bad idea, and you feel awful as you get off of the couch. Checking the time, you note that Beth will be home in two hours and tell yourself you can push through to the end of the day, maybe with a little help from Bluey.

You’re relieved when Beth walks through the door, having gotten worse throughout the afternoon. She again dotes on you as only a mother can and tells you to take off the next day. You try to protest, since you’re already planning to be out for days the following week to travel to LA, but she won’t hear it.

“I will see you next Thursday. Not tomorrow. Rest. Get better so you can enjoy your boyfriend’s show.”

You smile and thank her before driving home. The second you enter your apartment you take off your shoes and climb into your bed. You don’t realize that you’ve fallen asleep until you jerk awake hearing the door open. You’re confused, and worried that someone is breaking in, but a moment later you hear Mitch calling out your name.

You try to shout out to him and let him know where you are, but as soon as you open your mouth you begin to cough. It’s even worse than the fit you’d had in the morning and Mitch rushes into the room, immediately rubbing your back to soothe you.

Finally, you start to catch your breath and you turn, curling into Mitch’s embrace as he wraps his arms around you.

“What’s wrong baby? Sarah said you didn’t sound great last night but this is worse than I expected.”

“It wasn’t this bad yesterday. It wasn’t even this bad when I got home earlier. I feel like sh*t.”

“What do you need?” he asks.

“I don’t know. This is helping though,” you say referring to him holding you. He squeezes you tighter for a moment and presses a kiss to the top of your head.

For a few minutes you stay like this until another coughing fit wracks your body. Mitch again rubs your back, his touch calming you even as you struggle to breathe. When you’re done coughing, he shifts so he can get off of the bed.

“Don’t leave, please,” you say, grabbing on to him.

“I just want to check if you have any medicine, I’ll be right back.”

“Please,” you say, refusing to let go if his arm. Deep down you know that you’re being clingy, but you can’t bring yourself to care in that moment.

“Okay, c’mere,” he says and gestures for you to wrap your limbs around him. Once you’re secure he carries you with him to the bathroom and places you down on the closed toilet lid. He opens the closet door and takes out the box of different medications you have in there.

“Have you taken anything yet?” he asks.

“I took some Tylenol earlier today, but it’s been a while.”

“Nothing for the cough?”

“No, it really wasn’t that bad before.”

“Okay, here, take this,” he says, handing you the small cup filled with cough syrup. You do as you’re told and he takes out the thermometer, holding it up to your head.

It beeps a moment later and he says, “Definitely a low-grade fever. How are you feeling?”

“I’ve had the chills, and I guess body aches.”

“Alright, you said it’s been a while since you had Tylenol?”

“Yea, I only took it this morning.”

“Here’s another dose, it’ll help with everything else.”

You take the medicine as instructed, too tired to even think and grateful that you have someone there to tell you what you need to do.

“Have you eaten today?” Mitch asks.

“Yea, I had a sandwich for lunch,” you answer.

“But no dinner?”

You shake your head no.

“Okay,” he replies. “I’m going to heat up some soup for us. Do you want to wait in bed or come with me?”

“With you,” you reply, holding out your arms so he’ll carry you again. He smiles at how adorable sick you is, and he picks you up with ease, loving having you in his arms.

He places you on one of the bar stools at the kitchen island and you rest your head on your arms as he gets food ready. Normally you’d be asking him how his flight was, how rehearsals had been going all week, but instead you just rest your eyes, comforted by the sounds of another person in the apartment with you for the first time in days.

A few minutes later Mitch places a bowl of chicken noodle soup in front of you. He sits on the stool next to yours with his own bowl and puts a sleeve of crackers between you two. You lift your head up and thank him before starting to eat. You’re feeling a little better now that the medicine has had time to work, and you’re able to finish your dinner.

As soon as you and Mitch are both done eating you rest your head on his shoulder.

“Bedtime?” he asks, and you nod your head yes.

He cleans up the dishes and the two of you head to the bathroom to get ready. You lean against Mitch as you brush your teeth, too tired to stand on your own. He keeps a firm arm around you, making sure you don’t fall, and leads you into the bedroom.

Once you’re both in bed you immediately move to lay on top of him, needing to be as close as possible.

“Is this okay?” you ask, and he replies, “Of course, baby. I’ve missed my human blanket.”

You smile and melt into the embrace, his arms wrapped around you, making you feel safer and more content than you have in days. It doesn’t take long before you once again fall into a deep sleep.

Mitch, however, stays awake for some time after you. It’s still fairly early, especially since he’s on west coast time. Once he’s sure you’re asleep he pulls out his phone, careful not to disturb you with his movement.

He sends a text in his group chat with Sarah and Harry, telling them about how sick you are. It’s obvious how worried they are in their replies and Mitch assures them that he plans to take you to the doctor in the morning if you’re not feeling better.

The moment he wakes up the next day he can tell something is wrong. He feels like he’s in an oven and he immediately realizes the heat is coming off of your body as you lay sprawled on him. Carefully he reaches over to the side table and picks up the thermometer to see what your temperature is.

He grimaces as it beeps loudly in the quiet room, but you remain asleep. He checks what it says and grows more worried. While yesterday you had a mild fever, it’s much higher now. Just as he puts the thermometer back down you suddenly wake up coughing.

Mitch helps you sit upright so you can breathe easier, and after it passes he hands you a glass of water, encouraging you to take small sips.

Your whole body is aching, and a violent shiver shoots through you.

“Baby, I think you should get checked by someone today, okay?”

You want to refuse, saying it’s not that bad, but you don’t have the energy to fight so you simply nod to agree.

The start of the morning is hazy. You and Mitch shower together so he can help you and make sure you don’t slip in your weakened state. You get dressed and throw your damp hair up into a bun and join Mitch in the kitchen for breakfast. A shower and food have done you some good, and you’re feeling more alert. You make an appointment with a doctor, happy to see an opening in just an hour.

Mitch insists on cancelling his morning meeting to go with you, but you tell him you’ll be fine. He concedes by just pushing it back a little bit so that he can drive you to your appointment.

As he drops you off he tells you for the hundredth time to text him with updates and let him know when you need to be picked up, reassuring you that he can leave his meeting if he needs to.

“I’ll be okay Mitch. I’m a big girl, I can take care of myself. I have for a while now.”

“I know you can, I just- we all just like to take care of you.”

“And I love that about the three of you. But I will be fine. Now go, I need to check in.” He grabs your hand for a moment and squeezes tightly before letting you go.

You go into the office and the woman at the front desk hands you the typical forms to fill out. After handing those back you wait for a little while, happy that you thought to bring a book. Focusing on that helps you not focus on how crappy you’re feeling.

Once in with the doctor you tell her your symptoms and she does her normal physical assessment.

“Well, there are a number of things this could be. We’ll test for covid, flu, strep. But, we’ve had a number of cases of fungal pneumonia recently, so I want to check you for that as well. Seems there could be something nearby that’s causing these infections.”

With that she sends you off to the lab next door where they do a number of tests, including a chest x-ray to know for sure what’s going on. You text Mitch to fill him in while you wait for the results.

You get called back into your doctor and she informs you that you do in fact have fungal pneumonia.

“I’m going to prescribe you itraconazole, an anti-fungal drug. You can continue taking cough medicine and acetaminophen to treat the symptoms of the infection.”

You nod to show you’re listening and ask, “Is it contagious?”

“No, fungal pneumonia is not contagious. To get it you need to come in contact directly with the spores. Did you visit the wetlands recently?”

“The one’s over near Creek Road?”


“Yea, I went there Sunday afternoon. Why?”

“Most of the patients I’ve recently diagnosed with this have been there. There must be something on one of the trails that’s infecting people.”

You continue to nod, finding this mildly interesting. If you weren’t sick you’d probably find it fascinating, but you’re too tired to think about it too deeply. She asks about your hike, writing down the specific areas that you walked to send over to the rangers at the Wetlands so they can determine where the danger is.

“I’ve sent your prescription to the pharmacy you listed; it should be ready soon.”

“Thank you,” you say, and she leads you out of the room.

You sit in the waiting room and text Mitch that you’re done, and he tells you he’s outside, his meeting having finished a half hour prior.

The drive home is quiet, with a stop at the pharmacy to pick up your prescription. When you get back to the apartment you head straight for your bedroom, exhausted from the morning’s activities. Mitch joins you a few mimutes later, bringing lunch and your medicine with him.

He Facetimes Sarah as finish your food, and she and Harry answer. They ask how you’re feeling, and you shrug, too tired to come up with a full response. You take the medicine that Mitch gives you, and you fall asleep while they’re still on the phone, comforted by the sounds of their voices.

They stay on the call expressing their concern and Mitch assures them that he’s taking care of you. A few minutes later they hang up, and Mitch carefully cleans up lunch. He’s about to lay down next to you again when you wake up.

“Hey, how are you doing?” He asks.

“The same I guess. Don’t you have another meeting to be at?”

“Yea it’s in a little while, but I can cancel and stay home with you.”

“Mitch, really, I’ll be fine.”

“You sure?”

“Yes I’m sure! Go, you’ve got important stuff to do.”

“You’re important,” he replies.

You nearly respond sarcastically but instead you find yourself blushing at his words. He leans down to kiss you, and you’re very grateful that you’re not contagious and can still do this when sick. It’s the first kiss you’ve shared with him since Sunday, and it feels like home.

He pulls away, pressing a kiss to your head and gets ready for his meeting. He checks in with you again before leaving and you reassure that you have everything you need and plan to stay in bed watching movies the whole time he’s gone. He walks out of the room and comes back a minute later, one of your cats under each of his arms. Mitch places them on the bed with you, gives you a final kiss and a “love you” and leaves the apartment.

Mitch is gone for a movie and a half, walking in partway through the 2nd live action Scooby Doo.

He sees what you’re watching and looks almost guilty.

“What?” you ask after seeing his expression.

“I was on the phone with Sarah and Harry while I drove home. They’re concerned about you traveling when you’re not feeling well.”

Your first instinct is to immediately reply that they’re being ridiculous, that you’ll be fine. But instead, you say, “We have 2 full days until the flight to LA. Let’s just play it by ear and decide on Sunday, okay?”

“Okay, that’s fair,” he replies.

“And even if I’m not better by then I could always just fly out Tuesday. You guys will look silly without your Daphne!”

“I still can’t believe you convinced us all to have Scooby Doo as the costumes for Harryween.”

“I can’t believe you chose to be Scrappy Doo.”

“Well Pauli already claimed Scooby. What was I supposed to do?”

“Pick a normal villain from the show, like everyone else?”

“But I wanted to be a dog for Halloween!” he practically whines as he plops in the bed next to you.

You smile fondly, loving when you got to see this side of him. You weave your fingers through his hair and you’re both quiet for the rest of the movie.

Mitch dotes on you for the rest of the weekend, insisting that you do nothing other than rest and get better. He prepares food, brings you your medicine, and carries you with him whenever you’re feeling particularly clingy.

While you hate being sick, you love the excuse to slow down for a few days. Everything is always so hectic for the four of you, and a weekend of nothing but cuddles on the couch with comfort movies and shows in the background is nearly perfect. It would be completely perfect if Sarah and Harry were also there. And if you didn’t still feel like crap.

You slowly got better, and by Sunday morning you were confident that the anti-fungal medicine was working, and you were officially on the mend. It took a lot of convincing the others, but by Sunday afternoon you and Mitch were seated next to each other flying back to Los Angeles.

It’s late when you land, and you go directly to Harry’s place. He and Sarah are waiting outside and rush to the car to help with your bags. The boys bring the luggage inside and Sarah wraps an arm around your waist and walks with you.

You spend the first few minutes there telling everyone repeatedly that you’re fine, just a bit tired. And you’re telling the truth. Your fever is gone, the chills and body aches going with it, and you have only a mild cough. Even if you hadn’t been sick the last couple days you’d be tired after traveling coast to coast.

That night you sleep in between Harry and Sarah, Mitch on Sarah’s other side knowing the other two needed to feel you close to them.

You wake up in the middle of the night, knowing you’re about to have another coughing fit, and try to sneak out of bed so you don’t wake anyone. Unfortunately, Sarah is wrapped around you so tightly that you can’t escape. You start to cough, turning into the pillow to try and muffle the sound but the others wake up anyway.

They all fuss over you, Sarah rubbing your back in an attempt to soothe you. Finally, you stop coughing, but you keep your face pressed into the pillow. You don’t want them to see the tears in your eyes, knowing how much more worried they’ll be if they see that. You can’t help it though, between the breathlessness and the chest pain the coughing brings, your eyes have no choice but to water.

You try to calm yourself with some deep breaths, but that just causes you to start coughing again. This time you turn into Sarah, needing the comfort her hold brings you.

“Sorry,” you eventually say. “I didn’t mean to wake everyone up.”

“Are you okay, love?” Harry asks. “That didn’t sound good at all.”

“I’m okay, my lungs are just a bit irritated.”

“Are you in any pain?” He questions. You know he’s very familiar with lung issues, having dealt with asthma in the past, and you know that he’ll be able to tell if you’re lying.

“My chest hurts a bit, but it’s really not that bad.”

He gives you a look, like he doesn’t believe you, so you hold his hand and say, “I promise, it’s not that bad. It’s already getting better.”

“C’mere,” he says, pulling you to him. You straddle his lap, tucking your face into his neck. You melt into his embrace, loving the feeling of his strong arms wrapped around you. Even though you still feel sick, being surrounded by the three people you love fills you with warmth.

Somehow you fall asleep still sitting up with Harry holding you. When you wake up the next morning you’re still in that position. Harry is asleep beneath you, leaning back against the headboard.

The last thing you want is to wake him again, especially since there’s a show tonight. You open your eyes and see Mitch and Sarah are also sleeping, wrapped in each other’s arms. It’s a perfect start to the day, and you note that you feel much better than the last few days.

It’s not much later that everyone begins to stir. It’s already mid-morning but there’s enough time before they need to be at the venue, so no one is in any rush to get up. Sarah does demand that you switch to her lap, saying that everyone else has gotten more cuddles with you and it’s her turn. You go willingly; something about her soft embrace that comforts you immensely.

Eventually you do all get up to eat and shower before going together to the Forum. You stay backstage and get ready while they do soundcheck, wanting the set list to remain a surprise until the show. You love the group costume that was chosen for night 1, everyone dressing as their own version of Barbie or Ken, you included.

When the others get backstage they compliment you on your look and you smile bashfully at the attention. It’s a bit chaotic with everyone getting ready and having a quick dinner. Finally, you say good bye to the others, give Harry a kiss, and head to the floor to watch the show.

You don’t go out yet, knowing that the fans will notice you once you do, and you don’t want to give away the costume theme. As soon as the show officially begins you walk to the fenced off section for friends and family in the back of the pit.

You’re still not feeling 100%, and the lights and loud music are a bit disorienting, but you don’t let that show. This is your first time attending Harry’s concert as his official girlfriend, and you know that people are going to be watching you, judging you.

Even though you’re still a bit under the weather, you have a great time at the concert. You’re so happy that the set list was a surprise, and you know a fan nearby got your reaction to the start of Canyon Moon, one of your favorites that you hadn’t heard live before.

As always, harry puts on a perfect show. You love watching the fans and checking out all of their costumes. He does the whale to close out the concert and your face hurts from smiling so much. You feel exhausted, and look forward to getting home, but it was worth pushing through.

To no one’s surprise you fall asleep on Harry’s shoulder during the drive home. Sarah and Mitch are in a different car, since you had run out with Harry the second the show ended. You wake up at home, laying on the bed while Harry is taking your shoes off.

“Hi, lovey,” he says as you sit up, your legs dangling off the end of the bed with Harry standing between them. You reach your arms up, placing your hands on his face and gently pulling so he knows to lean down. As soon as he’s close enough you press your lips to his in a sweet kiss.

“Hi baby,” you say once you break the kiss. “You did great tonight.”

“Yea? Liked the show?”

“Loved it. Always do.”

He smiles at that, dimples popping out on each cheek. “How are you feeling?” he asks.

“Good. Sleepy, but otherwise I feel fine.”

“That’s a relief,” he replies. “Hated seeing you sick. Hated knowing you were sick, and I couldn’t be there to make you feel better.”

“Well, I feel much better now. All healed up.”

He flashes his dazzling smile again, and you pull him in for another kiss.

“Let’s get ready for bed,” he says as he breaks the kiss a minute later.

The two of you are halfway through your nighttime routines when Mitch and Sarah get home. Before long the four of you are cuddled in bed, Harry quietly humming something that sounds oddly similar to “I’m Just Ken.”

The four of you go out the next morning since you want to see a bit of the city. They each choose a couple of their favorite spots to show you before you all need to get to the venue. You again get yourself ready as they do another quick soundcheck, one of the stylist’s helping you with the red wig you’ll need as Daphne.

Once Harry is in his Fred costume the two of you take some pictures together. Night 2 is the same as Night 1, except you’re a bit more worn out from walking through the city all morning. As much as you insist to the others that you’re not sick anymore, that’s not completely true. Your head is pounding by the end, and you feel slightly dizzy. On more than one occasion you feel like your heart is beating out of your chest, it’s racing so fast.

You do everything to keep a smile on your face and not show how you’re feeling. For the first time ever, you feel relieved when the show is over. You enjoyed it of course, but you can’t wait to lay down, which will hopefully stop the world from spinning.

You’re quiet on the drive home, but still able to hide your symptoms from Harry. Once home you get ready for bed, falling asleep before Mitch and Sarah even get back.

The next morning is slightly chaotic as the four of you need to be at the airport fairly early. It’s not until you’re all seated on the private plane that they pick up on the fact that you’re kind of out of it. You claim to just be tired, but you know that they don’t buy it and are all watching you closely.

You’re seated next to Sarah and fall asleep on her shoulder shortly into the flight. When you start to wake up a couple hours later you shift, tucking your face into her neck. Mitch catches Sarahs concerned face, asking, “What’s wrong?”

“She feels warm,” Sarah answers. She places her hand on the back of your neck, noting how hot your skin has become. The boys are both immediately worried, each reaching over to feel for themselves.

You lift your head up and give them all a look, silently asking why they’re all touching you.

“How are you feeling?” Harry asks. “Be honest with us, please.”

You take a moment to assess before answering, “Kind of dizzy. And cold. And sore.”

“Anything else, love?” Sarah says.

“Maybe a bit nauseous? But not that bad, really.” Despite your insistence that you weren’t going to throw up, Mitch gets up to grab an airsick bag just in case.

“How long until we land?” he asks as he sits back down across from you.

“About an hour,” Harry answers before he turns to you and asks if you need anything.

“I’m fine,” you reply. “Can you just, uhm. Can you maybe sing?”

“Of course I can love. Any requests?”

You shake your head, tucking back into Sarah’s side. Harry begins to sing, and you take deep breaths, trying to keep any nausea and dizziness at bay.

It’s a difficult hour, and a rough landing has you nearly reaching for the airsick bag but you’re able to hold it back.

You all get home mid-afternoon, and you immediately start to unpack. You know that if you don’t you’ll just leave the suitcase for days. When you’re done you head back to the living room where you find Harry sitting on the couch.

“What are you doing?” you ask.

“Ordering dinner. Don’t think anyone is up for cooking tonight.”

You sit next to him, putting a random show on TV for background noise. You grab a blanket, wrapping yourself in it to fight off the chills. You lean against Harry who wraps an arm around you. Mitch and Sarah join you two and you guys finish ordering food and sit together quietly while you wait for it to be delivered.

Once it’s there you all move to the kitchen table. You don’t have much of an appetite but try to eat some of your dinner. The others notice that you don’t eat much, but they don’t push it, knowing that your stomach is still bothering you.

Everyone changes into comfy clothes after dinner, and you head back to the living room couch. You’re in between Harry and Sarah, Mitch trailing behind in the bathroom for a minute. You wonder what’s holding him up but understand when he walks out with your medicine box.

He takes your temperature, frowning when he sees you once again have a high fever. You take the medicine he hands you before curling into Sarah’s side. Her hand slides through your hair and rubs your back, and you focus on those comforting touches.

You all watch a movie before deciding it’s time to head to bed. You stand from the couch, taking a moment to steady yourself as a wave of dizziness washes over you.

Your heart is beating incredibly fast again, and you’re having trouble catching your breath. The others stand around you, asking questions that you can’t hear over the pounding of your heartbeat.

You meet Harry’s eyes for a moment before everything goes dark and you collapse into his arms.


@akkatz @pandeebearstyles @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite @theekyliepage @numafarawayglxy @booberry019-blog @hillzrry @ssareidbby @gem1712 @acesofspadess @houseofdilfs @shaquille-0atmeal-1 @kissitnhekitchen @amateurduck @poguestyleskye @n0vaj3an

AN: Thank you again for reading this story! There will be a part 2 to this!

#harry styles x reader#mitch rowland x reader#mitch rowland x sarah jones x reader#sarah jones x reader#mitch rowland x harry styles#sarah jones x mitch rowland x reader


Aug 3, 2023

You Can Start a Family (Chapter 10)

Summary: Love on Tour comes to an end, and new relationships begin in Italy.

Previous Chapters: One ; Two ; Three ; Four ; Five ; Six ; Seven ; Eight ; Nine

CW: Smut

This is the final chapter of this main story! But don't worry, I have lot's of plans for blurb/ one shots. Check out my last post here for more details about that. And please send me requests!!

Thank you to everyone who has read this story! It's the first things I've ever published like this and the feedback has truly been wonderful. I hope you enjoy this last chapter.


The second week of traveling Europe and going to shows is just as wonderful as the first. Maybe even more so. You’re more comfortable with everyone, having become friends with the whole band and a fair number of crew members. Things have calmed down slightly, and you learn that there was a lot of extra craziness surrounding the Slane and Wembley shows. Everyone has a bit more free time now, including Harry.

You, Harry, Sarah, and Mitch hang out a couple of times all together. Each pairing also spends some quality one on one time together. Sarah made plans for the two of you to get massages as well and mani pedis during a day off in Cardiff. You and Mitch have lunch together followed by him teaching you some new skills on guitar. Harry had found a hiking trail he wanted to try so the two of you do that together and have a picnic.

Mitch and Sarah each go out with Harry, and have a date just the two of them. After each outing you all tell each other what you’d done but don’t share all of the details. It doesn’t seem necessary. There is an inherent trust that you all have, and this allows you all to keep some of the individual moments special. You’d realized that in a relationship with this many people, each individual pairing needs to be fostered.

The four of you are able to hang as a group two times that week. The first time, you all go for a walk in Cardiff together and have lunch. The next day you have a movie night in Harry’s hotel room. Both times are very casual, and the conversation about Harry officially entering the relationship is never brought up. There’s an understanding that things are to go back to normal until tour ends.

You enjoy the last three shows you are at. There is a chance you’ll be back for the final show in Italy, but nothing is set in stone, so you keep that to yourself. You wander around the stadium with Brad again for the two Cardiff shows and are permitted to sit in front of the barrier during the show in Belgium. You take in every moment in Werchter, ignoring that this time tomorrow you’ll be back home. You latch on to Mitch and Sarah the second the show ends.

The three of you fight sleep that night, staying up too late talking, kissing, exploring each other’s bodies once again. You wake up wrapped in their arms and continue the activities from the night before. You spend time simply pleasing each other with your hands and mouths until your alarm goes off, signaling you need to start getting ready for the airport.

You shower, get dressed and make sure everything is packed. There are about 15 minutes left before your car leaves for the airport, and you hear a knock at the door. Mitch goes to answer and a moment later he walks back, Harry following him.

“I just wanted to say good-bye,” he says. “It truly has been wonderful getting to know you these past couple of weeks.”

“I’ve had a great time hanging out,” you reply.

“Will I see you again soon?” he asks.

“I hope so. I’m working on it.”

“Good,” he says as he pulls you in for a hug. It’s everything you’ve come to expect from Harry’s hugs- comforting, long, feels like home. You say good-bye to him before pulling back, and soon after he leaves so that you have alone time with Mitch and Sarah.

You’ve been holding up better than when they left you a few weeks prior, but as the time to depart draws closer, your eyes start to fill with tears. You look up, trying to blink them away, but it’s no use.

The second they notice Mitch and Sarah wrap their arms around you. For a few minutes no one speaks. You all just stay in this group hug, comforting one another and soaking up the contact. Your phone buzzes, and you have a text from Pete saying he’s available to drive you when you’re ready.

Sarah steps back, allowing Mitch to pull your lips up and meet his. “I love you,” he says against your mouth before moving to press a kiss to the crown of your head. “I’ll miss you baby.”

“I’ll miss you too, Mitch. I love you so much.” After one more kiss you turn from him to Sarah who immediately pulls you in tight.

“I love you sweetheart. And we’ll see you again soon, okay?”

“Okay,” you say, now so emotional that you’re having trouble getting the words out. Your “I love you” is barely a whisper, but she hears. Her hands rub your back and she kisses you just like Mitch had- first your lips, then your forehead. You keep your eyes closed, committing every detail of this interaction to memory so you can hold on to these feelings as long as possible.

You take a deep breath and finally break the hug. You grab your bags, dry your tears, share one more simple peck with each of them and walk out of the room.

Pete is waiting in the lobby along with Madi who says, “Hope you don’t mind me tagging along. A friend of mine is landing soon, and I wanted to be there to pick her up.”

You’re happy to have Madi’s company, so you reply, “I don’t mind at all!” and you give her a genuine smile. It was hard saying good-bye to Mitch and Sarah, which is why you had decided it should be done in private and not at the airport, but having Madi in the car with you raises your mood. It makes you realize that in the past two weeks you have made a lot of new friends, which is something so difficult in your adult life.

You spend much of the flight home thinking about all those friendships, the moments you spent with the band and the crew. Though you are sad to leave, you also feel happier than you have in a long time.

You text Mitch and Sarah once you get home and even though it’s the middle of the night for them, they both reply immediately. It fills you with warmth to know that they stayed up until they knew you were home safe.


The next few weeks are just like those first weeks of tour, except this time you’re on the phone with more than just Mitch and Sarah. You speak to Harry every couple of days, and occasionally get to FaceTime with other members of the band when they hang out together.

A week after you leave you find out that Harry has rented out a number of homes in Italy for the week following the final show. Much of the band and crew would be staying there for a relaxing vacation after these stressful months. At first Mitch and Sarah say that they’re not going to stay, that they want to fly back to you as soon as it’s done, but you tell them not to come back right away.

You tell them that baby Ryan’s grandparents are planning to visit, and that you’re going to get more time off that week. You assure them that you can fly out at least for the second half. What you don’t tell them is that you’re actually planning to get to Italy just in time for the final show. Pete’s been helping you coordinate the details, ensuring that no one else knows. You’re not sure if he’s an incredibly loyal person, or if he simply doesn’t care about your personal life, but he’s a lifesaver for helping you without asking any questions.

The weeks end up flying by. You and Ryan spend as much time outside running around or swimming in the pool as possible. You’re keeping so active that you’re exhausted by the time you get home each night. While tiring, it comes in handy because before you know it, you’re packing for a week in Italy.

Keeping your travel plans a secret from Mitch and Sarah is difficult, especially when they call you while you wait at the airport. You run to find a quiet corner, praying no overhead announcements get picked up by the phone. You keep things light, a normal Friday night phone call before they head to bed. When they hang up you breathe a sigh of relief, as it seems they didn’t figure out your whereabouts.

This trip is definitely more stressful than the last. It’s not a direct flight and the second leg is delayed. Once you land you still have to take two trains, and due to you arriving late you miss your original departure. You get new tickets sorted and grab lunch to enjoy on the way. Finally, you arrive in Reggio Emilia, but Pete is no longer able to pick you up, since he has other jobs assigned to him. He sends another crew member, Erin, which leads to a moment of confusion since you hadn’t met her before and didn’t have a way to contact her. It takes a while but you eventually find her in the pickup area.

It's nearly 6 PM by the time you make it to the stadium. Erin ends up being a literal godsend and shows you a place where you can quickly freshen up and get changed. She also takes care of your luggage and leads you down the hall to the band dressing room.

Luckily the door is open, so you walk right in. Ariza is the first to notice, shouting, “Hey! She’s back!” which alerts everyone else to your presence.

You’re looking right at Mitch and Sarah, and you can tell the exact moment they realize who Ariza is talking about. You blink and the next thing you know Mitch has wrapped his arms tight around your waist to pick you up and spin you in a circle. He quickly puts you down and lets go, not wanting to be too obvious in front of the whole band.

Sarah hugs you next, tucking her face into your shoulder and pressing a kiss there knowing that your hair is blocking the intimate gesture. You’re then pulled into hugs by the rest of the band as well as some crew members who pass by.

After a short conversation with the band, they turn to continue getting ready. There’s definitely a different atmosphere in the room than usual, and you know everybody is dealing with their mixed emotions about this being the final show.

“Do you think there’s any chance I can say hello to Harry before the show?” you ask Mitch.

“We can go check,” he replies, “but I’m not sure if he’ll want to see people right now or be alone.”

“Of course.”

The three of you walk down the hall and Sarah gently knocks on the door. You’re standing behind her and Mitch, and so Harry doesn’t notice you when he opens the door.

“Hey guys, what’s up?” he says with a smile.

“Brought a surprise,” Sarah says before stepping to the side.

The second he sees you his eyes light up. He pulls you in for a hug, one arm secure around your waist while the other holds the back of your head. You stay like that for a full minute before he pulls back and ushers the three of you into his dressing room.

He sits in his chair, gesturing that the three of you take the couch. You sit in between Mitch and Sarah who each take one of your hands in theirs, still in slight disbelief that you’re there.

“I thought you weren’t coming for another few days,” Harry states.

“Yea, why’d you lie?” Sarah asks with a smile.

“Honestly, I wasn’t sure this would work out. I didn’t want anyone to get their hopes up just in case I didn’t make it. And I barely did. I was supposed to get here hours ago.”

“What happened?”

“Typical travel nonsense, nothing to worry about. Now tell me, how are you all feeling?”

Everyone is quiet for a minute. Harry speaks up first, saying, “I’m feeling sad that it’s ending. And proud of what we accomplished. It’s very bittersweet.” He pauses and the others nod their heads in agreement. “And I’m also feeling very hopeful. I will say I’m glad to have something to look forward to.”

You give him a confused look, not exactly sure what he’s talking about. He continues, “I mean if the offer is still there. For me to join you all.”

It clicks in your mind and your expression changes immediately.

Mitch reassures him quickly, “Of course the offer is still there. We want you to be a part of this Harry. You’re so important to us, and if we can make this work, I think we’ll all be extremely happy.”

Harry visibly relaxes in front of you, a content smile spreading across his face. This moment of peace is short lived as there is another knock on the door. Pete is there alerting everyone that it’s almost time for Wet Leg to open the show.

“I should go, I want to talk to them before they start,” Harry says.

You all get up and you turn to give Harry another hug before leaving, as you know you likely won’t see him again before the show starts. You lean in to say, “I am incredibly proud of you. Everything you’ve done is amazing. And I’m very happy to see what the next chapter brings for you, and for all of us together.”

When you pull back you see a hint of tears in his eyes. He blinks them away before looking back at you. He brings one hand up to rest on the side of your face and then hesitates. He moves forward slightly, your eyes meeting and his lips a mere inch from yours. At the last second, he seems to stop himself, and you feel his lips press against your cheek.

He pulls away to press a kiss to Mitch and Sarah’s cheeks as well, and you’re all blushing when you walk out of the room.

After a brief stop in the band dressing room, you all head out to watch Wet Leg. Sarah and Mitch are more reserved, standing together, Mitch’s arm around Sarah’s waist. A part of you wishes you could be like that in public, but you’re honestly just happy to watch them be adorable. Plus, you know the fans are loving how cute they’re being. You dance with Madi, Elin, Ariza, and Pauli and have a wonderful time.

Once Wet Leg is done you join the people who are congratulating them. After a little while you make your way to the band’s room again so you can see Mitch and Sarah before they go on. You don’t say anything, but you don’t have to. They heard your words to Harry earlier and they know you’d be saying the same to them if you had privacy.

You use your all access pass to its limits during the show, moving around to wherever you’ll get the best views without blocking any of the fans or getting in the crews’ way.

You’re mesmerized from the first moment everyone steps on stage. Harry looks amazing in his silver outfit, and you love the denim jumpsuits on the band. You practically melt every time Harry speaks in Italian. The extra songs are so special, and you barely hear the Two Ghosts intro leading to Falling because the crowd is screaming so loud.

At one point you find yourself with Brad, James Corden and a few others mixing in with the fans. Everyone loses their minds when they do the full version of Best Song Ever, including you.

You cheer extra loud for everyone when Harry introduces the band. Fine Line nearly brings you to tears. The piano piece that Harry wrote to play as the final song truly did bring you to tears. It was so beautiful and a perfect ending to the tour.

Everyone takes their final bows. Harry walks across the stage, thanking all of his fans before moving back to the center. He takes it all in, finally falling to his knees because he is so overwhelmed with emotions. You glance at Mitch and Sarah, now standing together with arms wrapped around each other. They’re watching him and you can see the love and admiration in their eyes. They’re just as proud of him as everyone else.

As soon as they walk backstage you and the rest of the family and friends head there as well. Immediately you’re met with celebratory chaos. For a solid half hour there’s cheering, shouting, dancing. Finally, everyone starts breaking away to get changed. After everyone is ready you all head over to a nearby club to properly celebrate the end of tour.

The place Harry chose is perfect. Downstairs in a small dining room, quiet music playing, and delicious Italian food set up along one wall. Upstairs is the complete opposite. It’s darker, there’s loud music, and a bar is set up on every wall of the room.

After scoping out the place Mitch simply says, “food” so you join him and Sarah at the buffet. The three of you are joined at a table by Madi and two of her friends. The food is delicious. Your family may be Italian, but they’ve never made anything this good.

Once you’re all satisfied you head upstairs. It’s gotten extremely crowded, and you have to weave your way through people to get to the bar. Sarah orders for everyone since she has the loudest voice out of the trio. You smile as she hands you your favorite.

For the next hour or so you dance, drink, sing along to the music, and have a great time. It’s been years since you’ve let loose like this, and you’re enjoying the freedom of it. For the most part you stick with Mitch and Sarah, but you also spend time hanging out with other band or crew members.

You find yourself lost in the crowd after Pauli leaves the dance floor to head to the bathroom. A moment later a man you don’t recognize walks up to you.

While the party is mostly for all the people who worked on the tour, there are also others there that you haven’t met. Some are crew members you haven’t had the chance to talk to, and some are friends, family members, or industry contacts that got an invite because of the status they hold.

“Hey, I’m Ricky,” he says, holding his hand out to you.

“I’m Y/N, nice to meet you,” you reply while quickly shaking his hand. You don’t necessarily want to talk to him, but you were always taught to be polite.

“Great party huh?” he asks, trying to keep the conversation going.

“Oh, yea, it’s pretty cool,” you reply, looking around for someone that you know but not being able to see anyone. You can’t explain it, but something about this guy has you feeling uncomfortable.

“What are you drinking? I can get you a refill.”

“Thank you but I’m alright.”

“Yea it’s getting late huh. Maybe we could get out of here, have another after party of our own.” And there it is. You’ve been hit on a couple of times before and you never know how to respond.

“No, I think I’m just going to find some of my friends.” You turn and try to walk away but he grabs your wrist to keep you there. The second his skin touches yours you start to panic. You’re not fully freaking out, figuring he wouldn’t try something in a room full of people, but what if he’s able to get you alone?

“I could be your friend.” If you weren’t so worried about what he might do, you’d be rolling your eyes at that awful line and the way he thought that would actually work on you.

“That’s okay, I’m all set on friends at the moment. Now please let go of me.”

His other hand slides to your hip, gripping tightly and he leans in to say, “Oh c’mon babe, don’t play so hard to get. It’s a night for celebrating. Let’s have some fun.”

Your panic kicks up a notch at how close he is, and how tightly he’s holding on to you. It’s becoming more obvious he’s not going to take no for an answer, and you’re desperately trying to think of ways to get away from him, or at the very least, stay in the crowded party room until someone finds you.

He steps more into your space and your mind goes blank with fear. Suddenly there’s a hand on the small of your back and you jump at the touch. “Shh, love, it’s just me,” you hear Sarah say and take a deep, relieved breath. You’re finally free from his hold and you lean into Sarah who wraps her arm tight around your waist.

You look up and see Mitch leaning over Ricky, talking so low that you can’t hear him, but whatever he says works and the man walks away looking both embarrassed and afraid. Mitch takes a deep breath before turning to you. He cups your face in his hand and asks, “Are you okay?”

Your eyes are wide with leftover fear and panic as you meet his, but you nod. “I’m okay,” you say quietly, but they’re both close enough to hear you.

“Okay. Good. Do you want to leave and go back to the house?”

You shake your head no. “I really don’t want to end the night on that note. Can we stay a little longer?”

“Yea, baby, whatever you want.”

“But just stay with me, okay?”

“Of course,” Sarah says.

Mitch adds, “We’re not leaving your side for a second.”

You take another minute to collect yourself and put a smile back on your face before sliding your hand into Sarah’s and leading her to the dance floor. At first, you’re not as into it as before, going through the motions rather than fully dancing. Eventually the rest of the band joins in and you feed off their positive vibes. By the time people start leaving an hour or so later you’ve basically forgotten about Ricky.

After another little while most of the people have gone. The music is turned down and the lights are still dim but brighter than before. Mitch leads you and Sarah over to one of the bars, where Harry now seems to be sitting by himself, a new drink in hand.

You had lost track of Harry an hour or so before, and it seems he had spent much of that time in this location. You’ve never seen him drunk before, and while he’s certainly not wasted, he’s not sober either. He has a sort of a lost, sad puppy look on his face.

“You alright man?” Mitch asks, placing a hand on his shoulder.

“Yea, mate. I’m good,” Harry replies in a tone that indicates he’s definitely not as good as he says.

Mitch gently takes the glass from his hand and places it on the bar and says, “I think it’s time to go. They’re starting to clean everything up.”

“I don’t want to go,” Harry replies. A beat later he continues, “I don’t want to be alone.”

Your heart breaks at the sadness in his voice and you share a look with Mitch and Sarah. You know they feel the same.

“You’re not going to be alone, love,” Sarah says gently. Harry looks up at her, not understanding. “We’re coming with you. Tours over. We’re all going to be together. And that can start tonight. Does that sound alright to you?”

His face lights up at this news. He nods and looks between the three of you, seeing smiles on all of your faces.

“Come on, let’s get going,” Mitch says, wrapping an arm around Harry and supporting him out to the car. Harry leans heavily on him, but you think this has less to do with being unsteadily drunk and more to do with seeking comfort from the physical touch. You know that’s what he’s doing because you’re doing the same with Sarah.

A large black Chevy Suburban is waiting outside for your group. You and Sarah climb into the back row and Mitch and Harry take the middle. You try to stay awake for the drive, but it turns out you’re heading straight to the beach villa which is two hours away. You fight sleep for the first few minutes, trying to watch the scenery outside, but Sarah sees what you’re doing. She knows that between working all day Friday and then immediately traveling to the show, you likely haven’t slept in close to 40 hours.

Her arm wraps around you and her hand presses gently on the side of your head. “Sleep my love,” she says. You stop trying to fight it and instead melt into her side, your head resting on her shoulder. You fall asleep immediately.

The sun is starting to rise by the time you arrive at the house. The others had all dozed off as well but wake up when you pull into the driveway. You, however, snuggle closer to Sarah, refusing to open your eyes. Mitch looks back and sees the predicament and says to Sarah, “Go in with Harry, I’ll take care of her.”

Sarah moves you so that you’re leaning against the window instead of against her. Mitch lowers the middle row of seats so that Sarah can get out and so he can reach you. He carries you into the house and finds the other two in the bedroom. Harry is setting out some of his clothes for everyone.

“I don’t think they knew where to bring your bags. We’ll get them here in the morning, but you can borrow these for now.” Mitch lays you on the bed and takes off your clothes from the day, pulling a large t-shirt over your head to cover you.

“If you guys want you can have this room, I’ll sleep in the other one,” Harry says.

Mitch and Sarah share a confused look. “Harry,” Sarah starts. “We were planning on you staying with us here. So that we’re all together.”

“Will we all fit?”

“Of course we will. Y/N typically sleeps on top of one of us anyway so technically she doesn’t take up any room,” Mitch says with a fond smile.

They climb into bed with you, Sarah next to you on one side with Harry on the other. Mitch checks the doors are locked before turning off the light and getting in next to Harry. Everyone falls asleep within minutes.

You wake up to bright sunlight in an unfamiliar room. You’re laying on top of someone, a male someone, but it isn’t Mitch. You think about everything you remember from the previous night, and panic. The only thing that comes to mind that could explain the current situation would be if Ricky had come back and somehow got you to go home with him.

You quickly sit up, moving so suddenly that you nearly fall off of the bed. Sarah catching you is the only reason you don’t fall to the floor. Seeing her is enough to break through the panic, and your brain finally wakes up enough to realize what’s going on.

You weren’t sleeping on Mitch, but he is right next to you. It was Harry underneath you. You’re embarrassed by your reaction, and disappointed that you ruined what should’ve been a sweet moment.

“Are you okay?” Harry asks. “Did I do something to make you uncomfortable?”

“No! Not at all. I’m fine, I just got confused for a minute. There was a guy last night who was hitting on me and not taking no for an answer and when I woke up in a new place, I got scared thinking I was with him. Just freaked out for a second.”

“Who was it?”

“I think he said his name was Ricky.”

“I don’t know a Ricky. He must be one of the people management insisted we invite for networking. I can get the guest list, figure out exactly who he is if you want. Get him fired or something.”

His protectiveness has you feeling incredibly cared for, but you assure him that it’s fine.

“Can we just redo that?” you ask.

“What do you mean?” Sarah says.

“Redo the start of the day. It’s the first time all four of us are waking up together and I ruined it!”

“You did not ruin anything Y/N,” Mitch says. “You expressed real emotions, okay? We’ve talked about this; you can’t feel guilty for having feelings.”

“I know, I know! I’m not trying to ignore my feelings. But I want today to be a happy day. And I want to start it right. So can we please forget all that and redo?”

“Yes, love,” Sarah says. “We can start again if that’s what you’d like.”

“Thank you!” You crash into Harry, pushing him back so he’s once again laying down with you on top of him.

You lift your head off his chest to meet his eyes. “Good morning darling,” he says, and you smile as you say the same to him. You then turn to Mitch and Sarah and they each wish you good morning and place a kiss on your lips.

There’s a moment where no one knows what to do next, but Mitch makes a decision. He leans down so he’s level with Harry. Their eyes meet and slowly they inch their faces closer together. Finally, their lips meet. It’s a small press of their lips, chaste, almost domestic, like it’s something they’ve been doing to greet each other every morning for years.

When they pull back there’s a new light in Harry’s eyes. He looks happy and peaceful, like he’s been waiting for this forever. He turns his head, and since you’re still on top of him you think it’s your turn to properly greet him. But Sarah leans in, capturing his lips with her own. Mitch chuckles as you pout, but the expression quickly fades away as you watch the two of them.

While the kiss with Mitch was one of familiarity, and rekindling a romance, this is two people exploring each other for the first time. After years of friendship and working together, they now get to come together in this new way. They take a minute to get lost in one another, and you smile as you hear soft sighs from both of them.

They break apart and Harry looks to you. He brings his hands up to cup your cheeks and you move so close that your noses brush and you can feel his soft exhale on your skin.

“Is this okay?” he asks quietly, and you whisper “yes” before crashing your lips to his. His fingers slide through your hair, holding you close to him as his lips slot against yours. It’s a short kiss that has you craving more, but as you pull away you know it’s perfect for the moment.

“I want to have a proper date with you all,” Harry says.

“We’d love that,” Sarah answers.

“Tonight. I don’t want to waste another minute.”

The conversation is interrupted by knocking at the front door. You move so that Harry can get up and answer it. He walks back a minute later and lets you guys know that your luggage was just dropped off. Hearing that makes you realize how long it’s been since your last shower and so you open your bag and grab what you’ll need.

Everyone takes turns showering and getting ready. Once you’re done you realize you’re starving and look at the clock. You’re shocked to see it’s already past 2 in the afternoon. You head to the kitchen and see Harry making sandwiches for everyone.

“Anything I can help with?” you ask.

“Got a bunch of fruit in the fridge, can you help me cut that up?”


You get to work, natural light streaming through the windows of the beautiful kitchen. The four of you sit down for lunch and then enjoy the afternoon sitting out by the pool. Luckily the house is set away and is completely private, allowing you all to be yourselves without fear of fans or paparazzi seeing.

By 5 o’clock you’re all inside getting dressed for the date. Harry had planned it all and told you to dress nice, but casual. You’re a bit confused but settle for a blue and white sun dress. You walk downstairs and see not only Harry, Sarah, and Mitch, but two other people as well.

“Y/N, I’d like you to meet Claudio and Mia. They’re going to be cooking dinner for us all tonight,” Harry says to introduce you. You shake their hands and say hello and you realize the date Harry has planned.

It’s perfect. A wonderfully cooked Italian meal here at the villa. There’s no risk of you all being spotted or overheard, and you’re free to have a true first date. If you’d all gone out, then you’d have to be careful about everything you say and do, but that’s not the case here.

The four of you make your way out to the patio and immediately open a bottle of wine, Harry filling everyone’s glasses. A few minutes later Mia brings out the first appetizer, a caprese salad that must be made with the freshest ingredients you’ve ever tasted. Next, she brings out a fig and goat cheese crostini, some of which are topped with prosciutto that makes your mouth water.

Dinner is just as delicious, homemade pasta topped with a sauce that is both decadent and light, bursting with flavor. After dinner, while you’re sharing the second bottle of wine, Claudio and Mia come out one last time. They inform you all that they are heading home, and dessert is plated in the kitchen whenever you’re ready.

You thank them profusely, telling them how much you loved everything, and Harry walks them out. He comes back and the four of you are once again alone. While dinner conversation had been quite casual, everyone learning more about each other, it starts to get a bit deeper.

“How exactly will this all work?” Harry asks.

“Well, obviously communication is the most important thing here,” Sarah replies. “Everyone needs to be honest and open about anything they’re feeling. If we hide things from each other that will create problems.”

“And what about publicly? We can’t really go and tell the fans all four of us are together.”

Mitch answers this time saying, “No but we could just say that you and Y/N are together. She’s been seen enough with us, people probably have assumed by now she’s our friend. You’d say we introduced the two of you and you hit it off. And because she’s our friend it would make sense for all of us to be seen together.”

“Lots of double dates in our future,” Sarah says with a wink.

Harry turns to you and asks, “Are you okay with that? Dating me publicly?”

“I am. I know that it’ll probably come with some pushback from fans and things like that, but I really think this could work. And we’ll all be happy.” Harry leans in, pressing his lips to yours. It’s innocent enough and first, just a couple of quick pecks.

He pulls back and his eyes meet yours. There’s a moment where he watches you, his gaze intense, and the next thing you know his lips are back on you. Even though the kiss is firm, his lips feel wonderfully soft against yours as he takes control of the kiss. You feel his hand move to your thigh and you gasp, opening your mouth and allowing for his tongue to enter.

“Maybe we should head inside,” Mitch suggests. You bite back a whine as Harry pulls away, already missing the feeling of his lips. Everyone stands and heads inside to the bedroom. It honestly should feel weird, the group of you moving in near silence, but the energy is one of excited anticipation.

You pause once inside the room, unsure of what to do next. There are so many options, too many choices, and you do not want to be the one making any. You look to Mitch, who sees the hesitation from all of you, and he takes control of the situation.

“Harry and Y/N, lay next to each other,” he says. You both follow his directions as he turns to speak with Sarah. You’re only left wondering what their plan is for a moment before they also climb on the bed, Mitch straddling Harry while Sarah does the same to you.

She leans in to kiss you, her tongue sliding in immediately. She swallows the whine you let out, and all you can think of is her. It’s been over a month, and you’ve missed them all so much, you’ve been starving for their touches.

After a little while (truly you have no idea how long) you feel Mitch’s hand pick yours up and he places it on Harry’s thigh. A second later you feel Harry’s hand on you. It starts moving higher on your leg, sliding under your skirt. Sarah shifts only so that you can spread your legs a bit but continues to keep her lips on yours.

Harry’s hand moves again, this time to press two fingers to your cl*t over your underwear and you’re gasping in pleasure at this touch alone. You automatically grab his thigh and realize that your hand hasn’t moved since Mitch placed it there. You decide to follow Harry’s lead and slide it up his thigh. You and Harry let out matching moans as you finally grip Harry’s hard length over his shorts.

You feel Harry pull away for a second before he slips his fingers under your panties to touch you directly. Your eyes roll back at the feeling of being touched so intimately. Summoning confidence that you didn’t know you possess, you slide your hand under his layers of clothing. There’s a moment where you hesitate, unsure if it’s okay to touch him directly. He senses your inner debate and guides your hand to his co*ck, letting you know it’s absolutely okay with him.

You grip your fist around his length and pump him a few times. The noises he makes only turn you on more. Your other hand travels down to Sarah’s leg, and you move under her skirt and waste no time sliding your fingers into her underwear to rub through her folds.

She’s soaking, and you easily push two fingers inside her.

“f*ck, Y/N,” she moans before starting to leave love bites along your neck. She pulls back and looks to her side, saying, “Mitch, switch with me.”

He gives Harry one last deep kiss before pulling away from him. Sarah gently pushes your fingers out of her so she can move to Harry’s lap. “Are you clean?” she asks him as they help each other out of their clothes.

“Yes, got checked a couple weeks ago, haven’t been with anyone since.”

“Good,” she says, running her entrance above the tip of his co*ck. “Is this okay?” she asks him.

“Please, yes,” he practically begs, and she sinks onto him. You’re watching them so intently that you don’t notice Mitch at first. That changes the second he pulls your panties off and his hard co*ck grazes your sensitive cl*t.

He brings his hand to your entrance, pushing in one finger at a time to open you and ensure you’re ready for him. A moment later his fingers are gone and you feel his co*ck lining up. His eyes meet yours in a silent question and you nod your head, wrapping your legs to bring him closer to tell him that you want this, want him desperately.

He slowly pushes inside you and you let out a broken moan at the feeling of being filled for the first time in over a month. You pull Mitch’s face down to yours, having realized that you’ve barely had the chance to kiss him all weekend, and you need to remedy that immediately.

The time that follows is both blissful, and a bit confusing. Everyone’s hands are traveling over any limb they can find, kisses being pressed against any bit of bare skin.

You and Harry are the first to come, nearly simultaneously while his tongue is sliding against yours. A moment later you hear the cries that can only mean Sarah has followed the two of you. Finally, you feel Mitch’s thrusts stutter as he finishes inside you.

Everyone comes down from their high, Sarah pulling off and laying next to Harry. Mitch moves to pull out of you but you hold him close and whisper, “Not yet, please.”

“Okay, baby, I’m here,” he answers, leaning down so that you can tuck your face into his neck. After a couple minutes you release your hold on him. Sarah has already snuck out to grab a couple of damp washcloths from the bathroom and she helps everyone clean up.

You all get ready for bed, checking in that everyone is okay with what just happened. Not one of you has any complaints or uncomfortable feelings, and you fall asleep content that the four of you will work just fine together.

The rest of the week in Italy is absolutely perfect. Your group has plenty of time to spend together and your personalities fit together wonderfully. There are a few more discussions regarding the dynamics of the relationship which helps you all feel secure with one another.

During the middle of the week Harry rents out a couple of boats and you all spend the day on the water. Gemma and a few others join you and it is absolute perfection.

At one point Harry wanders to the kitchen area and a moment later Sarah follows him. While he’s been enjoying the day as much as everyone else, she can tell he’s bothered by something and is determined out figure out what it is.

They talk for a few minutes while making drinks for everyone, and after a beat of silence Sarah finally asks, “What is it Harry?”

“Not sure what you mean. I’m fine.”

“No you’re not love, something’s bothering you.”

He takes a deep breath and says, “I know there’s paparazzi watching us. And other people are here. And I guess I am used to hiding a lot of my life but this time feels different. I don’t want to hide our relationship.”

Sarah places a comforting hand on his arm and says, “I completely understand. I know it’s not ideal that we can’t all be together publicly, but if you’re ready, nothing is stopping you from being with Y/N in front of the camera. Whatever comes from that, we’ll make it work.”

Harry smiles, eased by Sarah’s words of wisdom.

They walk back to the main area where the rest of you are hanging out and Harry sits down next to you, closer than he usually would in public. He wraps his arm around your shoulders, and you give him a look. He can tell that you’re confused by the gesture, but not mad or uncomfortable.

He leans in and quietly asks, “Would it be alright if I kissed you?”

“Of course you can.”

“I mean, in front of everyone. With paps watching over there.”

“Yes Harry. That’s perfectly fine with me,” you answer with a smile.

He cups your face, pulling you close to him. He hesitates with his lips mere centimeters away and you whisper “It’s okay, Harry.” A millisecond later his lips crash against yours. He presses firmly against you, a series of chaste kisses on your mouth, nose, and forehead. When you look up you see everyone watching the two of you.

Mitch and Sarah are looking over, warm smiles on their faces. After a beat, Gemma jumps up and rushes over to give the two of you a hug. “I told mum weeks ago you two would be perfect!”

The rest of the day is absolutely wonderful. After sailing in the sun for the afternoon you all head back for dinner at a beautiful restaurant.

You, Harry, Mitch, and Sarah get to the house just after sunset. Immediately you fall into bed, not wanting to waste another moment. You explore each other’s bodies once again. Harry proves without a shadow of a doubt that he is a gentleman, checking in with you constantly as he slides into you for the first time, stretching you more than you’ve ever been before.

As you’re all catching your breath, trying to readjust the mess of covers, you can’t help but start to giggle. It’s contagious and suddenly the four of you are laughing, though no one’s entirely sure why.

You finally calm down enough to say, “I can’t believe this is my life.”

“Well, believe it baby,” Harry says. “Because we’re not going anywhere.”

“Good.” You reply, shifting everyone so that you’re laying across all three of them. With your head on Mitch’s chest, torso being held by Harry, and legs tangling with Sarah, you fall asleep.

Your last thoughts of the night are about how indescribably happy you are that you’ve found your home and have started a perfect family.


@akkatz @pandeebearstyles @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite @theekyliepage @numafarawayglxy @booberry019-blog @hillzrry @ssareidbby @gem1712 @acesofspadess @houseofdilfs @shaquille-0atmeal-1 @kissitnhekitchen @amateurduck @poguestyleskye

AN: Thank you again for reading this story! Can't wait to share more with you all!

#harry styles x reader#mitch rowland x reader#mitch rowland x sarah jones x reader#sarah jones x reader#mitch rowland x harry styles#sarah jones x mitch rowland x reader


Jul 21, 2023

You Can Start a Family (Chapter 9)

Summary: Mitch, Sarah, and Y/N enjoy time between shows. An encounter with Harry opens the door to a new possibility in their relationship.

Previous Chapters: One ; Two ; Three ; Four ; Five ; Six ; Seven ; Eight

CW: Smut, slight angst

Thank you so everyone who's been enjoying this story so far! I hope you all like this chapter as well!


Wembley Night 3 has arrived, bringing some nerves with it as Mitch will once again be opening the show with his own music, Sarah by his side.

Since everyone had gone to bed early the night before, you all wake up rather early, giving you plenty of time to relax and get ready. Sarah helps you, styling your hair and putting on your make-up. You hadn’t asked her to, but she offered. After the past couple of days, it made her feel better to care for you in these ways.

You absolutely loved those moments spent with her. You’d been missing this kind of calm quality time and it felt good to have a chance to just sit and talk while she took care of you.

Mitch was once again given his own dressing room for the day and that’s where the three of you head to in the early afternoon. You can tell Mitch’s nerves are picking up the closer it gets to show time, so you sit with him, trying to distract him. You’d like to distract him with kisses but people have been popping in and out so you can’t risk it.

It’s 5 minutes before they need to go to the stage, the dressing room is empty, and Sarah goes to close the door, giving you all a brief moment of privacy. Just like at Slane, Mitch walks to kiss Sarah, then you.

You again give each of them a pep talk, then one last kiss, and you head out to your spot to watch them. You’re joined by a couple of other band members there to support him as well.

He does an amazing job once again, and you can’t wait to congratulate him after. Unfortunately, everyone else has the same idea, and the dressing room is immediately crowded. It clears out eventually, leaving just the three of you.

“Oh, shoot, I forgot to give this to Madi,” Sarah says holding some make-up. “I need to run this to her real quick, I’ll be right back.

She pulls the door behind her, leaving it nearly shut, but still open a crack. You finally go over to give Mitch a hug, telling him how proud you are and how much you enjoyed his set. His hands cup your face, and he pulls you in for a kiss.

You hear someone enter and you both assume that it’s Sarah since everyone else should be getting ready. However, the next thing you hear is Harry saying, “Okay, honestly what the hell is going on?”

Mitch steps back to turn to him and say, “Dude it’s not what you think.”

“I don’t know what to think. I’ve been trying to figure you all out for days, and I’m trying not to jump to conclusions, or judge anyone, but seriously, what is going on with you guys? Does Sarah know?”

“Do I know what?” Sarah asks, stepping back into the room.

Harry pauses, unsure what to say to her. Mitch speaks up instead, saying, “Harry just walked in and saw me and Y/N kissing.”

At the mention of your name everyone turns to you, as if remembering you’re in the room. You haven’t moved, unsure of what to do or say.

“Oh, then yes, I do know,” Sarah replies before walking to you and pulling you in for a kiss as well.

“So, are you- are you all together then? Is that what this is? I’m just so confused. How did this happen?”

“Yes, we’re all together,” Mitch answers very matter-of-factly. “It happened when we were staying with my parents.” He’s about to continue when there’s another person at the door, looking for Harry.

“I’ll be there in a minute,” he answers them.

He turns back to the trio and says, “I have to go get dressed, but I just need to know.” He pauses for a moment before asking, “Are you all happy? Does this relationship make you all happy?”

“Absolutely,” Sarah replies with a beaming smile, which you and Mitch match while nodding in agreement.

“Okay, then that’s what matters.”

“If you have more questions, we’d be happy to answer them,” Sarah says.

“Yea. That would be great. Maybe we could do breakfast tomorrow?”

“Of course,” Mitch says.

“Great. Okay. I’m staying at home tonight so come over to my place at 9?”

“We’ll be there,” Sarah answers. She pauses a moment then asks, “Are you okay, Harry?” You know why she’s asking; he’s giving off a vibe no one can quite read.

He takes a deep breath and visibly relaxes in front of you. “Yes, I’m okay. I was just a bit thrown. But, uhm, you know what? I’m happy for you guys. Really. Anyone can tell how good you all are together.”

“Thank you,” Mitch says sincerely. You feel his hand on your back as Sarah’s fingers intertwine with yours, and your smile grows even bigger. Harry notices all of this and you see him start to smile in response.

After another moment he says, “I’m gonna finish getting ready. Y/N, I hope you enjoy the show. Mitch, Sarah, I’ll see you in a little while.” He walks out of the room, firmly closing the door behind him.

“Well, that’s not how I expected that to go,” you say.

“Definitely not how I wanted him to find out,” Mitch answers. “But I’m glad he knows.”

“Yea, and I’m happy we’re doing breakfast tomorrow. It’ll be good to explain the whole story,” Sarah says.

Mitch steps away and starts to get dressed for the show. You turn to Sarah, letting go of her hand so you can wrap your arms around her waist.

“You alright love?”

“Yea. Just wanted a hug.” You feel Mitch walk up behind you to wrap you both in a group hug. As always when they do this, it’s a wonderful feeling, being squished between the two of them, and you feel incredibly safe and loved.

Not for the first time you find yourself biting back three little words. You know what you feel for them, know that you love them, but you’re too scared to tell them. Plus 5 minutes before they need to be on stage is probably not the best time. You swear to yourself you’ll find the right moment as well as the courage to tell them before you head back home.

Instead of saying anything you lean up to press a kiss on each of their lips and pull away.

“Alright, I’m gonna go find a spot and stop distracting you both from getting ready,” you say as you walk towards the door. You blow them a kiss and the last thing you see before walking out is their answering smiles.

You decide to mix in with the crowd again today and find yourself in front pitch. You can’t believe your luck when you find a spot at barricade. You ask the people nearby if that was anyone’s place and after being assured that it is open you claim it.

From there you can see the whole stage as well as the screens perfectly. You find that you love being with the crowd, being surrounded by their excitement and energy. The show begins and you sing and dance along.

Harry gets to the part of the show where he thanks the opening acts. After getting everyone to cheer for Wet Leg he says, “Will you please make some noise for my friend, Mr. Mitchell Rowland!” He pauses as people cheer before he continues, saying, “The only person in the world who would get up in a stadium with over 80,000 people to play music and not tell them that he’s made an album.”

You cheer even louder and can’t help but laugh at Mitch’s little shrug. It warms your heart to hear the excitement in the people around you at the news of Mitch’s solo music and it confirms the theory that Harry’s fans will absolutely be supporting his career in the future.

The show continues and you try to watch everyone on stage but find yourself constantly drawn back to Mitch and Sarah. You’re not sure exactly what it is, but you’re completely enamored by them tonight- and truthfully, a little turned on watching them. Maybe it’s their stage presence, maybe it’s the black outfits, maybe it’s Sarah’s different hairstyle, but you can’t help but think about how attractive they are, and about what you want to do when you get home.

Mitch’s guitar solo in She doesn’t help get rid of this line of thinking, as you watch his incredibly talented fingers dance on the strings of his guitar.

The song finishes and the girls and Harry make their way to the B stage for Matilda. It turns out that you’re standing right in front of where Sarah will be, and as soon as she walks over, she spots you. She gives you a look and you immediately know that she can tell where your mind has been wandering to. You close your eyes and take a deep breath to get rid of those thoughts for the time being.

You watch Sarah throughout all of Matilda and Boyfriends, and she occasionally glances back at you as well. You share small smiles, trying not to be obvious. Harry notices the looks you two share and smiles as well. He can see the connection you have with each other, and questions how he didn’t notice it before.

At the end of the two songs, she gives you one more quick smile before making her way back to the main stage. You expect Harry to begin Satellite but are pleasantly surprised when he sings Love of My Life. It’s one of your favorite songs and Harry performing it live right in front of you is a surreal experience. There’s a moment when his eyes meet yours and linger with a look you can’t quite discern.

Satellite is next, and tonight you are in the perfect spot to watch as Harry does the infamous Satellite stomps. You find yourself as mesmerized by him as you have been by Mitch and Sarah all night.

The show continues and you have a fantastic time. You love the transition from Cinema to Music for a Sushi Restaurant, and it’s made even better by Sarah on the screen the whole time.

During Treat People with Kindness, Harry runs in front of you multiple times with a Pride flag. No matter how many times you see that, it still makes your heart swell.

Fine Line is even more magical tonight than the last shows, Harry choosing to sing the higher version for most of the song. You make a mental note to ask Sarah to teach you the ending on drums the next time you all have the opportunity.

Your thoughts, which had turned innocent throughout the show, once again become more inappropriate as they play the final songs, especially Medicine and Kiwi.

You rush backstage the second the show is over, but you still don’t beat Mitch and Sarah back to the dressing room. They’re already there when you enter the otherwise empty room, and you quickly shut and lock the door.

Without hesitating you walk up to Mitch, pulling his face down to your level so you can kiss him. It’s intense, and dirty, your tongues immediately sliding together. You place your leg in between his and he grinds down onto your thigh, his hardening co*ck rubbing against you.

You groan at the feeling before gripping his waist, encouraging his movements against you. He breaks the kiss, moving his lips to slide along the column of your throat, biting and sucking gently as he goes. Sarah moves in to claim your mouth with her own, and your hand moves to rub her center. The layers of clothes in the way make it harder to get enough pressure, but her gasps of pleasure must mean you’re doing something right.

Bringing them both to such levels of desperation in only a few minutes has you on a high. You’ve never felt power like this, and you’re lost in it, until there’s a knock at the door. The three of you immediately break apart as someone calls out “Vans leave in 5 minutes.”

“f*ck,” Mitch mutters against your skin, his gravelly voice sending a wave of desire through your body.

Mitch and Sarah change quickly. You sneak glances at them as they do so while also helping pack up all of their things so you can quickly get to the car. It only takes a few minutes to get ready, Mitch needing one last second to adjust himself and hide the rather obvious bulge in his pants.

You once again end up in between them in the back row of the van, where they do everything they can to discreetly rile you up. While you had hoped to maintain the power tonight, you quickly lose it. Sarah places a hand on your thigh, fingers sneaking up under the hem of your skirt to tease you. Meanwhile Mitch wraps his arm all the way around your waist, his hand sliding under your shirt to rest on your side just above your waistband.

You place your head on Sarah’s shoulder, your hair creating a curtain blocking you off from the others in the van. This comes in handy a second later as Sarah rubs two fingers directly on your cl*t over your panties and you bite her shoulder to prevent an incredibly needy whine from escaping your mouth.

Mitch’s hand dips lower to tease you, and you allow this to continue for a few minutes. You suddenly push them both away, and Sarah whispers, “Are you alright love?” You nod and answer with a quiet mhmm, looking up to meet her eyes. She sees your flushed cheeks, your pupils completely dilated, and she understands how close you just were. A mischievous smirk spreads across her face, which Mitch picks up on but you’re too busy catching your breath to notice.

They keep their hands off of you for a few minutes, but then you again feel a hand sliding up your skirt. This time it’s Mitch’s, and you’re only given a second to prepare before his fingers find your center, running up and down the wet spot on your underwear. You’re glad it’s Madi and Ariza in the row of the van in front of you, both too wrapped up in their conversation about what song they should cover together to notice the way a shiver runs through your whole body as you bite your bottom lip.

He continues to work you up, your hand finding Sarah’s leg and squeezing hard as you once again get closer to coming right there in the car. Mitch suddenly pulls away and you’re equal parts grateful and frustrated. His hand moves to your knee in a soothing gesture which only partially helps you relax.

Sarah starts moving closer but before she can make another move the van pulls up at the hotel. You’ve never been happier for a drive to be over and the three of you quickly make your way upstairs, saying a very rushed good night to Ariza and Madi.

You all enter the hotel room and stand in the entryway. The second the door clicks shut Mitch is on you, pulling you in for a bruising kiss. He reaches down to lift you, and you jump up, wrapping your legs around his waist. He takes a few steps until your back is up against the wall. His lips move to your pulse point and he sucks, pulling a loud moan from your lips.

He moves again to carry you to the bed, laying you in the center. You watch as he takes his clothes off and kneels next to you. Sarah climbs in between your legs, and you moan again at the sight of her naked body. You reach out and grab for her, pulling her up to crush her lips against yours.

Your hands reach out to both of them, blindly feeling them beneath your palms and they work to remove your clothing. When you’re finally as bare as them, Sarah moves down your body pressing kisses as she goes. Once she reaches your center she doesn’t hesitate, immediately wrapping her lips around your cl*t and easily sliding two fingers into your soaking core.

Mitch leans forward, his hand cupping one of your breasts while his mouth wraps around the other. It only takes a couple of minutes before you’re once again at the brink of your org*sm. You can feel the release only a second away when suddenly you’re left empty, fingers and mouths gone from your body.

“No!” you cry out. You thought for sure they’d let you finish this time, that the only thing stopping them before was the fact that you were all in public. But now you realize they’re doing it for fun. You have no idea how long this will go on for.

“I thought Harry was the one that enjoyed edging,” you say, referencing how often he jokes about edging his fans during shows.

Mitch leans in and says, “Who do you think taught him that?” Your eyes shut and you’re met with a mental picture of Harry in your position, being teased relentlessly by Mitch. You force your eyes open, and Mitch’s smirk lets you know that he’s aware of exactly where your thoughts just went.

You’re jolted back to the current moment by Sarah’s tongue sliding through your folds. Mitch stands up and goes to the end of the bed. Sarah’s lips find your cl*t again and her fingers slide back inside you as Mitch lines himself up with her entrance. You know the exact moment he pushes inside, as the vibrations of Sarah’s moans add another sensation to your already sensitive core.

You’re on the edge twice while Mitch thrusts in and out of Sarah, and each time you hope she’s too distracted by what he’s doing to realize that you’re close. Unfortunately, she’s incredibly in tune with your body and manages to pull away just before you can come.

Tears are sliding down your cheeks, overwhelmed by this constant torturous pleasure. Sarah notices and asks if you want to stop but you tell her to keep going. You know it will be worth it in the end.

She leans back down but pulls away quickly, as Mitch rubs his fingers against her cl*t, sending her over the edge. After working her through her org*sm he pulls out of her, and she lays next to you on the bed. Only seconds after she moves away you feel Mitch lining up with your entrance. He slides in and you moan in the relief of feeling completely full. He pounds into you, and you can tell he’s extremely close. After a few more sloppy thrusts you feel him emptying inside of you. Sarah’s fingers rub at your cl*t, and she whispers in your ear, “Come for us.”

Your org*sm is instantaneous and intense. Your vision practically whites out and your whole body feels pleasantly fuzzy. You’ve barely started to come down and reenter reality when Mitch slides out. You whine at the loss, but you’re immediately filled again with Sarah’s fingers. Three fingers curl inside you, hitting just the right spot while her thumb circles your cl*t.

Another org*sm washes over you, and your eyes roll back in your head. You have no idea how loud you’re being, or if any sounds are leaving your mouth at all. Sarah’s fingers don’t stop, and you feel the wet tears on your face, either from the edging earlier or the overstimulation now, you can’t tell.

“Give us one more, Y/N” Mitch says, mouth pressed up against your ear.

“I can’t,” you cry out.

“I think you can love, be a good girl for us,” Sarah adds before her mouth goes back to your cl*t.

Another broken moan leaves your mouth, and you nod your head though you’re not entirely sure what you’re agreeing to. Are you saying you can do one more? Are you confirming you can be their good girl? Mitch’s lips wrap around your nipple and suddenly your mind is blank. All you know is the feeling of their hands and mouths on you.

You come one more time and it’s more intense than the others. You’re roughly pulling at their scalps, your legs shaking, and this time you fully black out.

When you come back to your senses Mitch and Sarah are lying on either side of you.

“Welcome back,” Mitch says when your eyes meet his. He sees the look of confusion on your face and adds, “You passed out on us for a second there.”

For some reason this news makes you feel incredibly shy and vulnerable, and you turn to tuck your face in Sarah’s neck.

“You did so well,” she says. “Such a good girl for us.” Your cheeks heat up even more at the praises that the two of them start to shower you with. Their hands lightly caress your body, and they place gentle kisses to your hair.

You all lay like that for a while before Mitch gets up and walks to the bathroom. You assume he’s going to grab cloths like usual to clean everyone up and are surprised when he walks back empty handed.

He notices your puzzled look and says, “Washcloths aren’t gonna cut it this time. I’ve got the bath filling for us.” He puts his hand out and helps you into a sitting position. You try to swing your legs to the floor but instead say, “I think you guys turned my legs into jelly.”

Mitch laughs and leans down to pick you up bridal style. “Need me to come back for you?” he says to Sarah.

“No, I’m alright,” she answers with a smile before getting out of bed on only slightly unsteady legs and following the two of you to the bathroom.

Sarah slides in the tub first and Mitch helps you to join her, your back resting against her chest. He gets in on the opposite side facing you both. Even though the tub is larger than average, it’s still a bit of a tight squeeze and your limbs all tangle together.

They both help clean you up. Sarah massages shampoo in your hair while Mitch runs a soapy washcloth along your body, being extra careful with your sensitive areas. After everyone is clean, they help you out of the tub before wrapping you in a plush hotel robe.

You all move to the couch in the bedroom, and they sit on either side of you. Sarah gently brushes your hair while Mitch uses a wipe to get rid of any makeup left behind on your face.

You start to say thank you to them, but instead of those words you say, “I love you.”

They both pause what they’re doing, and your brain catches up with your mouth. Before you can panic however, Sarah turns you to face her.

“I love you too, Y/N, so much,” she says before pressing a sweet, gentle kiss to your lips.

You hear Mitch say, “We’ve loved you for so long, baby,” and you turn again to kiss him as well.

When you break apart, you’re all smiling, everyone feeling incredibly content and loved.

“Let’s get to bed,” Sarah says. “We’ve got a long day tomorrow.”

Everyone gets up and changes into pajamas before climbing under the covers. You’re wrapped in their arms, legs tangled together. You think about how this sleeping arrangement should make you feel claustrophobic, but with Mitch and Sarah you just feel safe.

You wake up the next morning to the sound of a phone alarm going off. The first thing you realize is that you’re sprawled on top of Sarah.

“Sorry,” you murmur, moving to slide off of her, but her arms wrap around you.

“Don’t,” she says.

“Don’t what?”

“Don’t be sorry. And don’t move yet. I like it when you become my human blanket. Mitch does too.”

“It’s true,” you hear him say, though his voice doesn’t come from the bed like you expect. He’s already up, pulling out his clothes for the day.

“What time is it?” you ask.

“Just after 8,” he answers. “We need to be at Harry’s in an hour for breakfast.”

“Right. Breakfast. Getting ready. I’m on it.” You say this but make no move to get up.

After a few minutes you hear Mitch say, “Y/N? Getting ready?” You look up and see that he’s now dressed with brushed hair.

“Ugh, yes, I’m getting up!” You dramatically slide off Sarah and out of bed, going to walk right past Mitch but he wraps his arm around your waist and pulls you in for a kiss.

“Good morning,” he says against your lips. Despite how tired you are you find yourself smiling as you wish him a good morning in return.

You all finish getting ready and start your walk over to Harry’s place.

“If he lives this close, why did he stay at the hotel earlier this week?” you ask.

“Some of his friends with kids traveled here for the shows. He let them stay in the house since it’s easier than a hotel,” Mitch answers.

“Of course he did.”

“What does that mean?” Sarah asks.

“That’s just such a Harry thing to do,” you reply. “Like, of course he would give up staying in his home on one of the rare opportunities that it’s an option, just to make other people’s lives easier.”

“Yea I guess not many people would do that,” Mitch says.

“We’re here,” Sarah says, and you look at his house. It’s smaller than you expected it would be, and honestly looks quaint and adorable.

Before you can even knock, Harry opens the door, smiling and welcoming you all to his home.

“I wanted to cook breakfast but it seems I don’t have any food here so I ordered takeaway. It should be here soon. Y/N, would you like a tour?” Harry says all of this as soon as you walk in the house. You can’t tell if he’s nervous or excited or not used to hosting people in his home.

“Yea, a tour would be great,” you reply. He walks you through the house and you’re charmed by it. It’s by no means tiny- three bedrooms, three full baths, a living room, a den, a bonus room, a beautiful eat in kitchen and a spacious garden out back. Even with more space than you originally thought by the exterior, it’s an incredibly cozy home. You tell him this and he thanks you with a beaming smile, obviously proud of the work he put into decorating.

The food has arrived by the time the tour is finished, and Harry asks, “Would you all like to eat in the garden?”

“Do you have privacy back there?” Mitch asks, a hint of protectiveness over you and Sarah and your relationship coming out in his question.

“Absolutely,” Harry replies. “No one can see in, and the neighbors are farther than they seem so no one will overhear us.”

Reassured that the conversation will be completely private, you bring breakfast outside. For the first few minutes everyone quietly eats their food and enjoys the morning’s beautiful weather.

After a while Harry breaks the silence. “So, the story. How uhm- how did you three end up together in a relationship?” You can tell he doesn’t want to pry exactly, but this is the reason you’re at his house in the first place.

Sarah speaks first saying, “It actually starts back on your birthday, Harry.” You give her a confused look, not knowing how you could be connected to something from before they even met you. Sarah sees your face and continues, “There was a girl that came up to me and Mitch and offered a three way.”

“Was it Colleen?” Harry asks.

“Yea, I think that was her name.”

“Sounds about right, I’m pretty sure she propositioned at least one other couple that night,” he says with a laugh. “Sorry, go on.”

“Well, we turned her down, but the idea stuck with us. And then when Mitch’s mom was sick, and we were staying with them we met Y/N. And I thought maybe she’d be the perfect person for us to explore and have some fun with.”

“Wait, so it was a sexual thing originally?” you ask, not having known that before.

“Just at the very beginning,” Mitch immediately reassures you.

“Honestly, I’m weirdly flattered by that,” you say with a laugh. It boosted your ego a bit to learn they found you that attractive, even at your first meeting. You look back at Sarah, encouraging her to keep telling the story.

“And then Y/N started coming by more often, eating dinner with the family and checking on Tammy. I’d say we became friends pretty quickly.” You and Mitch nod in agreement.

“After Tammy’s cancer was cured, she and Mark went away with friends for the weekend. I saw this as an opportunity for the three of us to have some alone time, so we invited Y/N to stay with us. We spent Saturday together and then had some dinner at home and then we uh, we were all kissing.”

“I’m wildly curious how you get from dinner with your neighbor to kissing.”

You blush slightly and let out a chuckle, remembering what it was that started everything that evening. You look to Mitch with your eyebrows raised.

Adding to the story for the first time Mitch says, “Well, Y/N had been pretty open and vulnerable about her family situation earlier in the day and she wanted us to share something about ourselves. And I told her about us.”

“Us?” Harry questions. “Us like you and me? In Jamaica?”

“Yup.” he replies.

“And then what?”

You blush deeper as Mitch answers, “Obviously the first thing she asked was what it’s like to kiss you. Then immediately followed that up with wondering what it was like to kiss me.”

Everyone’s eyes are on you, amused looks on their faces and you say, “Yea I had absolutely zero brain to mouth filter that day.”

“Thank goodness for that,” Sarah says. “I told her that if she really wanted to know what it was like to kiss Mitch, she could find out for herself. And so, she did, and then I got to kiss her and yea. That’s how it started.”

“And how did it become an official relationship?”

“It was about a week or so later that we stayed at her apartment for a couple days and went on our first official date.”

“Which I didn’t know was a date until after,” you add.

“We literally took you to the fanciest restaurant in town, I still don’t know how you didn’t pick up on that,” Mitch says.

“Why would I assume a married couple is taking me on a date? Maybe I thought you had high standards for dining after traveling the world?”

“That is fair,” Harry says on your behalf.

Sarah finishes the story saying, “Well we cleared everything up that night and made the relationship official. It not exactly uncomplicated, but we love each other, and we’re happy.”

You smile and the blush which had been fading from your cheeks comes back in full force at the word love. Sarah leans over to press a quick kiss to your lips before Mitch does the same.

Harry smiles watching the interaction and says, “Thank you guys for trusting me with the whole story. I meant what I said yesterday. You seem great for each other and I’m truly happy.”

“I’m sorry that’s how you found out,” you say.

“I promise we were going to tell you soon,” Mitch adds. “We were just trying to find a good time.”

“No, it’s fine. I completely understand. I know how careful you need to be when talking about relationships.”

“Thank you,” Sarah says.

Harry’s watch starts beeping and he says, “Sorry, I need to start getting ready for later. Mitch, can you help me clean up? Sarah why don’t you and Y/N take a look at the flowers in the back over there. The ones you recommended are blooming beautifully.”

Everyone stands up, the boys grabbing the remnants of breakfast while Sarah slides her hand into yours. The two of you take a moment admiring the landscaping and literally stopping to smell the flowers.

Meanwhile Harry and Mitch are in the kitchen when Harry says, “I can’t believe us hooking up 7 years ago would lead to you in a poly relationship.”

“That’s- yea I guess that’s true. Crazy how these things work.”

“Do you ever think about it?”

“Think about what?” Mitch asks.

“Jamaica. What we had together.” Harry keeps busy, handwashing their mugs so he doesn’t have to look at Mitch while he asks this.

“Of course, Harry. Are you okay, man?”

Harry turns to face Mitch, leaning back against the counter and crossing his arms. “Yea, I guess maybe I’m just jealous? And I don’t even know who I’m jealous of? Like, when I met Y/N I kind of had a crush on her, but also, I know that you and I are compatible, and I’ve always admired Sarah. And at the same time maybe it’s just been so long since I’ve had a real meaningful relationship that I’m lonely and seeing you all so happy made me realize how alone I’ve been.”

Mitch looks at Harry for a moment, trying to figure out how to respond. He isn’t quite sure what to say so he instead walks over to wrap him in a hug. Harry immediately responds by winding his arms around Mitch’s waist and holding him close.

“You’re not alone,” Mitch says. “You always have us, understand? Me, and Sarah, and Y/N.”

“I know. It’s just not the same.” Mitch steps back to give Harry some space and a questioning look. “When you met Sarah, I knew right away that you two were perfect together. And I never really considered it, but I guess I thought that if you ever wanted to add someone to your relationship, that maybe- maybe it would be me.” He gets quieter as he says this to the point where he’s almost whispering at the end.

“I never knew you felt that way.”

“I never really thought you’d open your relationship to anyone else.”

“We didn’t plan for it to happen, honestly.”

“I know. And you couldn’t have known how I felt. I ended things after Jamaica and pushed you towards Sarah.”

“Still, I should’ve checked in with you more.”

“It’s okay, Mitch. I’m okay, really. I promise.”

“And we’re good?”

“Of course we are. You’re my best friend. Nothing can change that.”

Mitch pulls Harry in for another hug, pressing a kiss to his cheek and saying a quiet, “I love you man. Always have. Always will.”

“I love you too,” Harry replies.

They pull away and finish drying the clean mugs before putting them back in the cabinet.

You and Sarah decide this is the time to enter the kitchen, having witnessed most of the conversation unbeknownst to Mitch and Harry.

“Your azalea bush is amazing Harry,” Sarah says to announce your presence to the boys.

“Thank you! It just started blooming when we got back to London, like it wanted to make sure I saw it,” Harry says with a laugh.

“Oh, I’m sure it did,” you say. “My grandparents’ forsythia bush would always be at its peak exactly on Easter when we all went over for dinner, like it wanted to be seen by as many people as possible.”

Mitch glances at the clock and says, “We should start heading back, we’re getting short on time.”

“Yea, I have to hop in the shower soon. Thank you guys again for coming over and telling me the whole story. I’ll see you all in a few hours?”

“We’ll see you then,” Sarah says leaning in to give Harry a hug. He hugs you and Mitch as well you all start your walk back to the hotel.

The conversation stays light during the walk, but once back in the room Sarah turns to Mitch and says, “In the spirit of full honesty, Y/N and I overheard your conversation with Harry. And I’m a bit worried about him.”

Mitch nods and replies, “I know he says he’s okay, but yea, he has been alone for a while.” He pauses for a moment before continuing, “I mean the signs were there. Have been there. And I missed them.”

“Like that kiss with Emily in Tokyo. That was really out of character for him,” Sarah says.

“I just wish I had known how he really felt about us all this time. I would’ve- We could’ve. I don’t know. Just, done something.”

You’ve been watching them quietly but hearing this sends some doubts through you. “If you had known, do you think maybe you would’ve included him to your relationship?”

“Maybe?” Mitch replies. You start to get lost in your thoughts, wondering what would’ve happened with you if Harry was the third person in their relationship. Would they have still wanted you?

Sensing your spiral of thoughts and practically reading your mind, Sarah says, “Okay, this isn’t helpful. We cannot change the past, and I wouldn’t want to. Not when all those decisions led us to Y/N.”

“You’re right,” Mitch says. “Absolutely right. As always.” He smiles at his wife, placing a kiss on her lips, then walking and doing the same to you.

“No changing the past,” you confirm. “Just figuring out what we can do for Harry now.”

“Did you catch the part when he said he has a crush on you, Y/N?” Mitch asks.

You blush and reply, “No, we must’ve come in right after that.”

Everyone’s quiet for a moment before Sarah says, “Take away his public persona, and the fact that you’re in a relationship with us. Based on the time you’ve spent with him on this trip, would you have a crush on him as well?”

“I mean, yea, I would. He’s a genuinely good person, that’s been easy to see this past week. He’s funny, and he’s kind, and yea.” You cut yourself off before you continue to ramble to your boyfriend and girlfriend about another man.

“And he’s confirmed liking all three of us. And all three of us like him.” Sarah states.

“What are you getting at?” Mitch asks.

“Is four people in a relationship crazy?” She questions.

“A couple months ago I would’ve said three people is crazy,” you answer. “But we’ve made it work.”

“To clarify, you’re suggesting that the solution to the Harry problem is to, what, add him to our relationship?” Mitch asks.

“It’s not a bad solution,” you reply. “I love you both, so much. And I can tell he loves you guys as well. And you both definitely love him, that’s easy to see. And it solves the problem with the public too.”

“You lost me at the end,” Mitch says.

“Eventually people are going to pick up on me following you guys around everywhere. This tour might be ending but we all know he’s gonna tour again soon enough and you guys are going to be with him. Privately all four of us would be together but publicly, it could be you two and then me and Harry.”

“That does make sense,” Sarah says.

“So, wait. Hold on. Is this something we all want to do? Ask Harry to be a part of our relationship?”

“I think we should give it a try,” Sarah says.

“I’m open to it,” you say.

You and Sarah turn to Mitch, who stands quietly for a minute. She places her hand on his arm, and he starts to nod, a small smile on his face. “Okay. Yea. Let’s do this. But how?”

“I guess we just tell him that it’s an option for him and let him decide.”

At this moment there’s a knock at the door and Sarah goes to answer. She comes back a minute later and says, “Vans are leaving earlier than planned. We need to be downstairs in an hour.”

“sh*t, that’s not a lot of time,” Mitch says.

“Group shower? Save time?” You suggest.

They both burst out laughing at your cheeky proposition.

“Yes, group shower. But no funny business!” Sarah says.

The shower only has minor funny business and ends with a blast of cold water to cool everyone down quickly. You get dressed and do your makeup but run out of time before you’re able to do your hair, settling to run a brush through and hope it air dries okay.

Sarah sees your dilemma and asks, “Want me to braid it for you when we get there?”

You smile and nod before grabbing your bag and heading out with them. The drive to Wembley takes longer today, since they need to take a detour due to an accident, so you end up arriving at the same time as usual.

Sarah braids your hair as promised then pulls Mitch’s hair back into a neat, low bun. After getting partially ready they realize there’s still 20 minutes until Yaffra goes on to open the show. You decide to find Harry and see if he’s able to talk, not wanting to delay the conversation.

The three of you walk down the hall to Harry’s dressing room and Sarah knocks lightly. You hear a quiet “come in” and open the door.

“Oh, hey guys, didn’t expect to see you all again so soon,” he says with a light chuckle as you walk in the room. Mitch closes the door behind him allowing for privacy.

“We wanted to talk to you about something,” Sarah says.

“Sure, what is it?”

There’s a moment of awkward silence, no one sure how to approach this topic.

“You know that we’re always there for you, right?” Mitch says.

“Yea, you said that earlier,” Harry says, slightly confused.

“And you said that we’re not there for you the same way as we’re there for each other. But, we can be. It can be the same.”

“Mitch, what exactly are you saying?”

Sarah walks to Harry, almost reaching to lay a hand on his arm but deciding against it. “He’s saying that we talked about the conversation you two had earlier. About your feelings towards all of us. And we realized that we feel the same way.”

“What does that mean?”

“It means, that we would love for you to be a part of this relationship.”

Harry’s quiet for a moment, looking between the three of you.

Sensing his hesitation Mitch adds, "It's completely up to you. Take some time and think about it."

“Okay. I will. It’s just a lot. But you’re all on board with this?”

“100 percent,” you answer.

Having said what needed to be said Mitch pulls Harry in for a hug. You hear him quietly say, “No matter what, we all care about you. You are never alone.” Harry grips him tight and nods into his neck. When they break apart Sarah reaches out to hold him. She steps away and you wrap your arms around his waist, your head resting on his shoulder. It’s one of the best hugs you’ve ever received, and you want to test the theory about him never pulling away first but you know it’s almost time for everyone to go out and watch Yaffra so you reluctantly break the hug.

“Thank you all so much for your care and support. I promise I’ll think about what you said.”

A second later someone knocks at the door, and the moment is broken. The final night at Wembley must continue. Everyone collects themselves and walks outside as though nothing happened- as though two of Harry’s band members didn’t just invite him to join their relationship.

That night is as wonderful as all the others. You watch Harry out of the corner of your eye during Yaffra and Pauli’s sets. While he is very focused on supporting them both, you also see him glancing over at you, Mitch, and Sarah.

They all leave to get ready, and you watch Wet Leg; you’ve slowly become obsessed with them and their music.

You’ve been allowed a very special spot that night, sitting in front of the Johnny’s Place barricade. You questioned the security guard who led you over there, but he assured you that you wouldn’t block anyone, nor would you be in the way, so you just accepted this gift.

The second Harry walks onstage your jaw nearly drops. He’s been wearing the heart covered overalls in different colors all week, and you expected him to wear it again. What you didn’t expect was for him to go without the shirt underneath. He spots you in the audience, sending you a quick wink.

It’s a truly amazing show, with a few moments that stand out. Sweet Creature is sung beautifully, and you can’t help but notice a couple of looks shared between Harry and Sarah. Matilda once again hits you differently, as you find yourself hopeful that maybe your family will be growing even more soon.

Halfway through the show Harry takes time to interact with the crowd, and before moving on he says, “Now there’s one more thing I’d like to do tonight. It’s a special night, it’s our fourth and final night here at Wembley Stadium. This morning-” he cuts himself off and turns towards the back and says, “How you feeling Mitch?” For a brief moment you almost panic, wondering what in the world he’s going to say about Mitch and that morning.

Harry continues, “This morning I received a very special delivery. It’s a gift for Mr. Mitchell Rowland.” The next thing you know, Harry’s presenting Mitch with his very own Grammy Award. You start cheering along with the rest of the crowd, possibly louder than anyone else around you. Harry and Mitch embrace on stage, and it’s easy to see the connection the two have, both as collaborators and friends- and maybe something more.

The show continues and the moment the rain begins to fall during Sign of the Times your only thought is that Harry must be able to control the weather. The moment is simply too perfect.

The time between the show ending and you all making it back to the hotel room is a blur. Everyone is hopped up on adrenaline from completing four perfect shows at Wembley Stadium.

Walking down the hallway to the hotel room, you’re surprised to see someone at the door to the room. You’re more surprised when you realize the person standing there is Harry.

Without a word Mitch opens the door and the four of you walk in.

“I thought about what you guys said earlier,” Harry starts immediately.

“Will you be staying with us tonight?” Sarah says with a hopeful lilt in her voice.

“No,” he answers. Seeing the immediate looks of disappointment on your faces he continues, “Not tonight. I thought about the option you gave me, and I want to try it. But not until tour is over. It has to be my priority right now. And when we do this, I want to do it right. Give this relationship the attention it deserves. Does that make sense?”

“Yes, Harry, it makes complete sense,” Sarah replies.

“I really want this to work out.”

“We do too,” you say.

“Okay. Great. My car is waiting downstairs so I should get going. Could we maybe hang out next week?”

“Of course, we’d love that,” Mitch answers.

You all hug him before he leaves, each embrace longer than the ones before, no one waiting to pull away and watch him leave. But eventually he does, and the three of you take turns getting ready for bed.

You lay in silence and reflect on the past 24 hours. You think of the previous night’s activities, and the declarations of love that followed.

You turn to face Mitch and say, “I love you,” before pressing a kiss to his lips.

“I love you too baby,” he replies when you break apart.

You turn over to Sarah and do the same.

You’ve always disliked the term “making love” but you find that it’s the only way to accurately describe what happens next. You feel even closer, even more connected with them than you have before.

You fall asleep that night happier and more hopeful than you’ve felt in years.


AN: Thanks you so much for reading this chapter! Mitch's first solo single, Come June, is out now! Go listen if you haven't yet!

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Name: Tuan Roob DDS

Birthday: 1999-11-20

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Introduction: My name is Tuan Roob DDS, I am a friendly, good, energetic, faithful, fantastic, gentle, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.